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Meural Canvas II | SD cards and playlists.



Need some help with SD cards.


1.  How many folders can be created on the SD card?

  • I see some posts saying you can have 2, 3, or 4 folders on the SD card (e.g meural1, meural2, meural3, and meural4). 
  • I have two canvases and both have SD cards with 4 folders.  However both canvases only display meural1 and meural2 via the Meural Browse feature (i.e., meural3 and meural4 are not displayed)

1.  Is is possible to create playlist from photos in the meural1 SD folder?  I would like to schedule when the photos on my SD card display on my meural.  Seems this needs to be done via a playlist but I can't find that in the Scheduler tool.




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