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ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Netgear can't be bothered to even put up a "ReadyNAS has been removed" page where the login used to be.  You just get routed to the main Netgear page.


The Forum is now going to be flooded by users creating new chains about their inability to log in because they can't be bothered to read before they post.


The absolute stupidity of Netgear management does not cease to amaze me.  Are they getting paid to run the company into the ground?


  1. That they stopped ReadyCLOUD at all was a bad move.  If converted to a subscription service, I bet a lot of folks would have signed up.
  2. And no other alternative either. 
  3. No email to users, all of whom are logging in via their email account name, is inexcusable.  You think everyone uses the ReadyCLOUD portal or this forum to see the announcements?  If you do, you are clueless about your customers.
  4. And now, those who will finally be forced to try and use the portal get nothing, ultimately sending them here where, frankly, the current set of moderators is already ill equipped.

Management may think this is just a small number of users, and maybe it is.  But I feel certain the ill will this creates will see a multiplying effect.  I hope the customer base takes this as a sign of Netgear's total lack of customer focus and goes elsewhere for everything.  I know I will.


Anyone want to bet against this forum being the next casualty?

Who Me Too'd this topic