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Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Registration and Un Registering products Help

We recently updated our support site to now allow customers to unregister their products via mynetgear.com. Please follow the steps listed below to remove products from your account.



Log into my.netgear.com
Scroll down and click View Product button for the product you wish to remove from your account
Scroll down and click "Unregister Product" in grey (below the "Community Links" button)
You will be asked to confirm you want to unregister your product (*Unregistering your product will remove the product from your account. It may be re-registered to the same account. If it is re-registered to another account, any warranty will not be transferable, per the NETGEAR warranty.)
Click "Yes, unregister my product"


If you are still having issues registering or unregistering your devices please check out the KB below as it has an Email address to contact.






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