Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device


How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

The Netgear Armor scan is wasting paper on my printer.  Apparently it does it's weekly scan, and the printer thinks a print job is starting.  I want to disable the internal scan at least for that device.  If I cannot disable that scan I will need to disable all internal scanning.  If I cannot disable scanning then I need to disable the armor service and find another means of protection (meaning no subscription).


The Armor device settings screen only lets me "rename" the device.


How do I disable the vulnerability scan for my HP Inkjet printer so it stops printing garbage and wasting paper and ink every week?

Model: R8000|Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Smart WIFI Router
Message 1 of 78
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Hi @waylander314159, welcome to the community! I have sent you a message. Please check your inbox.



Message 2 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I have the same issue.  How do we get this to stop? 

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 3 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I have the same issue with my HP OfficeJet 6500 printer.  Could you please post the solution?  Thank you

Message 4 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

There is no solution. They are working on it. You can either open a new ticket or jump on the existing ticket that’s already open.

It’s amazing how none of this stuff gets tested
Message 5 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Same issue here just started a few days ago.   I also lost DNS server at the same time.  Rebooting routher (RBK53) didn't solve until I rebooted PC.

Errors on both old workhouse b/w HP4345 printer on ethernat LAN and newer HP577dw connected by Wi-Fi.

Prints on its own:

HEAD/ HTTP1.1  (other times has GET/ command

Host xxx.xxx.xxx 9100
User-Agent: curl1/7.59.0

Accept *.*

On 2nd printer:

Options * RTSP/1.0

Cseq 1

User-Agent: curl1/7.59.0

Am using windows 10 professional.  I note this same issue is being raised on an Apple site with the same errors 












Message 6 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I'm having the same problem with my HP Color Laserjet CP2025.  I get the following messages on the pages that spit out of my printer (and it can be a lot - it won't stop until I shut off the printer):


HEAD  /  HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: curl/7.59.0

Accept: */*


When will this be fixed, Netgear?



Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 7 of 78
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Hi @ScottH409, I have sent you a message. Please check your inbox.



Message 8 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I recently got an Orbi router system, and now this is happening. Help please.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 9 of 78
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Hi @CKdoubleU, I have sent you a message. Please check your inbox.



Message 10 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I have a beta version of a firmware update installed on my device. I did not have any issue with the printers for 3 days.  Once I repled to Netgear that the issue seems to have resolved, few hours later, one of my printers started wasting paper and printing again the 3 pages!  Back to square ZERO!!

Message 11 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I have the same problem with my wired Brother L2550DW

Can someone please send me directions on how to fix/stop this? Seem you dont want to post the fix publicy!

Message 12 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

same problem with this 3 page printing... not sure why there is no solution posted but just sent privately... but if that's the way than please i want one too 🙂

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 13 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Tech Support sent me a firmware update that seems to have fixed the problem.  Check with them.


Message 14 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

CORRECTION:  I went to print this morning and the error happened again.  Still not fixed.

Message 15 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

They sent it to me too... at first, at worked, but when you go to print the error crops up again.

Message 16 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Hmmm, why they want to call me instead of posting the solution officialy on the web?

Message 17 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

So what I am seeing is they do not have an answer yet.  I have it happening on four different printers.


Don Harries


Message 18 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Hi Dexter,


Please advise me how to disable this printing issue as well?  I am having papers printed seems like once a week wasting my paper and toner as well on my printer.


Thank you,



Message 19 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

Same issue here. Dexter, instead of private messaging people why is the solution not just posted?

For those that have subscribed I believe a refund is in order.
Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 20 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I'm also running into this issue with a HP Color LasterJet MFP M476nw.  Can I get the secret firmware?  My firmware shows current for RBR50 at V2.3.5.30 though?

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 21 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I agree with malikye2876. 


It shouldn't be this complicated to correct and have to arrange time out of your schedule to do whatever they're going to ask me to do.


Message 22 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan on a device

I had them call me.


All they did was remote into my PC, look at the firmware version, which is, and then he asked me "where did you get that firmware?"..... ummmm..... Netgear pushed out the notification/update to me!


And then he suggested i install firmware v2.3.5.30


No idea why they can't just say that in the forum, or better yet, just fix the damn problem and release new firmware!


Message 23 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan - latest firmware does not fix it



Unfortunately, when I went to print last night, right before I did, the three page error printed out again.  The firmware update that I received has not fixed the problem.  You will want to reopen this ticket and contact me.


Scott Hall

Message 24 of 78

Re: How To Stop Netgear Armor Vulnerability Scan - latest firmware does not fix it

Note: My previous case number was 41914844.  It also happened two more times earlier in the day.  Two of the three pages have the error code:


HEAD  /  HTTP/1.1


User-Agent : curl/7.59.0

Accept:  */*


The other page has the following error:



CSeq:  1

User-Agent: curl/7.59.0


Scott Hall

Message 25 of 78
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