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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0


Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

I also have a bug to report which should be fixed with the new version, the router has issues building an internet connection after a restart or factory reset. It always takes at least 30 minutes until it pulls an IP. My IPS logged the connection and said that everything is fine. The IPS will send me a test router and I will try again. But I think either this router needs an RMA or there is a software issue.

Also since I have this router my NAS can no longer download apps. I forwarded the ports, the intersting thing is that I can access the NAS's data over the internet, it just can't access the app store.

But a fast release with big fixes would be appreciated. I don't really need new features until the router performs well.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 26 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

It should only take 1-2 minutes to reestablish a connection. What are your internet settings e.g. PPPoE, VLAN, IPv6 or is it all dynamic? How do you have the XR500 connected, is it through a modem or modem/router? If the later have you made changes such as modem, bridge mode or DMZ to ensure the XR500 can control the connection properly?
Message 27 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Can we get some more info on version 3.0? A "sneak peak" or 2.. It blows my mind that this update hasn't released yet. Hell, there hasn't even been a standard update since August of 2019. At the very least, keep us updated.
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 28 of 49
Community Manager

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Stay tuned. We are going to be giving an update very soon.



Message 29 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Anxious to see it, will there be any beta testing / testors?

Message 30 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Yes there will be, I'd advise you head over to forum.netduma.com as we'll likely post there first about it.
Message 31 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Hopefully this means we can actually set our DHCP lease time. Other high-end routers let you do this. The DHCP lease renewal is all it takes to get kicked from Gran Tourismo Sport multiplayer and I'm using a static IP address on a LAN cable outside of the DHCP range.


The XR500 is a POS. I've had it for 2 years, but I've never noticed how inconvenient it is until this COVID-19 mess. Couple that with the terrible update schedule and horrible customer service (takes 4+ hours to get an answer by phone), I'm not buying another Nighthawk, or other Netgear router, once I get around to replacing it.


First Netgear router I purchased and, sadly, the last I will be buying for the forseeable future. An Asus RT-AX88U or RT-AC5300 has more features than this router for pretty much the same price as the current generation Nighthawk.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 32 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Never seen an inconvience with my XR router pre and current CD19 events. Not sure why current events would cause problems with your router. Yes CD19 is causing slow downs for support. Goes for any router mfr and there support. Its effecting everything. 


Did you even try reverting back FW versions or go with initial first version FW? Seems like more troubleshooting would be needed to really figure out where your problem is other than being inconvienced by the slow down which no can help you with currently. Smiley Tongue



Message 33 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

I'd suggest signing up for the beta here so that you can be one of the first to see if it resolves your issues: http://www.netgearinnovation.com/dumaos-beta/index.html
Message 34 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Hi guys!!

I am still stuck with the invitation for the R1 beta!! I am waiting over one week to change that to receive the link for the XR 500 that I have... Can you please do something???
Message 35 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

We can't swap the invites but we've put your name forward, you just have to wait for the invite now.
Message 36 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Have we started the XR700 beta yet? Just curious. 

Message 37 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

No not yet, this will likely happen once the 500 is deemed stable/finished.
Message 38 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

im telling you brother. They should perfect the gaming side! Before they add anything non gaming related DRU732! I know they want to make the best router available but, They advtertise it for Compeditive Gamers! So I'd love to see the gaming side get perfected with new features before they start adding non-gaming related stuff. I do need Antanna Replacement sense i lost the two prongs! But, Sense i dont pay for premium support. Im still searching countless hours on google for XR500 Replacement Antannas! That provides 4 brand new ones!

But, I hope you guys focus on the gaming side. Thats what you should focus on. I hope Geo-Filter gets more optimized an that Geo-Fenching will actually work better. When i have 3 states highlighted in Geo-Fenching. I hope it actually blocks connections outside that area. Geo-Filter had some issues with that. It didn't matter if i blocked the Datacenter or the server. I'd still be put on it because im watching it on my other monitor! So Geo-Filter is definitely not blocking connections right. So hopefully Geo-Fenching will be the permanent fix & also allow me to set ping assist lower to at least 25ms! An offer a setting called "Garenteed Latency" that i can toggle on where. Its gonna search longer & work harder to offer my set latency for my lobbys. Which is 25ms! Its not technically forcing me host. Its just working more efficiently & harder to give me the lobby i desire. I never turn fast search on unless im playing a really old as hell call of duty. I toggle it off for Modern Warfare & sometimes i can't set my ping assist lower than 30ms! Because what happens. The system i feel breaks itself & i get thrown into wild lobbys. Like 50ms-80ms-100ms lobbys even tho i have it set to 25ms without fast search enabled when im specifically playing modern warfare. When i set it to 30ms an reboot Modern Warfare. Its finds those lobbys fine & dandy but, I found out that the other players don't have the same ping as i do! Because on PC i could see Latency on the scoreboard. You can't do that on console. So ping assist definitely needs some fixes. I tried to be very detailed as possible on what im doing & what's happening. The XR500 won't allow me to search for 25ms lobbys with NO FAST SEARCH w/ Strict Mode enabled w/ Filtered option. Like im suppose to suppose to have it set too! It only allow me to search 30ms! I NEVER EVER EVER EVER use fast search for Modern Warfare or newer CODs! Please work out the kinks for Ping Assist & optimize Geo Fencing.

Yes im hardwired using a Cat 7 1.5FT Ethernet!
Message 39 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Without seeing a screenshot of the Geo-Filter where you're getting hosts outside the radius it's hard to say exactly why it occurred. If your base ping is high then you may not be able to get a game ping under that. You can't force everyone in the game to have a ping like you, if you have a good ping to the server then thats the main thing.
Message 40 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Podría pasarme beta dumaos 3.0 para netgear xr300? Por favor estoy apunto en la beta pero no me llega para testear
Message 41 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Will the power / hardware of the R1 be maxed out & at its limits with all these updates? I only ask because I’ve seen concerns in the past with the current DumaOS & R1, possibly taxing it too much. Any talk of upgrading the hardware/router itself?


Message 42 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

@raghavan We're certainly putting it through its paces yes but we won't do anything for the R1 version that will unnecessarily put strain on it to the point where it would affect your connection. We can't upgrade the R1 hardware specifically as we don't own the hardware. However, we released a successor to the R1 - the R2, which is more powerful, optimized for DumaOS 3.0 and owned by us.
Message 43 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

How can you say that? this whole project is just the router software version of cyberpunk at this point. wasted all your customers time and money.


Message 44 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

@scotja50 what are you referring to exactly? Are you having a specific issue we can help with?
Message 45 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

There has been some changes to the GeoFilter map where Singapore is now not there anymore. On the previous version, I could still peek and find Singapore and the cursor would turn white. With the latest update for the XR500, Singapore seems to be wiped off from the map. Yes we are very small but we are there. 😞


Model : XR500

Firmware : V2.3.2.114


Message 46 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Is this just for setting your home location or is this preventing you from joining a particular server?

Message 47 of 49

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

No it is only for setting my home country.

Message 48 of 49
NetDuma Partner

Re: Developer Blog 1: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

OK, are you able to set it anywhere else nearby? Perhaps just in Malaysia? 

Message 49 of 49
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