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Orbi network -- IP address conflicts (AC2200/RBK33)

I have several devices in my home using the Orbi router in both wired and wireless connections. For most of the wired devices – Tivo, AppleTV, Mac desktop – I've switched them to static IP addresses because they kept having IP address conflicts; they work great now. However, sometimes with my wireless devices — iPhones, laptops, iPads — I get an IP address conflict. Usually after a device has left the Wifi network or had wifi switched off; I'll see an error message that says "Another device is using this IP address." I'll then have to wait until the router refreshes the DHCP lease and assigns a new IP address.


Is there something in the settings, possibly under 'Advanced', to force the router to expand the IP address range or else automatically apply a new IP address in case of a conflict? I have 16 devices in the house and only 6-7 are wireless -- there should be plenty of room in the IP allocation to handle everything, so how can I preemptively avoid these conflicts? I'm upgrading from my previous router (Spectrum Arri unit) which is now just the modem, but I never had this many IP address conflicts on the old equipment. 





Model: RBR20|Orbi AC2200 Tri-band WiFi Router
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