Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


After a fresh reboot, with the 2.4 ghz wireless not coming up, I took a snapshot of the wla and wlg params. Then I ran your cron commands, did another param snapshot, still no 2.4 ghz.  Then I did the Apply trick in the gui, immediately 2.4 ghz is working. Did another wla params snapshot, ran a diff (would be nice to have diff on the router 🙂 ) zero differences.


I may get in another reboot later, dump the ALL the params before and after doing the Apply in wireless settings to see what is changing.


I did come across this, which is curious, but don't know if it means anything.

< wla_auth_type=opensystem

> wlg_auth_type=automatic

Message 826 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


You should have no trouble flashing back and forth from the Richud firmware back to the Netgear firmware. I've done that before, but have been solid on the Richud firmware for well over a year now. I'm currently running the newest Genie based firmware and the only issues I've had are in the last few posts. Nothing that couldn't be dealt with. One feature in the new Genie firmware has that I really like is the ability to set DHCP lease times. I run a WHS2011 server and found that with the Netgear default and not changeable lease time of 1 hour I was unable to do a bare metal restore using the DGND3700 router. This new Richud Genie based firmware fixes that for me and I'm very thankful.

Message 827 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

OK, managed a new reboot, and the only difference in params is probably due to the IP camera on the 2.4 ghz wireless

< lan_upnp_wfa_subc_num=1
> lan_upnp_wfa_subc_num=2
< upnp_portmap_entry=0
> upnp_portmap_entry=1


I did notice after the reboot, there were no files associated with wl0 in var, just

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            69 Oct 30 00:00 wlver
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           108 Oct 30 00:00 wl1cap
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             5 Oct 30 00:00 wl1bands
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           214 Oct 30 00:00 wl1
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap1

After doing the Apply, we now have the following in /var

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            99 Nov  5 17:28 wl0cap
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Nov  5 17:28 wl0bands
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           220 Nov  5 17:28 wl0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Nov  5 17:28 wpa_cap0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            69 Nov  5 17:28 wlver
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           108 Nov  5 17:28 wl1cap
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             5 Nov  5 17:28 wl1bands
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           220 Nov  5 17:28 wl1
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Nov  5 17:28 wpa_cap1

So, a possible clue as to why 2.4 ghz is not set up at startup? Just need to find how these files are written to /var .....

Message 828 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@paulmcg thanks + interesting -
Loading the defaults won't do anything unless saved and then reboot. However I dont think thats the problem from what you said.
wlandconfigd executes some wlctl commands which populate /var when it runs. Should 'start' whatever is set enabled via wlg / wla_wlanstate=Enable. Even if it starts and crashes or whatnot I'd expect at least something to get put in /var. (strings /usr/sbin/wlanconfigd | grep wlctl)
Assuming you are happy that both wla and wlg are set Enabled, you could try setting this;

param set rcS_hook_2="pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd"

If that doesn't work on boot try setting instead rcS_hook_3 which runs a bit later.


Message 829 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Looks like I was wrong, the wl0 files are there in /var after a reboot, but the timestamp is a lot older so there are being created at a different stage than when the wl1 files are created, e.g.

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           214 Jan  1  2003 wl0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Jan  1  2003 wl0bands
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            99 Jan  1  2003 wl0cap
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           214 Oct 30 00:00 wl1
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             5 Oct 30 00:00 wl1bands
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           108 Oct 30 00:00 wl1cap
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            69 Oct 30 00:00 wlver
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap1

I tried both the rcS_hook_3 and rcS_hook_3 suggestions, but neither made a difference. However, I was able to get wl0 up by running "pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd" manually, so that's an improvement from having to use the GUI.  Adding @reboot sleep 45;/usr/bin/pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd to cron did not work.

Message 830 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Not in front of it now but, the clock sets to the build date at some point in startup script , see /etc/init.d/rcS , so presumably wl1 comes up after that and wl0 before. (wlanconfigd is started by acos_service, which is started by rcS, for a timeline. acos_service starts all their internal stuff.).
(The GUI just restarts wlanconfigd when you hit apply, if you look at the PIDS before and after you can see what gets killed/restarted.)
rcS_hook_3 runs right at end of startup , perhaps before whatever is causing the problem happens. Bit odd that.
I don't think @reboot works in (busybox) cron off top of my head. [btw. diff is in the firmware already.]

Message 831 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

paul:actually if you luck at Buckchoi's comments at end of page 21 and on page 22, it sounds like its a bug in the original firmware
Message 832 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


A thousand apologies, I had a typo in my rcS_hook_3 param. I have just done a reboot with it set to the correct value, and the 2.4 ghz came up OK, although it didn't show up as available till after the 5.4 ghz wireless.

I then removed the rcS_hook_3 param and tried it with the rcS_hook_2 param and it works as well, the 2.4 ghz wireless came up quickly, it was visible at the same time as the 5.4 ghz. 

So, looks like something that works at last.


-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           220 Oct 30 00:00 wl0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 Oct 30 00:00 wl0bands -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 99 Oct 30 00:00 wl0cap -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220 Oct 30 00:00 wl1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Oct 30 00:00 wl1bands -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 108 Oct 30 00:00 wl1cap -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69 Oct 30 00:00 wlver -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 Oct 30 00:00 wpa_cap1 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Jan 1 2000 zebra /tmp/var # param show rcS_hook_2 rcS_hook_2=/usr/bin/pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd 

 Perhaps you could add a 2.4 ghz specific level 2 param (set as"/usr/bin/pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd" - and saved) in /etc/init.d/rcS so the rcS_hook_2 param would still be available for testing?

Message 833 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


I'd like to ask you also to be sure before flash, does your "Original Version" firmware support VDSL with Annex A (Neostrada Fiber in Poland) and also Annex B ?

I can't decide which firmware will better option for me orginal one or Genie version, which one you think is more stable and polished.

I do not need any extra more option than I have now on orginal netgear firmware only good working VDSL support.

Do you also confirm that I can always get back to orginal netgear firmware ?


I will be very appreciate for answers. 

Also I'd like to thank very much "w3wilkes" for my answers.

Message 834 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud Yes it's a bug in (see the bottom of page 76 in this thread), but I don't know about (I now use a D7000). Is your latest build based on

Message 835 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@paulmcg/buckchoi : I have just rebuilt now based on source and my 2.4GHz came up ok on boot, a short while after the 5GHz.

Peter: The new one, the DSL driver is newer and you should be able to swap versions without problem.
Message 836 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

r@ichud - thank you very much!

Message 837 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Message 838 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thanks @richud

The new firmware loaded up very nicely, and the 2.4 Ghz came up OK, then I realised that I still had the rcS_hook_2 param set, so I removed that and rebooted.

After 5 minutes, no 2.4 Ghz, so I manually ran the "pkill -SIGUSR1 wlanconfigd" command and its all good. I will leave the rcS_hook_2 set up for the moment.

Apart from that, everything looks good from what I can see, all my settings, TZ, etc seem to be there.

Cheers, and thanks for all your efforts.



Message 839 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Thanks, it's up and running. Still had to click Apply in Wireless after the load to get the 2.4Ghz radio to wake up. The boss says I don't have time to try another boot. 😉 Using Chrome on Win10 I need to set zoom at 90% to be able to see all items in Advanced -> Advanced Setup.

Message 840 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hmmm, odd 2.4GHz doesn't come up for you guys...presume some sort of race condition. Maybe because I have an external drive something gets delayed during startup slightly.

Anywho, have added the signal to startup (rcS) where hook_2 is, so should solve problem without needing to add anything.

Have also rejigged menu so until w3wilkes gets himself a new 24" monitor for Christmas, he can see the menu! (hopefully)

Message 841 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thanks for this, the 2.4 ghz came up without issue (and I remembered to remove the rcS_hook_2 param before upgrading).

Still having an issue with the port forwarding display, the one that I created using the gui is not visible in the gui, I see it in the nat5 agApi_natDumpRuleTbl, but not in the inbound or pf_ params.


Really happy with the new Genie firmware. I will try and experiment with using the router as a VPN client soon, that would be great for Australia with the new fascist data retention laws.

Message 842 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Funny, I was fine once I figured out why I couldn't find those last couple of items in the Advanced setup. Set Chrome to 90% and it works fine. Chrome remembers to use 90% whenever I log in to the router so it's all good! Thanks so much for the work!

Message 843 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@paulmcg: cool , odd with PF , definitely one you added and not a uPnP one?
(not in front of it now for exact names , but) I added some agApi dumps under in the 'Administration - Logs' > Network logs page thing, they should show the PF rules and uPnP rules, they have different id codes in the tables. [I haven't touched the PF or uPnP at all from stock firmware]
Message 844 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Can anyone tell me whether this new firmware does Port Translation?  For those that don't know that's Port Forwarding, but it allows receiving an external connection on port x but passing it on to an internal IP address on port y.

Message 845 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Got this loaded up first thing this morning while I had some "king time". I set my zoom back to 100% just to check out what you did with the Advanced Setup. I like the way you've split it into two sections with the first having the original items and the second having your enhancements. And yes, the 2.4Ghz came up with the router.


Thanks very much!

Message 846 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Here's something odd with DHCP lease times. After booting the router and then my PC here's what the PC shows in IPCONFIG

   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, November 10, 2015 08:58:59
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, November 11, 2015 08:58:56


This is a reserved IP with 24hrs set for reserved so the PC shows the correct info.


Here's what the router shows for this PC (I removed the MAC and Client ID). Since the PC shows correct I'm guessing the router must be mistaken on when the lease expires since it's in the past!


Lease expires               MAC Address           IP Address            Hostname
=============          ===========           ==========       ========       
Tue 10/Nov/15 00:22    nn:nn:nn:nn:nn           W3-HP-Laptop 
Message 847 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

The problem is that the date / time is incorrect in the router. It's about 30 hours ago which seems rather strange. If I click apply or apply and commit in the Genie GUI in the Timezone Locale it does not correct. I use timezone of GMT -7:00 Mountain Time US and Canada.

Message 848 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Just a question. Shouldn't the router get the time from the internet when it powers up? The only way I could get the time correct was to do a manual "date 111016442015" or "ntpd -q -p time.nist.gov".

Message 849 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Really, can no one testing this just look at the port forwarding page and see if it's setup to do port translation?


Here's my original question: "Can anyone tell me whether this new firmware does Port Translation?  For those that don't know that's Port Forwarding, but it allows receiving an external connection on port x but passing it on to an internal IP address on port y."

Message 850 of 1,478

Orbi 770 Series