Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues


Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@spacelab wrote:
Following the 52 firmware update 48hrs ago, it appears that my 2.4G network is still authenticating for now. I see that many of you have reported that the problem persists on the 52 firmware, but thought I should provide you with an update nevertheless. I will continue to monitor it.

Perhaps we should all turn off our Christmas lights? 🙂 You never know, but the interference from them may be why this problem is suddenly experienced by everyone at the same time!

Hah. FWIW mine managed about 48hrs after the new firmware but then went back to the same issue. Has gone off twice since then. 

Message 51 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@dajones9686 wrote:
thanks Jim I may go that route....sounds like they did right for you definitely improves opinion....just hate dealing with warranty issues over the phone/web.....did you set it up via customer service on the phone?

@dajones9686 I had to create a case number from the support page here https://my.netgear.com/mynetgear/portal/mySupport.aspx then phone customer support. I phoned 3 times in total and each time they would look through the ticket and email me new things to try, finally they agreed it hwas a hardware issue and replaced it.

I have detailed the tests they asked me to run earlier in this thread.


Beware they will keep offering you an extended support contract but you do not need this to run the tests, they just email them instead.



Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 52 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Same problem here! At least I fell not alone.


Tried all firmware 48, 50 and 52 with no successful results, apart few hours after update to 52.

I think I am actually out of warranty as I purchased the d7000 two years ago on amazon.


I read some of you in warranty have received upon request of replacement a V2 router?


what is this V2 ? Is it a d7000 with firmware revision 2.


What we, out-of-warranty customers, have to do? Consider it as scrap? Come on Netgear?

Message 53 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

> what is this V2 ? Is it a d7000 with firmware revision 2.

   Different model numbers imply different hardware.  Different hardware
often implies different firmware.  For details, visit
http://netgear.com/support , put in each model number, and look for
Documentation.  Get the User Manuals.  Compare.

Message 54 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Same here, mine is out of warranty! Not impressed.
Message 55 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Same here. I might need to dig out talk talk router from a shed as d7000 is disconnecting my devices on 2.4 GHz frequency.

Is there any other software other than Netgear than can be used with d7000 hardware?
Message 56 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@tomi3000 wrote:
Same here. I might need to dig out talk talk router from a shed as d7000 is disconnecting my devices on 2.4 GHz frequency.

Is there any other software other than Netgear than can be used with d7000 hardware?

Sadly not as the custom firmwares do not support the modem part. We're stuffed until Netgear fix it (and i'm out of warranty as well)

Message 57 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

So this recurred for me today.  Rebooted Router 3 hours ago.  Had been trouble free since Wednesday.  I did not update to the new firmware.  Fingers crossed but its amazing that Netgear has ZERO response.  Especially for those of us out of warranty.

Message 58 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

So I have been using my Talktalk router instead and it is working perfectly. I am going to be going the support route by calling them and hopefully get it replaced under warranty. For those without a warranty I really feel bad because this is just ridiculous. I'm sure they've sold thousands of these D7000's and every single one of them are now broken just suddenly? Something is definitely weird about it. There isn't a single person on here who seems to have a working D7000 router. We recommend we all call into support to get as much attention to this issue as possible. This is unacceptable. Thank you to everyone who is getting involved with this thread. 

Message 59 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@Jovian this is so frustrating.


I have taken to Twiter and used your post as an example of poor support.

As you will see from the post here https://twitter.com/dmkenward/status/942509650372685826 My D7000 was only replaced less than 3 days ago and has the same issue again!


I hope with PC World now included Netgear might do something or risk stock being withdrawn as I am sure retailers do not want returns.

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 60 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Hey yes I know. I just called them. I spent 1.5 hours on the phone. They are monitoring the router 24 hours and if it still isn't working then they will replace it under my warranty. If it working then apparently I get charged £50 which seems pretty stupid... They even took my credit card details. So apparently you cant access your hardware warranty without doing this. Thats what they told me. 

Message 61 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

> [...] There isn't a single person on here who seems to have a working
> D7000 router. [...]

   Perhaps people without problems don't spend their time reporting
non-problems to forums like this.  Mine currently runs V1.0.1.50_1.0.1,
connected to CenturyLink, ADSL/PPPoA, 7M/1M.  "Connection Time
112:20:12".  I have a few Orvibo S20 power switches which use 2.4GHz
wireless connections, and I haven't noticed any particular problems

ITS $ orvl qlist
#      ORVL  0.2  --  Devices (probe: 3)          2017-12-17:16:32:21
# IP address        MAC address     >Device name<       # State  Type
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------       ac:cf:23:48:ed:12  >Socket00<          # Off    Socket-US       ac:cf:23:9c:b2:14  >Socket 01<         # Off    Socket-US       ac:cf:23:35:3c:fc  >Socket02<          # Off    Socket-US

> Judging by everyone hitting the issue at the exact same time i'm
> pretty sure this is related to a date issue in the firmware [...]

   Seems unlikely to me.  I find actual evidence more persuasive than
your (baseless?) "pretty-sure"-ness.

> Perhaps we should all turn off our Christmas lights?

   Maybe it's the phase of the Moon.  Why not run the (simple)
experiment before posting every (implausible, nonsensical?) whim which
pops into your head?

   In my experience, Netgear firmware is far from bug-free.  I believe
that some users may be having some kind of trouble with these routers.
Rants can be fun, but some actual analysis can be more helpful.
Especially when the usual "factory reset" panacea fails to solve the
problem (whatever it is).  Just a thought.

> For those without a warranty [...]

   [...] service agreements are available, and I suspect that Netgear
would like to sell more of them.  Other companies also sell routers.

Message 62 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues


Why is it when I plug in a different basic router everything seems to work just fine without wifi cut outs? But using a very expensive router just suddenly doesnt want to work? It did work fine when I first bought it (months ago). 

Message 63 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Oh dear, my Christmas light comment was one of those whimsical joke things you may be familiar with... and my apologies if this doesn't fit the tone of this forum! Although, not entirely baseless given a large mass of wires is likely to produce EM interference! 🙂

The actual content of my post was to report on my experience with the 52 firmware. Now after some 72 hours of running it I have yet to lose the 2.4g channel. So in someway this has helped my situation for the time being (albeit the reboot alone perhaps), however it seems I am in a minority as other report persistent problems on 52.
Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 64 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@DKenward wrote:
So my replacement router suffered the same 2.4Ghz issue. Decided to then update the firmware to 52 as I thought not doing so would be the answer.

8 hours later and still working but if issue occurs I will ask Netgear for a D7000 v2.

Interesting that a v2 should be released so quickly. Question is why? The following conversation implies if true that maybe it is a chipset issue hence a change in v2 https://community.netgear.com/t5/DSL-Modems-Routers/What-s-the-difference-between-the-d7000-and-D700...

@jimbaxter It would be good to know if the D7000v2 works or still has the same issue after 48 hours which is the longest time there has been a stable connection for all of us?

Hi @DKenward,

My D7000V2 has been running for 72 hours now without any problems.


I have also resolved another issue I was having with my HP network printer which kept getting an odd error and would be flashing all the lights and screens when I woke up every morning stating I should turn it off and on again. I wonder if this was network related?

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 65 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

> [...] my apologies if this doesn't fit the tone of this forum!

   I wouldn't say that this forum has any particular tone, but the
problem with whimsy in this thread is that it can be tough to tell
whimsy from (apparently) more serious suggestions (like time/date).

> Although, not entirely baseless given a large mass of wires is likely
> to produce EM interference!

   That's pretty baseless.  A "large mass of wires" is not likely to
radiate much in the GHz range.  Aside from government agency
regulations, actual physics mitigates against this.  If you're
(un)lucky, then you might be able to pick up some clicks or buzz on an
AM (MW) radio which isn't tuned to a real station, but serious
interference at frequencies 1000 times as high is much less likely.

Message 66 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Well if the Post Office says so then who am I to argue! (Whimsy alert)


Also quoted by the Sun and the Huff post no less, so it must be true! 😉
Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 67 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I have the same exact issue.Looking for some kind of help on that. I have rebooted, changed the wireless channel to pretty much everything still nogo.  I have not tried factory reset but I doubt will help.  Issue only started after I got new router firmware update that came out on 11/22/2017.

Message 68 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I just purchased thie router today and cannot connect to the internet via 2.5GHz. Everything else works correctly, including 5GHz and even 2.5GHz in guest mode!


Are there any solutions yet?

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 69 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

To Michael Kenward I send thanks. I did not know about later version being available before the automatic firmware upgrade takes place. I have been going mad (more than usual!) trying to work out whether the drop outs are being caused by "she who must be obeyed's" laptop (which only has 2.4 WiFi) or my router. Just downloaded and installed V52, turned on her laptop and bingo! it connected. Now to see if it stays that way. Like others have reported 5.0 connected devices keep on keeping on. Thanks again. Nscolli

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 70 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@jimbaxter this is great news that v2 works.

Now just have to find time to spend again on another call with Netgear as my replacement from Currys/PC World was a v1 which failed.

At least this is under a brand new guarantee so hopefully sending a v2 will not be an issue.
Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 71 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@armani1008 wrote:

I have not tried factory reset but I doubt will help. 


You won't know until you try it.


Message 72 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I have also started using my TalkTalk Huawei router after my D7000 developed connectivity issues but it is a significant downgrade as it only supports 100 Mbit wired connection.  I hope Netgear can fix this with a new firmware update as this is unacceptable to ignore that the problem affects so many of D7000 owners.  I am out of warranty so no replacement for me. 

Message 73 of 595

Rif.: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I have also started using my TalkTalk Huawei router after my D7000 developed connectivity issues but it is a significant downgrade as it only supports 100 Mbit wired connection.  I hope Netgear can fix this with a new firmware update as this is unacceptable to ignore that the problem affects so many of D7000 owners.  I am out of warranty so no replacement for me. 

Message 74 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I have disconnected my Netgear router and reverted to the ISP's native device which is a shame as the ISP (BT) device doesn't have the range of the Netgear one and there are deao spots around the house.

I don't personally have time to spend on the 'phone arguing the case with Netgear - I am in hardware support 'till Sep19.


Has anyone confirmed whether replacement devices will remedy the issue - I see conflicting reports...

If so and there's a simple way to execute on a hardware warranty return I shall do that else I shall just stick with the ISP router until I see that there has been a proven solution on this thread.

I'm very confused why, if there is an actual issue with the router, Netgear haven't given an engineering workaround or rushed a patch that works into production.

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 75 of 595

Orbi 770 Series