Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

My router can't get time for a whole week. Firmware is the latest from this topic.

~ # date
Wed Jan 1 02:41:27 GMT 2003
~ # timesync
timesync already running!
~ # rm /var/run/timesync.pid
~ # killall timesync
killall: timesync: no process killed
~ # timesync
sh: syntax error: unexpected word
Got KoD from NTP server time-f.netgear.com
sh: syntax error: unexpected word
Got KoD from NTP server time-g.netgear.com
~ # ntpd -d -p time-f.netgear.com
~ # date
Wed Jan 1 02:52:12 GMT 2003
~ # ntpd -d -p pool.ntp.org
~ # date
Tue Feb 11 18:24:22 GMT 2014

Can I override NTP server name in this firmware?
Message 301 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@xmd I presume Netgears time servers are being (ab)used in ddos'ing and hence the problems this week. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26136774 They are hard coded in timesync binary (there are tons of them), easy to (hard code) change or I could just remove their ntp client and use something else....open to suggestions.
Message 302 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Why not just use ntpd and provide a way to change NTP server(s) via web-interface?
Message 303 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

It is a real pain doing web interfaces for this router (about 90% of time of any given feature) so ideally unless its vital I'd rather not, although I might. I may just replace the client and use some pool and nist ones as default, and keep them in nvram so you can change them if you want easily enough...I will have a think about it. Have just done a new build - have pool.ntp.org and time.nist.gov hardcoded into timesync and seems to be working ok.
Message 304 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

any news about ext4 support? I read mario_182 use it and works, but richud supposed don't work.
Message 305 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

xmd: editing in those other time servers has sorted it for me, still may replace timesync with busybox's ntpd though

gatto: ext4 it works if you disable some newer features when formatting (you cant change some with tune2fs after the fact) , I thought I had posted but maybe not, my old notes say

sudo mke2fs -L test2 -t ext4 -O ^extent,^flex_bg,^huge_file,^uninit_bg,^dir_nlink

(If you disable extents you may as well stick with ext3 though imho.)
Message 306 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

small new release... https://mega.co.nz/#!cZAyTRqR!JcCPyMQOGsvRqqHuJtUk5rcvuPIeXTuLyGRMOGEIznk More details herehttp://www.richud.com/wiki/DGND3700_V1_Transmission_Firmware Would like feedback on VLAN tagging with BT Infinity ! BT Infinity settings - (thanks to beechit) Basic Settings > PPPoE username: bthomehub@btbroadband.com pass: all IP related things on automatic xDSL settings > vdsl, VLAN ID 101 ADLS Settings > vdsl, transfer mode PTM, VC-based, 0.38
Message 307 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Working flawless as usual :cool:

sorry but im not in uk so i cant test out the BT infinity thing

quick question, could you explain a little better the Ad blocking via DNS (dnsmasq)

i enabled it on the interface and searched a little in google but didnt quite get how to chek if its working or not
Message 308 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@malpd: I was intending to write something about that on wiki but haven't gotten around to it!

Basically when the WAN connection comes up it will pull the latest list, so any time a web page tries to server an advert from one of the addresses it will go nowhere. (redirect to

To test you can ping something from it , like ads.youtube.com and you should be a reply back from localhost rather than the site.

Most of the time you won't notice anything is happening, apart from pages should load faster as no wait/bandwidth from the ads. (i.e it doesn't have to go off trying to resolve their address, contact the server and pull the ad down) As a side bonus web pages tends to scroll more smoothly as no animated adverts are splattered everywhere.

Say you visit TPB (for research purposes naturally), you will find none or almost no adverts...
Also as it is at DNS level you cant hide ad URL's in javascript or anything else so it will always block.

The only times I really notice anything different is when the display area is hard-sized for an advert and you may get a grey box saying it can't be found (eBay for example)

The only thing that will break is when you have to click through an ad to get to a site (AdFly kind of thing) but I can live with that.

There are much larger lists but this seems to cover 98% and if the lists are too big they will slow things down as they have to be processed by dnsmasq on the router. (this blocks 2500 ad sites)

I have been using it for a few weeks and, for me at any rate, I think it is one of the most useful things I added 🙂
Message 309 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thanks for the explanation 🙂 a router-level adblock like the plugin i use for chrome :P very nice feature
Message 310 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Does this firmware support running a user script from the writable partition at startup?

If not, could you add it please?
Message 311 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@ali: not really but you can set a cron job as a hook in. e.g. @reboot and will run when cron starts.
At a pinch you could store short scripts as nvram variables, or run them from usb.
(all partitioning / structure etc. is untouched for backwards compatibility with original firmware)
Just out of curiosity, what are you aiming to do?
Message 312 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

I want to drop all firewall and QoS rules and replace them with my own, then run some custom services stored on /tmp/mnt/storage. I want this to happen automatically after reboot, without having to modify the firmware.
Message 313 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

I have a question, if I may, regarding the Ad-Blocking (Dnsmasq).
I've been reading about it, but, what I should do there? Just to enable "Startup" and "Live" toggle and I should be done?
What will that option do to my connection? Only block ads?

Thank you.
Message 314 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

ali: if you do a cron job as
@reboot /path/to/something
it will(should) run at boot. I can only suggest aiming it at something on USB, at least for the moment.
The firewall is custom Broadcom 'acos' stuff, there is some info on my wiki about it. If you have any good way of manipulating it please let me know. (Afraid have never touched QOS on it.)

macinmac: you can enable it on startup and then either reboot or do a live start. In a nutshell, the ~2500 addresses on the blocklist will resolve to , instead of their real IP, and thus all be effectively blocked. See this if you want to know more ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_filtering
Message 315 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Any chance of a squid plugin running from the HDD?
Message 316 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

richud wrote:
ali: if you do a cron job as
@reboot /path/to/something
it will(should) run at boot. I can only suggest aiming it at something on USB, at least for the moment.
The firewall is custom Broadcom 'acos' stuff, there is some info on my wiki about it. If you have any good way of manipulating it please let me know. (Afraid have never touched QOS on it.)

macinmac: you can enable it on startup and then either reboot or do a live start. In a nutshell, the ~2500 addresses on the blocklist will resolve to , instead of their real IP, and thus all be effectively blocked. See this if you want to know more ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_filtering

Thank you. Regardind the filtering is an impressive work you added. From about 2 days I get different errors like page does not exist, or your computer is not connected to the the internet, or even when I visit places like 500px.com I get only " ? " instead of the images or photos posted there.( take a look).
My question since I already opened an ticket with my internet provider( they say the connection is good), what are the chances that the dsnmask could damage my router/connection? It also might be a drop from the router, not enough RAM? I'm just saying and I'm saying it because I am looking for help, since from time to time I get " ? " instead of the real images from browsers.
In the System log from the Dynamic DNS, I have seen " Connection down", and I really don't know what that would mean, is down based on what?

Thank you for any help.
Message 317 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

teros: what?
macinmac: 500px.com works fine for me, dnsmasq cant damage anything, and the router has 128Mb ram and dnsmasq uses about 1. Sounds like you have a problem with your DSL connection.
If you telnet in;
"dmesg" - this will show kernel log and show messages about the DSL line going up and down
"cat /var/log/messages" - this will show messages from 'daemon.notice pppd' about PPP connection going up/down (if you are using PPP), else probably messages from udhcpc DHCP client if not using PPP.
Is is possible your browser is screwed too, try Firefox or Chrome?
Message 318 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

richud wrote:
teros: what?
macinmac: 500px.com works fine for me, dnsmasq cant damage anything, and the router has 128Mb ram and dnsmasq uses about 1. Sounds like you have a problem with your DSL connection.
If you telnet in;
"dmesg" - this will show kernel log and show messages about the DSL line going up and down
"cat /var/log/messages" - this will show messages from 'daemon.notice pppd' about PPP connection going up/down (if you are using PPP), else probably messages from udhcpc DHCP client if not using PPP.
Is is possible your browser is screwed too, try Firefox or Chrome?

You might be completely right. My problem depends not because of the dnsmasq, period.
I also installed the december version " DGND3700_2014-01-20_A_D.chk " which works fine. Now, I reinstalled the newer version with full maintenance on the mac and till now I get brilliant results.
Thank you for the fast response.
Message 319 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

inadyn-mt is unstable for me. Have tried freedns.afraid.org and sitelutions.com. Sometimes this works
inadyn-mt --dyndns_system default@freedns.afraid.org -u ***** -p ******** -a *******.ignorelist.com,*hash*

but mostly doesn't. It waits very long after this
Sun Feb 23 09:10:06 2014: S:INADYN: Started 'inadyn-mt version 02.24.38' - dynamic DNS updater.
Sun Feb 23 09:10:06 2014: W:INADYN: IPv4 address read from cache file (/tmp/inadyn_ip.cache): '**.**.**.**'...
Sun Feb 23 09:10:08 2014: N:DYNDNS: My IP address: **.**.**.**
Sun Feb 23 09:20:16 2014: N:DYNDNS: My IP address: **.**.**.**

x86 version acts exactly the same

Also can't get cron working. I am trying to get dynamic dns working and tried adding this to cron:
30 * * * * curl -k https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?*****hash******

but this does not works. IP is not updated. If i run this command manually all works.
Message 320 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

macinmac wrote:
You might be completely right. My problem depends not because of the dnsmasq, period.
I also installed the december version " DGND3700_2014-01-20_A_D.chk " which works fine. Now, I reinstalled the newer version with full maintenance on the mac and till now I get brilliant results.
Thank you for the fast response.

I have packed an log file as you said via telnet, and I can't really understand all the messages.
If you have time to look into a bit to tell me what you can see wrong ( I don't see nothing wrong)...Thank you.

Router Log Download.
Message 321 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Also can't get cron working.

Solved. Forgot to check Startup (toggle) switch.
Message 322 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Feb 23 13:54:22 (none) authpriv.info dropbear[2200]: Child connection from
Feb 23 13:54:25 (none) authpriv.warn dropbear[2200]: Bad password attempt for 'root' from
Feb 23 13:54:25 (none) authpriv.info dropbear[2200]: Exit before auth (user 'root', 1 fails): Disconnect received


Feb 23 16:04:49 (none) authpriv.info dropbear[2889]: Child connection from
Feb 23 16:04:50 (none) authpriv.warn dropbear[2889]: Bad password attempt for 'root' from
Feb 23 16:04:51 (none) authpriv.info dropbear[2889]: Exit before auth (user 'root', 1 fails): Disconnect received

i have an infinete loop of this in my log file . are they some sort of "hack" attempt or what ?
Message 323 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

macinmac: the logs look normal, but looks like it was only just booted up? Do you get messages in dmesg or /var/log/messages about connection going up and down over time? If you run a continuous ping against google.com for example, does it stay running continuously ? If you get a site that doesn't load things, can you ping that ok?

xmd5: I have been using 'no-ip' for about a year and never have a problem, suggest trying that to at least establish where problem is?

malp: yes it is, if you have any internet facing device it will be under attack most of the time. (you will only see attacks against SSH on router as that port is open) If you also notice they are always trying 'root' account which is disabled on SSH, so don't worry unduly!
Message 324 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

good 🙂

i'm having another problem btw , usually happens every time i go and add/edit the RSS feed/filters of automatic , in short it keeps adding the whole feeds to download even though it has already downloaded them , is there a way to reset the "history" ? i tired deleting the automatic.state and .log but it keeps adding everithing back to download anyhow
Message 325 of 1,478

Orbi 770 Series