Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup


Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

What is the distance between the RBR and RBS? 30 feet or more is recommended.

What is the distance between the NEST controller and the RBR and RBS? How close is the Nest to either unit. 

What CTS value are you using on the RBR? 64? 

Is 20/40 Coexistence enabled? 

Under Advanced Tab/Advanced Settings/Wireless Settings


I'm currently using manual channel 11 and 48 on my RBR. Seems to be working Ok for me. I did see a couple fo disconnects the other day and I had to manually re-connect the NEST. 

CTS is 64

20/40Mhz is enabled. 

My 3rd gen NEST is 5 feet away from the RBR. This one has been most problematic controller. 

My 1st gen NEST is 10-12 feet away from the RBS downstairs, one wall in between. 


Make sure you are charging the NESTs fully. 


NG believes as I do that the NESTs are failing to re-connect after what ever reason they disconnect. Is this faulure to reconnect to the wifi singal that the NEST keeps ping and trying to connect, thus running the battery down. Also the NEST seems to keep ping ponging back and forth bvetween signals from the RBR and RBS. Then the NEST won't connect at all until it's re-charged. If you don't notice the NEST disconnected in time, then this runs the battery down. I agree, there seems to be issues with NG FW on Orbi. I wish NEST would also change the behavior of the controller to where if it can't get re-connected after a short period of time, it stop's trying and goes into idle or low power mode to save the battery until the user can get it re-connected. Something NEST should also review with NG. 


Historically Orbi AX has only been problematic with NEST. My Orbi AC system and other routers I have tried over the years have not seen this issue. 

@orbi-adan wrote:

I have this exact same issue. Installed FM v32 and moved the satalite as close as possible, but my nest thermostat still keeps dying. 


Any updates or solutions anyone has found that worked for them?


Message 51 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

@FURRYe38 wrote:

I'm currently using manual channel 11 and 48 on my RBR. Seems to be working Ok for me. I did see a couple fo disconnects the other day and I had to manually re-connect the NEST. 

Doesn't sound like it is really working for you either if you have to watch for disconnects or have to manually reconnect.


Several of us have reported issues with our Nest thermostats and the Orbi AX system.  No selection of channel or CTS/RTS fixes the problem.  We are all running an older router for now to provide compatibility.  My nest thermostats worked fine with my Orbi AC system, so Netgear should look more at what could be different between their AX and AC systems.  This would be more fruitful than waiting for Nest to do something in their firmware, especially since the Nest is working fine with virtually all other routers right now (including Netgear's other ones).  This is going to drive the Orbi AX system away from customers if they are not willing to workaround the problem as the few of us here have.


Telling people to fully charge their Nest, fine tune distances between their satellites, or lower power settings are interesting diagnosis or workaround steps but not solutions.  There are many other devices in our home leveraging the wired access point capabilities of these satellites, in their existing locations, and thermostats usually cannot be moved around.  We are supposed to benefit from the capabilities of these fancy new mesh routers, not redesign our homes and device locations to fit their quirks,

Message 52 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

I'm not trying to tell users to redesign the homes or NEST placements. Trying to help users to see if some of the suggestions and configurations may help the behavior and then get some results and feedback from users having this problem so we can forward this info to NG so they and or NEST can help make changes to either NG Orbi FW and or NEST FW to help both work better and fix these problems. 


So far I haven't changed my NEST placement or configuration since v32. What is working is keeping default CTS values and wifi setttings which for me, is working and keeping my NESTs online and not loosing batter life. It's the side effect from what I've seen with my NEST is that the NEST will not reconnect if the connection is lost with Orbi AX and the NEST continues to reconnect causing a battery loss over time if I don't catch the disonnect sooner then later. This seems to be a odd or bad NEST behavior on there part. 


Ya, I agree NEST should work with out hassle with Orbi AX. Its been ongoing since I got mine and been working with NG on this as best as I can. 


So, Aside from what we already know, any good feedback on results from suggestions given is appreciated so we can pass this on to NG for review. Hopefully they can get it all figured out. There seems to be differences in AX wifi vs AC wifi systems and how things are handled. There needs to be some tuning I presume at some level to get it working well with NEST controllers. 

Message 53 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Noticed that my Orbi 4200 auto updated FM to V3.2.16.6 couple days ago. I tried changing my CH to 11 and 48 like someone in the thread suggested. After this new FM and CH update my NEST thermostat lasted 16+ hours until it died. So it’s still an issue 😞

Has anyone figured out the issue or have any configuration that works?
Message 54 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

What is the distance between the RBR and RBS? 30 feet or more is recommended.

What is the distance between the NEST controller and the RBR and RBS? How close is the Nest to either unit. 

What CTS value are you using on the RBR? 64? 

Is 20/40 Coexistence enabled? 

Under Advanced Tab/Advanced Settings/Wireless Settings

@orbi-adan wrote:
Noticed that my Orbi 4200 auto updated FM to V3.2.16.6 couple days ago. I tried changing my CH to 11 and 48 like someone in the thread suggested. After this new FM and CH update my NEST thermostat lasted 16+ hours until it died. So it’s still an issue 😞

Has anyone figured out the issue or have any configuration that works?


Message 55 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Distance between RBR and RBS is 30+ feet and RBS is down stairs.

NEST to RBR is about 5 FT and to RBS 25+ feet. I have tried moving them around and no luck.

CTS : 64 and I have tried other values as well (500, 1000, 1500, 2222, 2347)

20/40 Coexistence: Enabled
Message 56 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

What happens if you turn down the power out put of the RBR from 100% to 50%?


I recommend you file a support ticket as well. 

Message 57 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Should I do this for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz or just 5GHz?



Message 58 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

@orbi-adan wrote:
Has anyone figured out the issue or have any configuration that works?

No, I don't believe any of us experiencing this issue have found a way around it with the Orbi AX system.  I've read others that are doing what I'm doing - Run an old router with a separate wireless for our Nest thermostats.

Message 59 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Having to run an old router makes me sad. I opened a ticket with NETGEAR and there no help so far, they are escalating the issue to next support tier. I will post back if they have me try something that works. 

Message 60 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Do it for both for now while testing. I know that 3rd gen NESTs are dual band while 1st gen are 2.4Ghz only. After testing and finding any results you can re-enable AX mode. 


Distance with NEST from RBR and RBS will be a factor. I beleive that if the NEST is getting signal from both RBR and RBS and the wifi signal overlap is near or right on the NEST having problems, this maybe another factor that the NEST is trying to pick the best signal and since both signals are about even, it's what NG is calling ping ponging back and forth between signals or frequencies thus causing the NEST to drain it's battery while ping ponging back and forth instead of connecting to just one signal and maintaining that one connection. So try lowering the power put put of the RBR from 100% to 50 then 25% as well and see if this helps change the behavior of the NEST. Might help force the NEST to keep the connection to the RBS vs the RBR. 


My one 3rd gen is 5 feet away from my RBR while the 1st gen downstairs is 12 feet away from the RBS. Though I have never seen any battery problems with the 1st gen, just the 3rd gen has always been problematic with Orbi AX. 


I have not disabled anything on mine however I have a 8 series orbi. Anything is possible when it comes to Orbi AX and could be some differences in FW with the 7 series. So far I have not had any NEST battery problems sinnce loading v6 FW. I did experience one odd issue with the NEST app which I did seen on prior version of Orbi AX FW yesterday, for some reason when my iphone or pad are connected to a RBS and the NEST 1st gen is connected to a different RBS where the mobile devices are not connected, the NEST app reports my 1st gen disconnected. Looking at the actual controller, it's actually connected. For some reason the NEST app isn't getting status data from the controller when the mobile devices are connected on different RBS. Works when they are connected on the same RBS. I did a full factory reset on the RBS, wirelessly connected the RBS first, then ethernet connected the RBS lastly back in the configuration I had before the NEST app is working again while connected to different RBS. Only seems to happen after a FW update or when putting RBS online and only effects the reporting of the 1st gen NEST in the NEST app on Orbi AX. Never saw this with Orbi AC or other mfr routers. Orbi AX has it's odditys.


Yes, please keep in contact with NG support. I also have reported this as well.

@orbi-adan wrote:

Should I do this for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz or just 5GHz?




Message 61 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Just picked up my 753 Orbi set last night at Costco to replace my RBK53. Got it set up and all seemed fine. This morning, all three of my 3rd gen Thermostats are low battery and unresponsive.

This sort of thing isn’t acceptable. CTS is set to 64 (I didn’t touch it).

Back to Costco it goes. I’ll stick with the RBK53.
Message 62 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

I agreee and it’s not even as if the product is new or in stages where customers should go. If the problem is with ping ponging then Netgear in thier Mesh network technology needs to be able to lock it to what device should be handling this.

Obviously it’s something with how netgear is handling it as Nest has thier mesh network technology as well, it’s just not AX.
Message 63 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Agreed, and since the first post in this thread is from May, I've zero confidence in Netgear sorting this before I need to start using my heating - which is very soon.


Returning it today. Very disappointed. 

Message 64 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Just re-installed my RBK53, and my Nest thermostats are back to being happy again. This whole situation is just insane. 3 months without a fix from Netgear? Insanity...

Message 65 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup


What is the distance between the RBR and RBS? 

What is the distance between the NEST controller and the RBR and RBS? How close is the Nest to either unit. 

Are you usnig any orbi AC RBS? 

Message 66 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

I get so tired of reading. This response. This is a high end wireless network setup, fo we ask this question by every vendor?

In my opinion it shouldn’t matter and it shouldn’t drain. This is a really bad outcome from something netgear shoidl year, resolve and address in thier labs. Not leave it to customers to pay hundreds of dollars to troubleshoot and advise.

Plus with heating season right ahead for some, this will become a HUGE issue and more of an issue for some when they can’t get heat due to an expensive wireless system draining a smart thermostat!

As mentioned this thread was started by me multi months back with no resolve and folks continuing to experience and have to try various setting and advisement.

Poor repsonse and support and furthermore Netgear has such a limited support window unless you pay for more is more than unacceptable
Message 67 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Couldn't agree more. It's fine with me. I can stick to the RBK53, and the 753 goes back to Costco. So be it!

Message 68 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Can agree more and I will also be returning it.
Message 69 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

@FURRYe38 wrote:

I'm not trying to tell users to redesign the homes or NEST placements. Trying to help users to see if some of the suggestions and configurations may help the behavior and then get some results and feedback from users having this problem so we can forward this info to NG so they and or NEST can help make changes to either NG Orbi FW and or NEST FW to help both work better and fix these problems. 


So far I haven't changed my NEST placement or configuration since v32. What is working is keeping default CTS values and wifi setttings which for me, is working and keeping my NESTs online and not loosing batter life. It's the side effect from what I've seen with my NEST is that the NEST will not reconnect if the connection is lost with Orbi AX and the NEST continues to reconnect causing a battery loss over time if I don't catch the disonnect sooner then later. This seems to be a odd or bad NEST behavior on there part. 


Ya, I agree NEST should work with out hassle with Orbi AX. Its been ongoing since I got mine and been working with NG on this as best as I can. 


So, Aside from what we already know, any good feedback on results from suggestions given is appreciated so we can pass this on to NG for review. Hopefully they can get it all figured out. There seems to be differences in AX wifi vs AC wifi systems and how things are handled. There needs to be some tuning I presume at some level to get it working well with NEST controllers. 

Those settings didn't work for me. Default setup out of the box, and within hours my thermostats are offline. Honestly, who has time to mess with this nonsense when do any other routers have this issue with the Nest thermstats? None that I know of. 

Message 70 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

NEST work out the issues? Seems like the issue is with Netgear.
Message 71 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Then return the Orbi AX system and find something that does. 

Good Luck. 

@WilliamGr wrote:

Those settings didn't work for me. Default setup out of the box, and within hours my thermostats are offline. Honestly, who has time to mess with this nonsense when do any other routers have this issue with the Nest thermstats? None that I know of. 


Message 72 of 265
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Hi, All, 


We are currently looking into this issue. 


@brandobot @P_Joyce @proxy2 @orbi-adan @WilliamGr

I have sent you a message. Please check your inbox.


Community Team

Message 73 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Experiencing the same issue. Have router and two satellites - all three Nest gen. 3 thermostats in my home have low power warnings and are disconnected from wifi.
Message 74 of 265

Re: Nest Thermostat Batteries LOW on a new ORBI AX setup

Can you turne OFF 1 of your RBS and leave the other one online.

What is the distances from the NEST controllers to the RBR and to the RBS? 


@Inimical wrote:
Experiencing the same issue. Have router and two satellites - all three Nest gen. 3 thermostats in my home have low power warnings and are disconnected from wifi.


Message 75 of 265
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