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ReadyNAS Duo v2 - cannot access in Windows 10

Hardware: ReadyNAS Duo v2 - firmware 5.3.8

My ReadyNAS has stopped working with Windows 10 on my two Windows PCs (one 20H2 and the other 21H1).

I can still connect to it and access files from my iPad and AppleTV (using Infuse media player and File Browser app).

Browsing to the admin page fails with a "Can't reach this page... <ip addrress> refused to connect" using Chrome, Edge(chromium), or Firefox

Trying to view using File explorer reports "Windows cannot access ..." - I have tried using the name (\\readynas) and the IP address (\\

SMB 1.0 support is enabled in Windows.

I can ping the IP address OK. It's a fixed IP address.

RAIDar on the Windows PC can see the drive and report its Healthy status, but also cannot access it's Admin Page, or browse the files.


Any ideas as to what's wrong?






Model: RND2000v2|ReadyNAS Duo v2 Chassis only
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