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Forced Firmware Update on MR1100 Bricked the hotspot

So I was listening to music as I usually do, and suddenly I am no longer on the internet. I look at the hotspot and notice it says it is "updating device" and "Pleasedo not power off". So I let it sit there and it never advances past 25% completion of the blue line. I wait and wait and nothing. So I view your support forums and this appears to be a thing. You (Netgear) force a firmware update and it causes these hotspots to brick. Nothing will allow them to recover from this, it is bricked and no longer able to be used, according to your own support folks. The 2 little arrows in the circle pattern should be rotating to indicate that it is in fact in progress. They aren't. You cannot reset it, you cannot reboot it, you can remove the sim card which I advise to use in the next one. Thanks for this, just what we need in our lives more problems.

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
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