Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud wrote:

New Christmas release: DGND3x00_2016-12-10
(Fairly minor one)



Yay!  Thanks Rich.  🙂


Initially had a panic that I'd flashed the wrong firmware when it said I was connected via Annex B (I'm in the UK) until I read up on the difference between Annex A/B for the DSL over POTS/ISDN vs Annex A/B for the different bandplans.  LOL.


Now to try to fight with TalkTalk to work out why I've gone from a capped 40000/2000 to 32400/1295 when the line is good for 77000/25000 with amply SNR safety margin (same with the TalkTalk supplied router.)  I think in trying out a new router (I got a backup DGND3700v1 - £15 delivered - hehehehe - gimme a shout if you ever need another spare though) and playing around with configs (involving some reboots) perhaps I've confused BTs dynamic line management somehow.  😞   Will just have to try to not touch it for a couple of weeks see if it comes back.  Any know of good resources for trying to better understand the xdslinfo error rate info they apply to BTs DLM?  (EDIT:  Darn it, why does this always happen AFTER I've searched and AFTER I've posted...  I found one, it's the one I used to use and it seems to include VDSL2 info these days too, cool!  http://www.kitz.co.uk/adsl/linestats_errors.htm )


Again, thanks for the Xmas present Rich.  😄




Message 1101 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thanks Richud! Up and running just fine. I've got to pay closer attentention when I load firmware and remember which Annex I'm on. I loaded Annex A initially and routerr wouldn't train. Thought I'd had some kind of error on the update. Went back to 04-06 annex a and still no train. Then 12-10 annex b and all is well. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too!

Message 1102 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@jewelie wrote:

Now to try to fight with TalkTalk to work out why I've gone from a capped 40000/2000 to 32400/1295 when the line is good for 77000/25000 with amply SNR safety margin (same with the TalkTalk supplied router.)  I think in trying out a new router...


Ignore me, it's BT dynamic line management.  32400 is the top of a DLM download profile.  I just need to wait a few weeks for the DLM to decide the line is okay again (and now I can properly monitor the relevant stats 'cos of Rich's firmware - thanks!)


Message 1103 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

No wonder I have so much trouble! After getting up and running on Annex A. My earlier post was just reversed from reality, I'm Annex A, not B.

Message 1104 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud Thanks for the new firmware (and the mention). I've got another new blob for you, 39t. I've just emailed it to you now.

Message 1105 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Do these new ADSL blobs still support VDSL? I've got a remote location that I have VDSL on.

Message 1106 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Yes, they do.

Message 1107 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud wrote:

New Christmas release: DGND3x00_2016-12-10

Richard, you treasure, you even fixed the FAT filesystem filenames too!  *THANK YOU*.  🙂


(Currently undoing all my hooks etc. 🙂 )

Message 1108 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi there


How to install this firmware on my DGND3700 ?




Message 1109 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@HarlockSA wrote:

Hi there


How to install this firmware on my DGND3700 ?




Assuming you've the right DGND3700 (version 1) then you literally just upload the right file via the routers normal built-in firmware update page, there's no special magic or hardware hacking needed.  🙂



Message 1110 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Have just released another firmware with newer adsl PHY blob (think its pretty minor, so don't upgrade unless you feel the need - from A2pv6C039r to A2pv6C039t)

Link in usual place on http://www.richud.com/wiki/DGND3700_V1_Transmission_Firmware

Message 1111 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thank you Richud!!! Smiley Very Happy


In a future update would be possibile to make ip adress reservation list follow a custom order? It just follows the addition order, but for peaople like me that need to adress many different devices with a number logic become so hard to keep that list in order and easily readable

Message 1112 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

hi pietrodevo, by default it uses logic based on the mac so devices get a constant address without needing to manually force it to anything in particular.

From the man:

Dnsmasq is designed to choose IP addresses for DHCP clients using a hash of the client's MAC address. This normally allows a client's address to remain stable long-term, even if the client sometimes allows its DHCP lease to expire. In this default mode IP addresses are distributed pseudo-randomly over the entire available address range. There are sometimes circumstances (typically server deployment) where it is more convenient to have IP addresses allocated sequentially, starting from the lowest available address, and setting this flag enables this mode. Note that in the sequential mode, clients which allow a lease to expire are much more likely to move IP address; for this reason it should not be generally used.

Thus just add 'dhcp-sequential-ip' into the dnsmasq custom options. (without the quotes, on a single line) to get what you ask for.
Message 1113 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi Richud

I am just talking about the page in netgear interface where is possible to manually configure ip adresses for devices.

That page contains the list of all added ip reservations by the user and I am asking if would be possible to sort that list in a different way, so maybe by reserved adress, not talking about how ip adresses are assigned to devices by dhcp 😉


Message 1114 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

oh I see, ok I have made the columns sortable using some JS, I will do a test build tomorrow.
Oddly enough the same code I came across as the best solution is actually in the original FW already but unused (and a slightly older version) ! wierd or what.
Message 1115 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud wrote:
oh I see, ok I have made the columns sortable using some JS, I will do a test build tomorrow.
Oddly enough the same code I came across as the best solution is actually in the original FW already but unused (and a slightly older version) ! wierd or what.

Sadly that doesn't surprise me in the least.  Wouldn't surprise me if the programmer thought that it would be neat to have it sorted like that, initially implemented it, but then didn't get approval from above to do so and had to wind it back!





PS That's a nice little change, I'd quite appreciate that too as I like to have the network organised by purpose in groups of static IPs.  🙂  Didn't realise that the original dynamic IPs were made using a hash from the MAC, that's really quite sensible and clever.  😄  Thanks again for all your work, Rich. 😄


Message 1116 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Message 1117 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Richud, Thanks again for all the work! My guess is this sorting isn't quite right. It's because each octet isn't justified, IE;

sorts ahead of


If each octet were fully justified they would sort correctly;


They MAC addresses are properly justified for correct sorting.


Merry Christmas!

Message 1118 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi there,

I have many drops on WiFi connection on some devices connected to the router Man Sad.


With other WiFi access point the devices works, the only difference that I see from the device when I connect to DGND3700 is the "Beacon Intervall = 409,6ms" (for other I see 102,4ms).

I remember that on previous firmware was possible to change also this parameters:

advanced Wifi menu back that was 'hidden' in original firmware, A-MPDU/A-MSDU aggregation, Beacon, DTIM interval setting

It still possible to change the Beacon and the DTIM Interval ???


I have checked on NVRAM and I see the following:


But the device that connect to the router say that the Beacon Intervall = 409,6ms


Any idea ?


Message 1119 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Richud That is incredible! exactly what I meant, so fast, thank you very much as always


@w3wilkesVery strange, for me it is working correctly, me too I have some adresses like


They follow a personal logic based on devices type and function in my house (aps, multimedia, mobile, workstation, server etc etc)


In my case everything is fine, everything is ordered correctly also without the need of X.X.X.1 ---> X.X.X.001

Message 1120 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@pietrodevo - Yes, very strange! I factory reset my router and set it up from scratch just to be sure it wasn't something strange carried over. All columns in the Advanced -> LAN Setup page sort correctly EXCEPT the IP Address Column. For me the IP Address column appears to be sorting on MAC Address rather than IP Address.

Message 1121 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Looked again and the IP Address column doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to how it sorts (as far as I can tell). The rest of the columns sort just fine.

Message 1122 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

valeriom: wireshark says the beacon on mine are both 0.1024s ? what are you measuring yours with?
There is a hidden page but the top bits have no code behind them to do anything.

w3: you are pressing the up/down sort button right?

Message 1123 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Rich, Yes, I'm clicking the up/down button. Screen snips in email.



Message 1124 of 1,478

Rif.: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Here's what I think I'm seeing. If I click on the sort button for MAC Address it sorts by MAC address. If I then click on the IP Address it still sorts by MAC address. If I click on the sort by Device Name column it sorts by device name, now if I click on the sort by IP Address it sorts by device name. If I click on the # column it sorts in the order I created them in and then if I click sort by IP Address it sorts by #. I guess I'm the only one seeing this behavior?

Message 1125 of 1,478

Orbi 770 Series