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Nighthawk M6 Pro Unlocked Hotspot 5G mmWave

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100


Message 51 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 52 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

AT&T Self Serve Unlock Code Process Website (ATT)

Link to AT&T's self serve unlock process tool:

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 53 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Alread tired this, it will not work when the IMEI is associated with a telephone number that I am not associated with, the telephone number is with OTR using AT&T network.   I also talked direct with AT&T support, OTR needs to release the number first, then maybe the AT&T website will work.  I cannot do that now, this is our only source of internet, I cannot afford to be disconnected and then find out I am still unable to unlock the MR1100.  I am going to purchase another LTE modem as the backup plan, wether i stay with OTR in the long run i do not know, AT&T network is reliable and have had no issue with it.  I have no experiance with T-Mobile

Message 54 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Guys, you can keep posting that link to AT&T ad nauseum.  IT'S NEVER GOING TO WORK FOR NIGHTHAWKS PURCHASED FROM OTR MOBILE. 


According to AT&T, the numbers associated with those devices belonged to TELEPHONES and should never have been associated with hotspots.  AT&T WILL NOT UNLOCK THEM.






As far as I know, your choices are limited to dc-unlocker and some other company that purports to provide unlock codes for these devices.

I'm not sure what dc-unlocker is, but I found posts elsewhere that it's a group in Lithuania.  To use them you have to go through some process of getting "credits", possibly some cyber currency, and whatever you give them is GONE whether they provide you with a successful unlock or not.  There are LOTS of posts in various places from angry, frustrated people that WEREN'T successful getting unlocked by dc-unlocker.  Others HAVE been successful.  I haven't tried to unlock mine yet so I don't know if dc-unlocker is a total scam, a reliable company, or something in between.



Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 55 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I did not purchase my MR1100 from OTR, but it is branded AT&T and locked.

Message 56 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Don't unlock with phone number!!!

Unlock using the IMEI number of the device only!!!

Do it yourself, might get blacklisted:

Buy AT&T Device Unlock from ebay 👍
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 57 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Gypsywireless.com seems to use AT&T's Enterprise Plan
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 58 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 59 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Depending on where you bought it, from a retailer, AT&T or one of the companies that sold them as part of fraudulent plans, AT&T may unlock it...  But if it's not a legitimate AT&T device it's not going to make a bit of difference whether you use the IME OR the phone number when you try to unlock it at AT&T...


Had a lengthy conversation a couple days ago with one of their people who provided some information about what was actually going on with a bunch of resellers...  Dead phone numbers, phone numbers belonging to a phone, IMEIs that have been spoofed...  AT&T isn't going to help.


Been there, done both, makes NO difference.


And yes, CellCorner is the other one...  Before you give them money, look around for posts about the success people have had with them...




Message 60 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Update: Successfull unlocked.


After OTR mobile released the AT&T number associated with my MR1100, approximately 48 hours, the AT&T unlock portal accepted my request to unlock via IME number.  Then 48 hours later it was approved and i was sent an unlock code and instructions.   Putting in a new sim card shows the modem locked, access the MR1100 admin page gives me the option to enter an unlock code and submit and it was accepted.  Unsure if one needs to do so every time the sim is changed or not.


No need to pay a third part many dollars to get software that will not even work as dc-unlocker.

Message 61 of 66

cellcorner unlock code for AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I purchased a unlock code through cellcorner which provided me with unlock software, no instructions 


Model: Dual Band
Message 62 of 66

Re: cellcorner unlock code for AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

This whole unlock situation has been a monumental pain in the behind for a LOT of people.  And having to play games giving crypto-currency to a bunch of foreign hackers and hope they actually provide what you need to make your device usable is repugnant.


At this point I know of people that STAYED with a provider that used AT&T because getting their device unlocked was so onerous.

In theory, My Nighthawk is unlocked, but since I'm not connected to any network with the Nighthawk right now - I got the T-Mobile Sim from OTRMobile while I was still a member but the repeatedly promised Static IP was never provided and eventually I cancelled and went elsewhere.


But, the whole OTRMobile situation was a good learning experience about trusting any of these Internet snake-oil salespeople.

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 63 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

If it's an unlocked netgear device then check signal if it's connected, check if Tmobile plan is active, or download Netgear Mobile App and reboot there.

If it's a AT&T locked device then go to the AT&T link below to unlock:

Use the web browser and go to, Or download and use Netgear Mobile app to reboot device. Then enter code.
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 64 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

AT&T UNLOCK Self Serve Portal page:
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 65 of 66

Re: cellcorner unlock code for AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

AT&T Self Serve Unlock Page:
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 66 of 66
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