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readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives


readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

OK, This is going to be a long one, as I did plenty of things wrong in retrospect, and now I dont want to make any more mistakes going forward in case I can fix this.  I will state up front, my main goal is to get the Data off the NAS.  I do have an older backup, but it got full, so it is not complete, and I would like to make a complete backup.  This means that any advice that starts with "format the NAS and start over" will not be helpful.  I may end up there, but lets hope not.


I am an intermediate basic user.  I have had 6 readynas over the years starting back from when this was Infrant.  I know my stuff, but I am not a deeply knowledgable user.  I predominantyly use my nas for storage, backups and Plex and apple music serving.


starting onfiguration

RN 516 x 6 3TB WD Red

all drives working flawlessly for over 2 years now.  Nas has been flawless, though a bit slower now that the snapshots and data were approaching the max storage for the device.


Here are the steps I undertook in the order that I took them.  These steps led me here to this forum, so that cant be good right? All of this happened yesterday.


1.Purchased 2 WD Red 10TB drives

2. Turned on more complete logs for tracking login attempts (not sure why I did this.  I just discovered that it was disabled, and I deciuded it woudl be nice to know who was logging/attempting to log in).  To be fair, I am a basic user, so I may be calling this the wrong thing.  I include this here for two reasons a)  It was a change from the normal operation and b) I am having login issues now.

2b. Updated to the newest firmware  (this is my running guess for waht the problem is based on some other posts I have seen about login issues with this version)  I currently cant check the version number exactly, but i ThInk it is 6.1.0 as it is later than the most recent hotfixes(update as of yesterday).  I can't log in right now to check it (and the NAS is remote at the moment, so I cannot check the screen), as I am currently unable to login unless I reboot the nas, and then the login rights seem temporarty.  I have not changed any passwords anywhere.  Currently, when I log in, it keeps asking me to log in and wont take the admin password.  I eventually get shuttled to the recovery page and that doesn't work either.  I enter in the recovery info (correctly) and it spins for a while and then fails.  If I enter the wrong recovery info in, it instantly fails.  I have read that this can be fixed by a reinstall of the OS.  I didnt want to do that before I got some opinions here.  Note:  This password stuff occurrs AFTER my loss of shares (discussed soon).  I put it here, because it felt like it belonged here.

3.  Hot swapped a 10TB drave into slot #1

4. waited many hours for resynch

5.  Came home to find the resynch finished (solid blue light in Bay 1 and I also discovered a new red ligh on bay 3.  Looks like the third bay 3TB Red decided at exactly that moment to die.  I dont believe in cooincidences, but I thought, "hey, I have another 10TB replacement, I can just put that in now.  HOw convinient.  Seems I will be having a warrenty converstaion with WD over a 2 year old drive with a 5 year warrenty, but then again, I am not exactly sure that it is dead.  I just trusted the red light.

6.  webaccess of the nas told me that I was degraded and needed to fix the drive issue, and it listed bays 1,2,4,5,6 as working and bay 3 way grey.  This is whn I put the second 10TB into slot 3 (dont worry, I have both original drives and marked them for which bay they came from in the NAS.

7.  Resynch wait

8.  When finished, I reciece no error notices 9checked the logs) other than to say that there is a non-descript problem with the drives.  I am informed that there are no shares on my server, and would I like to create one?  Additionally, the overview screen shows all the drives as good and working when you mouse over them (and all the lights are blue on the system after a manual assessment of the NAS itself), but the overviw shows all six bays as Red, with green lights where the green lights would show trouble on the web interface.


I stopped here, as I am sure I couold reinstert the old drives and maybe get things working again, excet one MAY be dead now.  I didnt reinstall the OS again, just in case that would mess wtih my ability to recover data.  I rememebr that somewhere years ago I read that when you put larger drives in teh 516 you had to reformat it with the new bgger drives in to make it workand have the new big drives be recognized, but I can't imagine that is still the case now (maybe I am wrong). I know that I had 15TB of approximate space on my NAS before this started.  I had 7TB of data and 5TB of snapshots when I started the drive updates.  I dont know what that means for recovery, other than I have 12TB of space with both the 10 tb drives removed, which should mean that, even degraded from the X-Raid, it whould have enough space to not have lost files...maybe?


Ask questions in a slow manner and I will work hard to get you answers.  If you use less technical terms, or tell me where to look, I will do the legwork and put in the time.


Please help me ReadyNas community....you are my only hope (an infrant reference for those who get it)


Thanks in advavnce


PS I Ran out of servcice on this NAS in January, but I am willing to pay for support if I can't get help here.  I just thought I woudl try this first, since I rememebr back that this forum was every bit as good as any other support options back in the day 


Model: RN51600|ReadyNAS 516 6-Bay Diskless
Message 1 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Try downloading the log zip file.  Look particularly for confirmation that the first resync finished.  You should be able to see this in system.log.


You might want to send one of the Netgear mods ( @JohnCM_S or @Marc_V  ) a private message with a link to the log zip file, and ask them if they are willing to analyze the logs.

Message 2 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Resync is quite drive intensive, so a second drive failing during one is not a coincidence, it's a real potential hazard.  While one does not expect that on a two year old drive, it is always best to update your backup before doing an expansion or drive replacement.  If the data was still accessable when the first replacement completed sync, you lost yet another opportunity to try and backup your data.  But I suspect there was already something amiss, which is why the second sync didn't complete.


You cannot put the old drives back in, they are now out of sync with the volume.


Regarding the larger drive, you are thinking of the old RAIDiator 4.2.x expansion restrictions.  OS6 has none that are likely to be reached in the lifetime of your NAS.


Let one of the moderators analyze your logs and see if there is any hope of recovery.

Message 3 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Good Stuff.  I will try to grab the logs.

Message 4 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Hi Pairofdocs,


I checked the logs. The volume went offline because there is not enough operational disk in the raid array.


Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: device sdb4 operational as raid disk 1
Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: device sdd4 operational as raid disk 5
Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: device sde4 operational as raid disk 4
Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: device sdf4 operational as raid disk 3
Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: allocated 6474kB
Jul 22 21:59:00 chonk kernel: md/raid:md126: not enough operational devices (2/6 failed)


Can you enable the Secure Diagnostic Mode (SDM) on the NAS? We can look a little closer at the issue to see what else is possible. You can enable SDM by going to System > Settings  > Support. You may send to me the 5-digit code via PM after enabling it.

Message 5 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Hi Pairofdocs,


It looks like the problem with the unit is that the OS is full. We cannot remount the OS from Normal mode. Can we reboot the NAS in Tech Support mode for the meantime? You do not have to be physically near the device. We can boot the NAS in TS mode on our end.



Message 6 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Yes.  Please do what you need...even if you lose data, itsmbetter than my current situation. 



@JohnCM_S wrote:

Hi Pairofdocs,


It looks like the problem with the unit is that the OS is full. We cannot remount the OS from Normal mode. Can we reboot the NAS in Tech Support mode for the meantime? You do not have to be physically near the device. We can boot the NAS in TS mode on our end.




Message 7 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Hi Pairofdocs,

L3 has fixed the OS problem and started working on the data volume problem. The system only has 4 out of 6 drives that are okay. One disk that is on some state and another disk is totally missing , maybe it was the old disk.

We cannot start the RAID probably without that missing disk that had the 4th partition.


Message 8 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Great news. Here is what I know and what I can do. I have a 10tb in Bay 1 and bay 3 that are wd red drives which are completely new. They started the whole problem. Bays 2 4 5 and 6 contain the old drives (3tb wd red). I have the original 3tb drives for slots 1 and 3 ( the bay 3 drive got swapped for a 10tb when it showed up as red after intpstalling the first 10tb into slot 1 so I swapped it for a 10tb as the second installed drive) or I can go buy new drives if you tell me where to put them and a minimum drive size. What I see when I look at the nas is 6 drives with 6 blue lights and is in debugging mode, so I'm not sure which drives "aren't there". I don't know which ones you are seeing as bad, as I can't "see" them as bad from my side. Please advise and I'll move anything anywhere. I have the two original 3 TB drives and I know where they came from...I can also reinsert those. 



Message 9 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

PS. Did I need to format the 10tb in some way?  Is that whythey are "bad"?

Message 10 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

@Pairofdocs wrote:

PS. Did I need to format the 10tb in some way?  Is that whythey are "bad"?

No.  If you had formatted them, then the NAS would have needed to reformat them anyway.  Though it is good to test them before you put them into the NAS. I use WDC's lifeguard program for that, and generally do the full non-destructive test followed by the full write-zeros test.


It sounds like you

  1. replaced disk 1 with a 10 tb drive, which started a sync
  2. disk 3 failed during the sync
  3. so you replaced disk 3

If that's what happened, then your issue is really the 3 TB drive that was in slot 3.  You only have protection against one failed (or removed) disk.  When you are doing a resync, you didn't have protection from the second drive filing - because the first sync never completed.


Message 11 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

This all sounds right...the question is...what now?  Replace slot 3(the failed drive when slot 1 received a new 10tb) with the old three that that dfailed and let 1 resynchronize?  Replace it with the 3tb drive that did work?  Swap the 10s between 1 and three and let them resynch?  Put new drives in?

Message 12 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

@Pairofdocs wrote:

This all sounds right...the question is...what now?  

Netgear is still working with you, correct?  If so, it's best to follow their lead.

Message 13 of 15

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Will do

Message 14 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: readynas 516 decided it doesnt exist after adding 2 new WD Red 10tb drives

Hi Pairofdocs,


I am still waiting for feedback from L3 regarding this one. I will provide you an update once I get feedback.


Message 15 of 15
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