Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released


ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

Link to download: 




Release Note: 




Cleaned up a bit. BUT Still not detectable from within ReadyNAS OS web interface. This is stupid. Who would come check regularly?


I have not upgrade yet. like to wait and see how it goes. I don't quite understand what it means by "application function" removed. 

Message 1 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

1. ReadyCLOUD is gone, which is good.

2. Previous problem of not being able to install apps because of obsolete repository is now fixed by not allowing to install apps, Cool!

3. The "Apps" tab is still there though, for what, a future return?

4. The update is still not being pushed to clients automatically. 


For me, not able to install apps is no-no. 


I will stay with 6.10.8 or 6.10.9, which are basically the same.Untitled.jpg 

Message 2 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@tigerten wrote:


For me, not able to install apps is no-no. 


I'm also seeing that it updates the uboot for the arm systems.  No idea why, as that is not talked about in the release notes.

Message 3 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@tigerten wrote:


For me, not able to install apps is no-no. 


I will stay with 6.10.8 or 6.10.9, which are basically the same. 

100% agree.


While I understand that Netgear has decided to exit the NAS segment, this should not be reason to remove critical features important to those who purchased their hardware. Even worse, many users will have units that are still "relatively" young (less than 5 years old). Netgear - you must do better than this.

Message 4 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

ReadyNAS is now truly in a stage of DNR. Netgear has already started withdrawing care of  and euthanizing ReadyNAS.


Worst company I have ever owned product of. 

Message 5 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

"The Apps installation function is removed from the Apps section on the System page (also referred to as Overview page) of the Admin Page."




Although this should not come as a surprise, since is ReadyNAS have been abandonware for a long time.


Message 6 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@eton wrote:

"The Apps installation function is removed from the Apps section on the System page (also referred to as Overview page) of the Admin Page."


They also changed the apt configuration, so there are things you'd need to undo in order to use apt in ssh.

Message 7 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

This doesn't surprise me, since the changes necessary to allow app upload with Debian Jessie do present a potential (but, IMHO, manageable) risk.  Netgear could be setting themselves up for a lawsuit if they implemented them in an official release.


But now, if they release something beyond 6.10.10, everyone is going to have to decide if losing app capability is worth whatever other change they make. 


If they ever do put 6.10.10 on the upload server, then the forum will likely be inundated with people wondering what happened to the app upload capability, even if they have no immediate need for it.

Message 8 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

FWIW, I am wondering what the undocumented uboot changes accomplish.  I am hoping that they didn't remove tech support mode.


Anyway, I put 6.10.10 on my test NAS (RN102), but will not put it on my operational NAS until I've had a chance to kick the tires a bit.  One option is to take a closer look at what they did to remove ReadyCloud, and see if I can do that on a 6.10.9 system.





Message 9 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

If they did anything with tech support mode, I would hope it's just to stop it from "advertising" but it can be used for local access only.


Please do kick the tires, look under the hood, and take it for a long test drive.  It would be good to know if we can either remove ReadyCloud from 6.10.9 or add back app installation (even if only via SSH) to 6.10.10.  And, of course, understand anything that's undocumented.

Message 10 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

i attempted to put my RNDP6000-200 under "associated products" but it said "could not find product.."  so..?


Has anyone tried installing the latest debian kernel?

it would be fantastic if a pro were to install just the basic, debian kernel, no gui or any of the crap..  then install "the cockpit" (from the cockpit project" as the web ui..  


Is it possible to install it in the onboard dom or will it have to go on the drives?  sorry, i'm a novice and not completely sure how the whole thing works.

i know you can install the zfs module.. would be great to install basic, stripped down debian, the cockpit, and then from there create a raidz2 array across the drives and be able to move on..



xeon cpu (from back in the day when intel had one that could replace the 2 core that the original nas came with, I don't remember which one),

8Gigs ram.



Message 11 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

On a legacy ReadyNAS, the flash is not a DOM.  Except on some rack-mount units (where it's a standard USB flash), it's a soldered-in chip.  It may still use a USB-like interface (I simply don't know), but you can't expand it.  If it is USB-like, then it would also be USB2.  It may also not be rated for the number of writes you'd normally do with a standard Linux install.  So putting a full OS on it is a really bad idea, if it would even work.


The Pro6 has an internal VGA header.  With the right adapter, you can connect a monitor and you can use a USB keyboard, so you can basically install anything you want on the drives, even Windows.  It basically behaves like a 6-bay generic Intel PC of it's generation.

Message 12 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

yes, i have the vga header installed.  i've updated/upgraded my readynas as far as it'll go, as far as i know.  its currently running readynas OS 6.10.8.  it doesn't see the later versions when i do an 'update'.

also, i was hoping to get away from btrfs..  it sucks.  the perpetually unfinished filesystem.  i've had a few too many files disappear on me only to find out there's a known flaw in it.


i read some article about some guy who loaded freenas on a USB and was able to install it fully on his readynas, but i'd prefer to have a proper os drive to install on. 


thought it would be a nice way to keep the little guy going..  for simple file storage it would be fine as a backup.

Message 13 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released



Which model do you have? The procedure to run another system differs depending on ReadyNAS model.


I've done some experimenting with OpenMediaVault in this thread:



Message 14 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

i have a modded RNDP6000-200 business pro.

i've updated it with 8Gigs ram, a 4 core xeon cpu, vga header (not that it contributes to performance, but its a nice add-on..), new power supply and fans.

i flashed the bios up to the latest one so that i could run the new(er) cpu and update the OS to readynas 6.10.xx.


it would be fine if btrfs didn't suck in raid5..  it would be nicer all around if i could just install a basic linux or truenas setup on it.  I know it can be done, i just don't know how the installation compares to the install of readynas OS.

what i mean by that is; (i believe, but correct me if i'm wrong), readynas has it's default installer on the dom, and i guess when it's initially configured, the new config stays resident on the dom??  so the drives are all used for storage.


the only way i see a setup occurring in it's current state with linux or truenas would be if i dedicated either A) one of the drives to hold the os and therefore had use of 5 other drives however i wanted, or 2) do a regular install across all the drives in a raid1 or 5 setup, i guess..

Message 15 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@b1jzcbx wrote:

(i believe, but correct me if i'm wrong), readynas has it's default installer on the dom, and i guess when it's initially configured, the new config stays resident on the dom??  so the drives are all used for storage.

There is a 4 GB OS partition mirrored on all disks (RAID-1) that holds the Linux OS, the ReadyNAS application and the configuration of the NAS.


There is also a small swap partition.

Message 16 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@b1jzcbx wrote:


what i mean by that is; (i believe, but correct me if i'm wrong), readynas has it's default installer on the dom, and i guess when it's initially configured, the new config stays resident on the dom??  so the drives are all used for storage.


You are wrong.  First, on the majority of ReadyNAS (including your Pro6), it's not a DOM, it's a soldered-in chip.  Second, it contains two images:  a main image that is used to install the full OS to the drives, and a very small one that is used to install that image, hand off operation to that image, or in debugger options.  There is absolutely no configuration data stored in the flash except the unit type and serial number, which never change.  When you update to a new OS version, that main image is updated.  The smaller image has not been updated for many years, and even stays the same when you upgrade to OS6 ( which is why the reset button menu and USB recovery on upgraded legacy systems are different from native OS6 ones).

Message 17 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

here are the files on the on the internal boot disk. fairly small, <100mb all together. the two image files are about 4mb each. 


I dont know about your model, My 628, you can force it boot from any drive, USB or SATA. you can virtually install anything. I don't see why I can not put a truenas/unraid on a USB. I did not do it because I still like the ReadyNAS Interface simplicity. 



Message 18 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

I DO like the readynas OS simplicity, however BTRFS is a very poor filesystem, at least it is when it's raided.  it's a known issue that there's a write hole.  i learned about that when on occasion files that i had would vanish.  it's known and from all i've researched there's no fix in sight because btrfs has essentially been abandoned. 


so, if i were to fire up my readynas without any drives and configure the OS, where is the newly installed and cofigured os  stored?


my model is an RNDP6000-100 or 200..  they're essentially the same.


originally it was a core2 duo at 1.8ghz with 2GB ram and running readynas os 4 or whatever it was..   i ran the unofficial flash update that brought the OS up to readynas os 6.10.x ( debian jessie) and then added ram, upgraded the cpu to a 4 core xeon and added a vga port.  so yes, i can install any os, i just don't understand where the os would be installed to.  it would be bad practice to install 6 drives and install the os across all 6. 


Message 19 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@b1jzcbx wrote:


so, if i were to fire up my readynas without any drives and configure the OS ...

This cannot be done with OS-6.  The OS, ReadyNAS application, and configuration files are stored on a 4 GB OS partition that is mirrored (RAID-1) on every disk.  So nothing can be configured when the NAS is diskless.  FWIW, the advantage of this approach is that you can migrate the disks to another OS-6 ReadyNAS without losing anything.


I believe the total flash memory on the Pro-6 is 128 MB, so really not enough to run much.


@b1jzcbx wrote:

however BTRFS is a very poor filesystem, at least it is when it's raided.  it's a known issue that there's a write hole. 


What I've seen on the BTRFS write hole is specifically talking about the RAID built into BTRFS.  Netgear's implementation doesn't use that built-in support.  Instead it uses mdam to create RAID block storage, and then just runs BTRFS on top.


Of course there is also a generic write hole with RAID in any file system, which can kick in whenever cached writes never make it to the disks.  This can be due to a power failure or a crash.  That's one reason I always suggest using a UPS with a NAS.


FWIW, my personal experience with BTRFS on ReadyNAS systems has been quite good. I have several ReadyNAS that have been running it for some years now, and I haven't had any issues.

Message 20 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

It would be best at this point for Netgear to just release instructions on how to load your own OS on the hardware if you want as part of a "recyclable and reusable End Of Life and Support" plan or something.

Message 21 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

They must have uploaded it to the upload server because I get prompted for this update and I was unaware of it until it prompted me.  But, now I have questions:


  • The Apps installation function is removed from the Apps section on the System page (also referred to as Overview page) of the Admin Page.

What does this mean exactly?  I am not aware of any "Apps Installation" function from the "System - Overview" page.  I'm only aware of being able to install only "Featured Apps" directly from that page.   Normally if I want to install an app, I click the Apps tab then Upload.  And I still install and upload apps often which are just docker apps that I can start and stop through frontview but uploading is a ReadyNAS plugin/app to install as the "latest" docker image to update.  Are you saying if I update to 6.10.10, I can no longer install any app???


@StephenB wrote:

@eton wrote:

"The Apps installation function is removed from the Apps section on the System page (also referred to as Overview page) of the Admin Page."

They also changed the apt configuration, so there are things you'd need to undo in order to use apt in ssh.

@StephenB - What do you mean by this?  I still install my own ReadyNAS apps that utilize docker and work just fine - why would they prevent this? (ie: Docker, GitLab, Heimdall, Logitech Media Server, Portainer, Sabnzbd, Syncthing, Vault Warden) 










Message 22 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@good4y0u wrote:

It would be best at this point for Netgear to just release instructions on how to load your own OS on the hardware if you want as part of a "recyclable and reusable End Of Life and Support" plan or something.

@good4y0u  - Actually, It would be best for them to opensource all the code so the community can take over from where they have given up.  It makes no sense for them to hoard the code as if they're going to resurrect it someday with something newer because it'd be far to stale by then.

Message 23 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@Sandshark wrote:


If they ever do put 6.10.10 on the upload server, then the forum will likely be inundated with people wondering what happened to the app upload capability, even if they have no immediate need for it.


 Just like me, right now !


no mention of this "feature" which is killing off my use of a NAS product which I bought less than 2 years ago

Message 24 of 80

Re: ReadyNAS OS 6.10.10 released

@givememynamebak wrote:

They must have uploaded it to the upload server because I get prompted for this update and I was unaware of it until it prompted me.  But, now I have questions:


  • The Apps installation function is removed from the Apps section on the System page (also referred to as Overview page) of the Admin Page.

What does this mean exactly?


Are you saying if I update to 6.10.10, I can no longer install any app???


Yep, this is what happens when you install 6.10.10 ..


Thankfully you can re-install 6.10.9 and get that feature back (for now)


Message 25 of 80
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