Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet


D7000 Connected but no internet

I have a D7000 router with firmware D7000_V1.0.1.68_1.0.1. The modem-router stays connected to my ISP (CenturyLink) and shows the internet connection solid. The attached device  about every 24 hours will say (both wired and wireless) no internet available. I have checked the logs is shows a few [DoS attack: ACK Scan]from sources: 

Router Data IP Address IP Owner Name DOS Attack IP Orgin
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:34:34 Amazon   Portland Ore
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 01:27:29 McAfee   Santa Clara, CA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan]from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 05:54:11 RealHost Anti-DDoS Infrastructure   France
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 01:25:49 Microsoft Corporation   California USA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:38:36 Amazon   Netherlands
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:38:15 Amazon   Netherlands
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:37:47 Amazon   Netherlands
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:36:01 Amazon   Netherlands
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:34:05 Amazon   Ashburn VA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 06:01:55 Microsoft Corporation   Des Moines Iowa, USA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 04:35:55 Amazon   Ashburn VA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 00:35:36 Amazon   Ashburn VA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 01:21:04 Amazon   Ashburn VA
[DoS attack: ACK Scan] from source: Thursday, November 08,2018 03:57:43 EchoStar Broadcasting Corperation

Cheyenne, Wyoming


I restart modem and internet services are again available for about another 24 hours. Also routers blocking of services is turned off.

Any input for a solutions would be greatly appreciated. 

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 1 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

@GlennD wrote:

I have a D7000 router with firmware D7000_V1.0.1.68_1.0.1. The modem-router stays connected to my ISP (CenturyLink) and shows the internet connection solid. The attached device  about every 24 hours will say (both wired and wireless) no internet available. I have checked the logs is shows a few [DoS attack

I doubt the DOS attacks have anything to do with your problem. What are "The attached device" [s?] that announce "no internet available"?


I have complained in other threads about having to restart my D7000, and I thought it had something to do with Beamforming because after I turned that off the thing worked reliably for months, although honestly we were NOT living here on a day-to-day basis. Now that we are back I have seen some lockups again, turned-off Beamforming again, and have a gnawing suspicion that my D7000 doesn't like it when I turn TorGuard VPN to On using my Apple iGizmos (iPhone and iPad). But it's just a hunch at this point.


Folks here will need A LOT MORE info from you about your clients and how your setup is used to suggest possible issues methinks.

Message 2 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

Loss of internet every 24 hours is familiar to me.

My ISP was the cause of disconnection when I had a similar issue.  When I first reported the issue they seemed suprised that I left it connected without rebooting for weeks on end, but now I do just that.

Try reporting the issue to your ISP, assume their servers are disconnecting you and ask them to fix it.

Message 3 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet


@GlennD wrote:

I have checked the logs is shows a few [DoS attack: ACK Scan]from sources:

Did you check those IP addresses?


I did. Some at least. Harmless. Amazon?


This is a usetul tool:


IPNetInfo: Retrieve IP Address Information from WHOIS servers


Message 4 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

Check if DNS has failed - my D7000 v1 crapped out yet again this morning - investigations on a couple of devices showed that traffic using direct IP address worked fine, but DNS resolution timed out.

Note that this is the DNS resolver/forwarder on the D7000 that has given up - not the downstream system. No logs on the D7000 to show anything specific.


my setup - D7000 does DHCP address allocation including DNS settings - which are hardwired to the D7000 it seems. The D7000 then does first hop DNS to an internal dnsmasq server OR my ISP as a backup. 


When 'internet is down daddy', ping to an extenal ip address works. nslookup via the D7000 doesn't. nslookup via the internal dnsmasq server works fine.



No idea if it is possible the hack dhcp on the D7000 to just offer the local box as the DNS server direct. I suspect I'll have to move to using the local box for DHCP as well, and leave the D7000 to VPN, NAT and modem use....

Message 5 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

Not being an expert on the D7000 my question is the D7000 failing as you indicated that you are going to us the ISP's modem? I went 2 weeks before my devices devices lost contectivity again yet the modem stayed connected to the internet. Do you think replacing the D7000 with the ISP's modem? I have a ISP's replacement modem an ACTIONTEC C3000T that I have been considering using as a replacement and then take the D7000 and make an access point out of it. Do you think the this will be a possible solution?

Model: D7000v1|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 6 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

To check if you have a failing DNS forwarder (modem is connected, ping to an ip address works, but not much else seems to):


From a machine with a CLI and nslookup comand:


nslookup <enter>

server <enter>

<nslookup should now tell you the IP address your machine wants to use for DNS lookups>

<if it is the ip address of your router/modem then continue the test - if it isn't something else is borked>

www.google.co.uk <enter>

<if the modem DNS has failed, this will eventually time out - continue with the test. if it hasn't you will get an IP Address>

server <enter>

<change the server to one supplied by google>

www,google.co.uk <enter>

<if the reply is instant, there is a good chance the DND forwarder has crashed - only option I know right now is to reboot the modem. If the lookup times out, something else is broken>


>Do you think the this will be a possible solution?

if your problem is the same as mine and the DNS forwarder keeps crashing, then using the ISP modem for DHCP and the D7000 just as an AP would presumably fix this (assuming no icapacity issues on the ISP modem. Just means you have an expensive AP.

Message 7 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

Hi Just to clarify my comment regarding an ISP router (I will refer to it as a router)


I had an issue whereby my ISP router lost connection once every 2 weeks or so, and gradually got worse, up to once a day.

I tried using a spare netgear router to connect to my ISP, same issue.

Any ISP will only offer support for their supplied router, no support for another make or model.

An ISP demarcation point / end of responsibility - is at 'their' supplied router, anything after that in your local network is your problem.

I managed to get an engineer visit, whereby if it was my equipment at fault I had to pay for the visit.  They replaced my telephone line and router - free.


I don't see enough information here to really help, though i'm no expert, but do have my own gigabit ethernet network with managed switch etc.


What I was suggesting was to install our ISP router for a while, to see if the issue goes away.  It looks like advice here is primarily just passing on other peoples experiences, rather than creating a fault finding method.  If the ISP router fails it may be the ISP servers that have the issue? or the phone line? or maybe it's your network setup. or the D7000?...


I wouldn't be concerned by the DOS attacks - we all see them if we look at logs - it is normal and does not mean you are being hacked.


You say devices report no internet

What is telling you that the router is connected to internet? a light? an external IP address in the router web management?

Are the local devices being issued a valid IP address (192.168.*.*) at that time of loss of internet (DHCP)?

Do you only have one DHCP server / gateway?

Do you have a setting for how long a device keeps its IP address, If say you are a business, with many transient / guest network users you could fill the router tables with devices and get locked out if they keep an IP address too long?

You mention having wired items - do they still communicate with each other and the router over LAN on internet lockout?

When no internet, can you look at the router web interface by typing its IP into a browser (router not locked up)?  Is that when you view the logs, or after reboot?

If no internet does a new device get an ip address (on phone - forget network and reconnect)? - how about if connecting a singular pc with no other LAN connections directly via ethernet to the router and checking the LAN IP and gateway issued, is valid for the network, does it make any difference to internet access?

Do you only have one WiFi access point - (the router), or many - if many how are they configured?  bridge mode?  Extend network?  Login to network? - a poor config could cause intermittent lock ups of the whole network.

Do you have any switches in circuit?  ensure only one path exists to the gateway, 2 ports of one switch connected to the same of another, causes a loop and can lock up a switch, commonly seen as 2 ethernet cables from say a desktop switch connected to 2 wall sockets. (unless sharing ports by relevant setup, to increase bandwith when communicating with a NAS or similar)

Are you just resetting the router or also a switch power supply?  Are switch port lights lit when no internet?  Are they static - or flashing / indicating traffic / date transfers?  Solid lights may indicate a frozen switch?

Did you ever factory reset the D7000?


The only things I see you have said are;

- intermittent loss of internet seen in local devices, but router shows connected to internet

- Looked at the logs and assumed dos attack relevant.


Need more info;

- How is your network configured?  eg. router LAN - single switch - PC's ; router supplies all wifi?

- Any  unusual settings / layout?  eg. using an old router as switch etc with DCHP enabled?


If your internet loss has become regular enough, try your ISP router for a while and prove the internet connection is good, but leave everyhting else the same for that test.  Then - if applicable - refit the D7000 and when it fails - check some of that mentioned above, to get a clear picture of what is happening.

I often see people say there's no internet, but actually mean there is no wifi etc.  

That's my advice.


If you changed something shortly before the issue, could that have caused it?


Incidentally, I don't have the D7000, but at this stage that is unimportant.


you did say "I went 2 weeks before my devices devices lost conectivity again yet the modem stayed connected to the internet", I assume the D7000 is the modem you refer to, and is connected directly to the internet?  You are not using a modem, followed by the D7000 I assume.

If you use the D7000 as an access point during ISP router testing, just ensure it is in bridge mode and gets its IP dynamically from the ISP router.


This won't fix it, but may help in the long run...   Good luck


Message 8 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

To answer the question how did I know that the router modem was still on the internet< logged into the router and then status and it indicated that the router was indeed online. What I ended up doing was blocking the majority of domains of the IP address that showe DDOS attacks, I then logged in to my VPN (which I just got on the 30th) and I have had no issues for 10 days. I still have the ISP's modem router to fall back on but at this point I hopping that I have resolved the issue. 

Thanks to all who made comments on my issue. 

Model: D7000v1|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 9 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

(Firmware V1.0.1.68_1.0.1) My disconnect issues have resurfaced again and the logs reveal no DOS attacks. About every 24 hours or so the D7000 drops the internet to the clients (saying no internet available) but router stays D7000 connected to the ISP (CenturyLink) and shows a solid connection. I hate to trash the D7000 as the $249.95 price is alot for a modem, but when do you say enough is enough and deposit the D7000 in the trash. Any last suggestions before I unplug it for good and send it to the recycler. Any comments greatly appreciated.

Model: D7000v1|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 10 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

Did you go through the tests that user walaj posted above a few entries in this thread? It should identify if your if the DND forwarder has crashed. If it's crashed then I'd guess there's a firmware bug. Typically a modem/router should not require reboots if you don't change anything in your modem/router. I'm also on Centurylink and about the only time I ever get rebooted is if I have a power failure.

You're right that after paying $250 for a modem/router it should work flawlessly, however if you read through all the different problems people have with the D7000 series devices and you don't want to loose all your hair from pulling it out you should probably move on to either the ISP provided modem/router or to someother vendor. In my book Netgear has lost their way in the areas of customer service, firmware quality and a total lack of testing.

Message 11 of 12

Re: D7000 Connected but no internet

@GlennD wrote:

(Firmware V1.0.1.68_1.0.1) My disconnect issues have resurfaced again and the logs reveal no DOS attacks. About every 24 hours or so the D7000 drops the internet to the clients (saying no internet available) but router stays D7000 connected to the ISP (CenturyLink) and shows a solid connection. I hate to trash the D7000 as the $249.95 price is alot for a modem, but when do you say enough is enough and deposit the D7000 in the trash. Any last suggestions before I unplug it for good and send it to the recycler. Any comments greatly appreciated.

Problem is not DOS attacks; most likely your DNS or VPN, and not the D7000, unless you have some settings wrong somewhere. Might be time to reset and do-over.

Message 12 of 12
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