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Orbi disconnecting continously

I just bought an Orbi Router + satellite, the first 2 weeks where a dream, excelent speed, WiFi everywhere and almost no hickups, but it had been already 2 weeks of nightmare, disconects every 20 minutes and it reconnect by itself after 5 minutes
I have already called support twice and the have only been able to verify together with me that the firmware is up to date and they ask to change the 5ghz and 2.4ghz channel with no success at all
My configuration is a ads connection to a dlink router and the Orbi connected as ap to the router, from the Orbi I have wired connected a 1gig switch with all the wired conections
I have checked that the problem is not the Internet provider, no desconection on the last 7 days
Please someone HELP
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