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RBS750 - Satellite "Connected" But Not Showing Up

Found that 2 of my 3 satellites were not connected.  I tried to sync continuously with no avail.  I eventually reset the entire system at the router and each of the satellites.  2 still fail to connect (following all steps of power-cycle, resetting the satellite, etc).  The weird thing is that I can connect my computer directly to the satellite and the satellite is still (without a wired connection) communicating with the router and I'm able to access the internet. 


So - it seems that my satellite is connected to the router....but it does not show up in network maps on the app nor via orbilogin.  I'm not sure if it is a firmware issue?  I'm on:




If so, is there is a means of direct connecting to the 2 satellites to update them?  Again, I'm not able to discover nor sync to them, but somehow they are still communicating with the router to provide a connection.



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