Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.


Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Have an RBRE960 and getting the same message within past 48 hours.
Message 26 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Same here, unable to access device manager. iOS phone, through the nighthawk app. Was last working a couple days. Our samsung TV eats up data even when off so I have to manually shut off access to wifi manually. If we go over, that's on netgear. 

Message 27 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Any update on when they will resolve this issue? Rebooted, reinstalled app. I can no longer access parental controls and unpause internet access. When accessing device list I just get unable to load device list. Try again later.
Message 28 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

I should add myself to the list of ever growing users having this issue, I noticed this issue started occurring right after the last FW update on my RBR850
Message 29 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Yes!! I bought this for the Parental control. I can’t use that feature because my devices won’t show up. I’ve more trouble with Nighthawk than my other cheaper router.
Message 30 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Can’t load my iPhone 12. Need to access it for parental controls. If not fixed by tomorrow I’m returning to bestbuy.
Message 31 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

I have the same problem for since update. What I did to resolve issue is click on Network Map….wait until all your orbi and satelite(s) shoes up. Then click on your orbi until all devices connected to it then go back then click on the rest of your satelites one by one depending on how many you have. Then return to home page on your app then by now all your devices should show up in the Device Manager icon. I tried everything for the past few days and this is what I did to resolve my issue. Hope it works for you
Message 32 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Thank you, @AdoboLumpia! This seemed to work as a temporary measure. I did try using the network map earlier today and it didn't function when I clicked on a satellite, but I hadn't tried clicking on the router first.

However, maybe this doesn't lead to the device list continuing to update? For example, I shut down my desktop computer, but the device list didn't update until I repeated the procedure you outlined. I haven't tested extensively.

I'm not sure how you figured this out, but I appreciate it! I'm thankful that I wasn't in the same situation as some others who needed to be able to reenable/disable devices today, but hopefully this works for everyone as at least a temporary measure.

Message 33 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Fixed mine by connecting to the router via my computer and rebooted the router via the interface on the browser. Then once the wireless network was back up I closed the app on my phone and started it back up so it would reestablish a connection to it. Took less than 30 seconds to update the connection and could then see my devices. Note: using the app on android so not sure if this will address or fix the issue for iOS but this was just my experience.
Message 34 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Fixed mine by connecting to the router via my computer and rebooted the router via the interface on the browser. Then once the wireless network was back up I closed the app on my phone and started it back up so it would reestablish a connection to it. Took less than 30 seconds to update the connection and could then see my devices. Note: using the app on android so not sure if this will address or fix the issue for iOS but this was just my experience.
Message 35 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Thanks for the workaround. Can confirm that accessing Network Map and then loading the router followed by each satellite causes the device lists to load. I have been unable to finally unpause the device I needed to! Still very poor from Netgear, especially when they make you pay for parental controls which is a free (and better) service on Google wifi.

Another workaround if ever needed is to temporarily connect a device via Ethernet cable instead of wifi. Obviously only applies if the device has an Ethernet port, like a laptop or console. This will appear as a separate device on the network.
Message 36 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Not sure if it works for others but I seem to see a list of devices now. Wonder if something was quietly pushed…
Message 37 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

@DCTeacher1 @SM915 

Be sure that was you shake your mobile device, you shake it moderately fast, but not too fast. Once in a forward direction then once back towards you or vs versa, should make the bug report display on the Orbi app. I just did it here on my iPhone and it worked. 

Message 38 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

It took shaking my phone a few times to get the bug report to come up,
Message 39 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Sorry didnt work for me. I tried the step exactly. Also I power cycle the routher using a switch everyday at midnight.

Message 40 of 41

Re: Sorry, your device list failed to load. Please try again later.

Mi have always had issues with the app. It seems to work for a little while and then just stops. I always edit my devices and parental controls by accessing the router directly from a PC web browser. Go to and log in as admin unless you changed the default IP of the router.
Message 41 of 41
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