Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973




I am only getting 400 mbs from this router. Whether it’s hardwired or wifi. It’s not my modem, I bypass the router and hook directly to the modem(hard wired). When I’m hooked to my modem I get 900 mbs. Idk what is wrong with this router, I paid so much money for it to perform only half of what it’s supposedly capable of. I called Netgear numerous times only to wait an hour or two. Just for the call to drop or they will tell me to change a few things. They had me change channels and look at the downstream and upstream power levels. That was all fine, there was nothing wrong with that. It didn’t help what they said to do. When I’m talking to them and get to this point the call gets dropped. I’ve done this 6 times now and I try to tell them I’ve already did this. That’s not the problem, they won’t help unless I do what I’ve already done. Some one please help me I’m loosing my mind with this.

Thank you
Model: C7500|Nighthawk X4-AC3200 WiFi Cable Modem Router
Message 1 of 20

Re: R-8000

What router do you have? 

You put r8000 in your title but C7500 in the signature. 


What firmware is on it? 

Did you try a factory reset followed by a clean install (not from backup)?
Make sure to leave qos, access control, traffic monitoring, and parental controls all disabled. 

Message 2 of 20

Re: R-8000

AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router
Model: R8000

Firmware: V1.0.4.68_10.1.75

Yeah I’ve done several factory restarts. The only thing I do in the router settings is activate the 5GHz.
Message 3 of 20

Re: R-8000

Some of the r8000's had issues with netgear armor. 

Try installing version of the firmware over a hardwired connection, then do a factory reset and a clean install (not from a backup). 

Then disable auto-updates and try it for a bit. 

Message 4 of 20

Re: R-8000

How do I install a later firmware version to the router? Also can I do this from a phone or do I need a computer? How do I know if it’s from a backup? I do all this from a phone.

Thank you
Message 5 of 20

Re: R-8000

I would highly recommend installing from a hardwired pc/laptop connection. When we see corrupt firmware issues, it tends to be people who've done it over a wireless/app install process. 

You can get the firmware here: 


under downloads--->view previous version. 


By clean install, I just mean don't use a backup configuration that you've saved. 

Message 6 of 20

Re: R-8000

I downloaded the firmware but when I go to router up date. Select upgrade I find the down load and select it. But a pop up window appears and says please assign the correct file. The file format is *.chk
Message 7 of 20

Re: R-8000

I extract all and it says you are attempting to open a file of type ‘System File’ (.chk) These files are used by operating systems and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.

What do I do?
Message 8 of 20

Re: R-8000

> I downloaded the firmware [...]


   What, exactly, did you download?  Actual file name?


> [...] but when I go to router up date. Select upgrade I find the down
> load and select it.


   What, exactly, is your "the down load"?  Actual file name?  Hint:
Anything ending in ".zip" is wrong.


> I extract all and it says you are attempting to open a file of type
> `System File' (.chk) [...]


   "it says" that when you do _what_, exactly?


> What do I do?


   You might start with an oft-neglected resource:




   Visit http://netgear.com/support , put in your model number, and look
for Documentation.  Get the User Manual (at least).  Read.  Look for
"firmware".  When that fails because of a deficient User Manual, try:





Message 9 of 20

Re: R-8000

I went to Netgear and went to downloads. I selected previous firmware and selected the firmware you suggested. I selected download. Picture

Once it download it, I select the file “R8000-V1.0.4.28_10.1.54.zip” open it. Then select the “R8000-V1.0.4.28_10.1.54.chk” file. A pop up window appear and says “You are attempting to open a file of type System file (.chk)
These file are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system”

Message 10 of 20

Re: R-8000

> [...] Then select the "R8000-V1.0.4.28_10.1.54.chk" file. [...]


   There's a difference between "select" (single-click) and "open"
(double-click), but you should be doihg neither.


>       https://kb.netgear.com/23960
>       https://community.netgear.com/t5/x/x/m-p/1721037#M124018


   Read them again?

Message 11 of 20

Re: R-8000

I did the instructions you gave me and I’m getting no where. It’s the same thing. I’m only having problems with unzipping the folder.

I made a video so you can see exactly what I’m doing.

Message 12 of 20

Re: R-8000

> I did the instructions you gave me [...]


   I disagree.  Exactly which "the instructions" do you believe that
you're following?  Where, exactly, did you see an instruction (or even a
suggestion) to click on the ".chk" file in a File Explorer window?


> I made a video so you can see exactly what I'm doing.


   That was painful.  Which part of 'you should not be asking the OS to
"open" it' was unclear?


>    Read them again?


   Still my advice.

Message 13 of 20

Re: R-8000

The release notes for the firmware you download should have detailed instructions.


Then there is this.


How do I manually upgrade firmware to my NETGEAR router? | Answer | NETGEAR Support


@Nofear202 wrote:
I’m only having problems with unzipping the folder.

Does this mean that you do not know how to unzip a file?




Message 14 of 20

Re: R-8000


@plemans : this work for me, thanks
Message 15 of 20

Re: R-8000

Okay I figured it out. Thanks for bearing with me. It worked the older firmware made it where I have 900+ mbs now.

Thank you so much, I was going crazy.
Message 16 of 20

Re: R-8000

You should not need any extra software. Windows and Macs have built in zip support.


I just downloaded both R8000-V1.0.4.28_10.1.54.zip (listed in your earlier message) and R8000-V1.0.4.68_10.1.75.zip (the newest) They unzipped without any problem. I simply drag and drop from within the zip; on to my desktop. I do have a fancy file manager but you shouldn't need that.







Message 17 of 20

Re: R-8000

Okay I finally figured it out. Thank you so much for bearing with me. I ran a speed test on the Xbox and it gave me 830 mbs. Now I’m trying to update a game but I’m only getting 350 mbs?
Message 18 of 20

Re: R-8000

@Nofear202 wrote:

I ran a speed test on the Xbox and it gave me 830 mbs. Now I’m trying to update a game but I’m only getting 350 mbs?

If that is a wifi speed, it is pretty damn good.


When the Xbox says 830 Mbps, that tells us that your router is not far off the best it can deliver. Wifi speeds are down to the client (receiver) technology. You'll have a hard time finding clients that get 830 Mbps. I doubt if the wifi from the R8000 is up to that.


Forget about the measurements, look at what happens. Do you have any problems with a game at 350 Mbps? Most games and streaming services are fine at a tenth of that speed.

Message 19 of 20

Re: R-8000

yes i also tried to solve this issue in my device router but did not succeed yet i dont know what the reason is behind but looking for some one whoguide us about this issue 

Message 20 of 20
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