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How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100


Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I understand all of those things but they have treated their customers like crap this past month. Weekly updates on what they were doing would be helpful. Time frames of expectations would be nice. They made promises they couldn't keep. Plain and simple. "Morgan" also promised me that I'd have my unlock code in a hopefully a few days but it could be as long as 10 days (that was March 17).

Beyond that, when they realized that they couldn't perform as promised, how about offering the TMOBILE devices at a discounted rate. Or releasing the devices from their ATT account such that individuals could request them. Or offer a discounted refund to ship the nighthawk back to them so we can buy the next device. You seem not as frustrated, but I've been without Internet (other than my cell phone) since March 14 due to a "billing error" that Morgan said they "couldn't fix".

I also was directed to DC-unlocker and refuse to use a website that shady.

I have no sympathy for the company as they have been telling their customers lies since the beginning of March. They only decided to show some honesty towards the end when it was really too late and majority of people had switched. Unfortunately for everyone it seems as if OTR might have the best plan. Although if it doesn't work what is the point in having them??

I have been looking into other companies. I noticed infiniteLTE seemed to have a decent plan. I haven't seen many others.
Message 26 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I don't disagree.  There's a lot OTR Mobile could have done to lessen the impact of this situation.  It's unfortunate they didn't do more. 

It will be interesting to see how they fare going forward...

Message 27 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Ha. As an update, OTR has charged my card for auto renewal while freely admitting they can't provide service as promised. They can offer a "credit" to my account but will only offer a 60 dollar refund if I cancel, not the full 120 they have charged. The customer service persons response was "our terms and conditions state that service may not work we would only offer the 60 dollars because of the situation. Unreal......

In other news, has anyone heard of this company https://neverthrottled.com/ ? Seems like they use ATT towers, devices and SIM cards.

Message 28 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I may be a little jaded and cynical after the experience with OTR Mobile, but...


I never heard of them 'til your post.  Took a look.  Their equipment prices are WAY high.  And their monthly is 40% higher than OTR Mobile.  But at least they're on AT&T, not T-Mobile.  'Course depending on whether they're legit or doing whatever OTR Mobile was doing that got them expelled from AT&T, they could go boots up any minute.


If you've got your own equipment so they can only nail you for $30 to activate on top of the $85/mo, it may be worth a try, but I wouldn't dump hundreds on equipment from another one of these places.

Message 29 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Understand being jaded. For sure, I am too. But I don't have any real options at this point. And they're only 40% higher than OTR until May, at which point even legacy plans are increasing. At this point OTR has stolen $120 from me so the reality is, OTR'S price doesn't really matter since they can't deliver on a product. FYI, there is now an entire facebook page dedicated to people that OTR screwed over and it doesn't look pretty.

I looked at mobilemusthave.com and their plan for att devices (since I can't get mine unlocked) is $99 for the first month and $120 for each month after.

I also went to cellcorner.com., it seemed a little better than DCunlocker (which is based in Lithuania btw). Cellcorner.com was based in Florida and said they could get an unlock code for $32. If you believe their sales pitch it takes anywhere from 2 to 12 business days.
Message 30 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

That's the dilemma - you don't have any good options!  Yeah, OTR Mobile is planning on increasing the price.  It may happen, it may not.  As tenuous as the connection people have with them at this point, a price increase, especially for service as mediocre as T-Mobile has been when I've tested it while traveling, may be the straw that finishes things.


And yeah, I've BEEN to OTRs Facebook page and it's NOT pretty... 


I also looked at mobilmusthave.com and thought they were ludicrously high, but if they can get away with it, that's what they'll charge. 


As for dc-unlocker, yeah, a quick look at their site should raise questions for a lot of people.  And taking a look at the folks who haven't been successful unlocking and are now screaming it's a scam should be another warning.  I haven't tried to unlock my Nighthawk yet, but I figure any day now AT&T is going to cut it off and I'll have to try dealing with some bunch of Internet scumbags and hope I get it unlocked. 


Good luck finding someplace reliable.


Message 31 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Sadly I think I am done with OTRMobile. Going to TMobile was a bad idea. Past month I have been disconnected every weekend, and with these netgear hotspots it is a chore to get it back on the internet (Same with ATT) but I have been disco'ed every weekend for the past month, and now the past 3 days. Got up this morning and it was out again. https://gypsywireless.com/ is ATT reseller $75 a month. They just raised their prices $10 a month as well. Sadly for me this is my only internet, but unlike some of you I "should" have gigafiber by summer, so I am just putting up with it. On Sunday the outage was TMobile themselves as my phone went out as well, it's on TMobile. My problem with OTRMobile seems to be same as most of you. They can blame this on Covid-19 all day, but not answering calls or chat on weekends, making promises of unlocks they haven't done, and now spotty service, doesn't inspire confidence. Need chat expect to wait 3 hours if you even get in the chat queue. 

Message 32 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I gave DC-Unlocker a try, I have downloaded thier client, it cannot see the modem, either access denied from current user or not found when running under admin.  There instructions are not clear at all, especially when instructing one to connect the usb connector and upload the software.  Have a question in to see what they suggest.


And yes, i think i have lost the money so beware.  There cost is 10 Euro for the MR1100, but one has to go thru HiPoint (something like PayPal for the EU) which wants a credit card, that costs a $10 cash equivilent + $2.00 min interest fee on tope of the $0.99 fee to euros so total cost was $20.99 without a solution.

The AT&T sim is still working, and have not have any issues with it.

Does anyone know why Netgear cannot just reset the firmware to make it unlocked/unbranded?


Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 33 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I believe Netgear could, but has refuses to do so.  It's been requested.  The idea that the company that made the device, and has the serial number can't unlock it is silly.  Or that if the serial and IMEI were provided by the purchaser they couldn't generate an unlock code...  Equally silly.


Same for OTR Mobile - When they got removed from AT&T and it came time to unlock all those devices they sold, they tried to pass it off to anybody else on the planet rather than accepting the responsibility.


Add your name to the growing list of people that WEREN'T successful getting your Nighthawk unlocked at DC-unlocker.  You have to admit, they've got a GREAT scam going...  Money's gone and no possible way to recover it.  They can send you whatever they want, working or not, and you're stuck with a $250+ hockey puck that's dead on AT&T and wasn't successfully unlocked so it'll work on T-Mobile.  I'd guess, though, that OTR Mobile would sell you a NEW device that DOES work on T-Mobile...

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 34 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Fwiw, I gave up on OTR. They essentially stole $120 from me, i.e. they refuse to refund my money even though I never was able to access the internet. I switched over to neverthrottled. They have been relatively responsive via email and they use ATT towers so the device doesn't have to be unlocked.

According to them, their plans are "actual" hotspot plans cmpared to other competitors. I actually believe them because the info on my nighthawk actually shows up differently than it did with OTR.

Also, fyi, it looks like you get 22 GB of data with neverthrottled and then it is deprioritized, meaning it only slows down if the tower gets congested and speeds back up once the tower frees up. So far I am just under 100 GB and haven't had a slowdown yet.
Message 35 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Interesting...  If OTR charged you for a product or service that didn't work, it seem like time for a call to the credit card company to see if the charge can be disputed.


As for "neverthrottled"...  Again, interesting - this time that their name is for 22GB BEFORE YOU CAN BE THROTTLED...  And "it hasn't happened yet" isn't any comfort 'cause any time they choose, they CAN for any reason they'd like.  Which is pretty much the same BS Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile ALL do with their "unlimited" plans...  "Why yes, your plan is unlimited.  You get 15GB of data and after that we may throttle you down to 600KB." 


It seems like there are quite a few of these "third parties" showing up, selling AT&T or Verizon (and maybe T-Mobile).  I'm not sure if they'e reputable and legitimate or not.  Many have a very simple website, often with NO phone.  And no way to reach a human for help when there's a problem.  I was dumb enough to THINK OTR Mobile was legitimate...  Right up 'til they screwed umpteen customers  by moving to an inferior network and RAISING their prices.  I'm a lot more cynical now about these places that purport to provide unlimited service on AT&T or Verizon... 

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 36 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Agreed about the 3rd parties. Unfortunately I don't have much of a choice. If ATT internet or ATT fixed wireless would hurry up and make it across the country Id have no problem going with them. And I would say this plan is a little different than verizons. My parents have a verizon hotspot, and as soon as they hit 15 GB it throttles them until the next billing cycle. There's no up and down. I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just sharing some the info.

And I have reported OTR mobile to the Consumer Protection Division of the States Attorney Generals Office regarding them offering a fraudulent product and not returning money when they could not deliver. We will see if that goes anywhere.
Message 37 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Who gave you the unlock code?  We tried AT&T and they are clueless.  Did you get it from T-Mobile?

Message 38 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Go to ATT.com/unlock I personally called ATT CS said i need to get my ATT branded netgear night hawk unlocked, gave my email address and a day or 2 later got a unlock code. BE WARNED with Covid-19 still going on ATT has reduced staff and pretty seems as tho they don't answer calls right now. Best if you can to use the automated route. 

Message 39 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

That is sometimes a workable option IF you have an "ATT Branded" unit.  As far as I know, for anything else, say a Nighthawk that's locked to AT&T but purchased from OTR Mobile, you're screwed.  AT&T won't help.

Message 40 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

are you saying your nighthawk is not ATT branded, but locked to ATT??

Message 41 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Also if bought from OTR they will unlock it

Message 42 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Have you ever actually TALKED to OTR Mobile in the last 6 weeks?  Even by chat?  And gotten a person to provide you with an unlock code to a Nighthawk THEY sold?  'Cause there are thousands of OTR Mobile customers out there who have been told to go to dc-unlocker to get their devices unlocked.  OTR Mobile will not unlock your device.  The company they "contracted with" isn't doing it.  The SECOND company they contracted with quit.  And OTR Mobile sent an announcement to everyone TELLING US they would NO LONGER BE UNLOCKING DEVICES.  "Go to dc-unlocker"...  Which is a "company" in Lithuania that takes the money and in SOME cases provides an unlock code, and in other cases just takes the money. 


So, if you KNOW how to get an unlock code from OTR Mobile there are a bunch of people out here that would like that information.  So please elaborate.


As for having AT&T unlock it, good luck.  Many have tried, most have failed, myself included.  The "normal" procedure of going through AT&T DOES NOT WORK.  It says the "device is owned by someone else"...  So again, if you have a guaranteed method of getting AT&T to unlock a Nighthawk sold by OTR Mobile, please elaborate...  A bunch of extremely pissed off OTR Mobile customers (or former customers) would love the information.

Message 43 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

My boyfriend is a network engineer so he is pretty savvy. 


" 'Cause there are thousands of OTR Mobile customers out there who have been told to go to dc-unlocker to get their devices unlocked."  Guess we are the exception to this because we never received any notice from OTR.    My boyfriend spent 6 hours on the chat with OTR last week trying to resolve the "unlock" issue and OTR only told us to call AT&T to unlock this device. If they would have people on chat that knew what they were doing, that would be most helpful!  We called AT&T and I knew that wouldn't work cause it's not owned by them right?  OTR never said to use dc-unlocker.  Not once!  I got this dc-unlocker suggestion from another user. We have the saved chats and OTR said they will send a new unlocked sim. Of course, it's not the Sim that is locked.   Now we paid for another device (because we wanted ours replaced under warranty since it didn't work and that is the answer we provided them) to be 2nd day air and should get a device that is NOT LOCKED per the OTR person.  Of course, I do not have faith in this but will just have to see if we get what we paid for on Wednesday.   We received our "new" sim in March but held off installing it because of other user's having lock issues under OTR's FB feed.   Only did so when a message came across from OTR to do so.


Will know more Wed IF we get the new unlocked device.

Message 44 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I'm not saying that, OTR said to call AT&T to unlock.  That, of course, was not a good answer.  Didn't work.  OTR is sending another unlocked device and we should get it Wed.  We will see.  I will use dc-unlocker now that I know about it if I need to.

Message 45 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

It was bought from OTR.  Spent $400 in Jan. They never said to send it back for them to unlock and the chat person (s) were no help.  

Message 46 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

I had enough of OTRmobile. They hooked me up to TMobile and then suddenly after a week, nearly no DN and Upload speeds. After a chat with OTR they assigned static IP addresses to both of my hotspots. Well one would ping Kansas which was ok not great, but the other Miami Florida. I called them they said we will unlock an HD feature on your SIM. REALLY? I am not that stupid lol. So next day ping again still Miami. I get in chat again. Their answer was we can't control where you ping ROFLMAO, wth do they think a static IP does? So I was like ok they have not a clue what they are doing and TMobile service probably in my area is just not going to work. Mind you I was fine till a Sunday and it dropped data. Did it again next 4 days and since then the pings are over 1000 and ups and downs are near 0 or are 0 on uploads. Since they don't know what they are doing, I just said ok, well I am going back to ATT for $75 a month not OTR's ridiculous $90. The big problem I have with OTR is TMobile is always cheaper then ATT yet we were paying more for TMobile then for ATT. Their per month price should of gone down not up. I suspect they are trying to make more money. Anyways I cancelled both my accounts and moved them to a new 3rd party provider who uses ATT. All is back to normal. 🙂 


P.S. on the unlock code. OTR stated they would unlock all devices not just those purchased from them for free. Again sounds like they have no idea what they have said or what they are doing anymore. They removed the ability to cancel auto-pay 2 weeks ago (My brother was using them till yesterday) and they added a FUP/FAP at the bottom of the page. They have gone from unmanaged network with ATT to a managed one and now you can get throttled for heavy use. They don't state what detemines what the heavy data use limit is.

Message 47 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Can you provide the 3rd party name, it would be helpfull to me and others.


Message 48 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Rebooting MR1100 mobile router device via press and hold button does not work.
Instead do the following:

Reboot MR1100 mobile router device via router's settings.

- Go to Netgear's mobile router admin login page at and login.
- Then go to the three dots at upper right corner of dashboard page. Click on it.
- A drop down menu will appear, click on 'Reboot', mobile router device will reboot successfully.
It will detect the change of a SIM card.
Model: MR1100|Nighthawk M1 Mobile Router
Message 49 of 66

Re: How to get the unlock code prompt on AT&T Nighthawk MR1100

Perhaps you should have read the discussion about the modem being locked!  A hard reset does not have any affect on a locked modem recognizing another carriers SIM card.

Message 50 of 66
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