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How bad can customer support be?

I am mismerized by how bad Netgear cusotmer support is. My cable model is defective and they don't wan't to replace. So I had to call Xfinity to, together with the Netgear support, go over the case. Finally we concluded my Modem needed to be replaced. The technitian said he was going to call me the next day, after getting approval from his supervisor, and go over the logistics to replace the Modem. The ticket 44866608 was opened but never updated, I have never heard back. After investing 2 1/2 hours of my time to replace a defective product they will won't replace it. If I call them again, the soap opera continues. WORST customer service ever. They simply don't care. I can't believe I am the only one with such a horrible experience. If anyone from Netgear is reading this, I would appreciate an uptate on case 44866608.

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