Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released


Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

So only 1ft being a difference and the NEST is right on the wifi signal coverage over lap, ya, I can see why the NEST maybe ping ponging back and forth and preferencing the RBR over the RBS. I would presume if the NEST was farther away from the RBR and much closer to the RBS, would probably see different results. I would try to get the distance to close either towards the RBS or RBR. You may need to move the RBS out farther or you can't do this and the size of home you have, may need to just turn OFF the RBS. For 2000sq ft, the RBR can cover this on it's own. I have a 5000 sq ft home and 3 levels. RBR on 2nd level, 2ndary RBS on main level and a Primary RBS down the basement, mostly wired normally. I can run with just 1 RBR normally. If I have two RBS deployed, I turn down the power to 50%. 

Message 151 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Yeah, still having issues with this FW version.  One of my satellites is showing status as "Disconnected" on my Attached Devices list, but I know it's connected to the network because our Synology NAS is attached to it; our Macs continue to successfully and wirelessly back up to the drive via Time Machine and I can access the NAS and files on it through Finder.  I've already completely rebooted the entire network (router, satellites and cable modem) with no success in getting it to reconnect in the Attached Devices list, and I'm unable to factory reset the satellite...  it just doesn't take -- every time I try, it just boots up and seemingly connects normally to the Orbi network.

Message 152 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Has the RBR been factory reset since you updated? 


You might leave it for now. If it's working otherwise and only showing the RBRs web page as disconnected. Possible issue on the RBR web page rather then the RBS. If this isn't blocking anything, I'd leave it for now. 

@RockTheGlobe wrote:

Yeah, still having issues with this FW version.  One of my satellites is showing status as "Disconnected" on my Attached Devices list, but I know it's connected to the network because our Synology NAS is attached to it; our Macs continue to successfully and wirelessly back up to the drive via Time Machine and I can access the NAS and files on it through Finder.  I've already completely rebooted the entire network (router, satellites and cable modem) with no success in getting it to reconnect in the Attached Devices list, and I'm unable to factory reset the satellite...  it just doesn't take -- every time I try, it just boots up and seemingly connects normally to the Orbi network.


Message 153 of 184

SOLVED - , Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released


Hi there,

I just tried to update from firmware v4.6.7.5 to v4.6.7.13 and started as instructed by RBS750 but when I try to do a manual update on RBS750 ---> I get

Firmware upgrade failed. Please check your file.

So now what do I do ;(

THANK you [ I don't use Auto-Update which rarely finds an update anyways].

I'm of course connected to the correct network - using WPA3-Personal if that matters.




SOLVED, I re-downloaded the file and they worked fine.

Message 154 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

You were careful to select the RBS firmware file rather than the RBR file, correct?

Message 155 of 184

Re: SOLVED - , Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Also it's recommended to use a wired LAN cable connection with a PC to the RBS or RBR when doing Manual FW updates.

@exlemor22 wrote:


Hi there,

I just tried to update from firmware v4.6.7.5 to v4.6.7.13 and started as instructed by RBS750 but when I try to do a manual update on RBS750 ---> I get

Firmware upgrade failed. Please check your file.

So now what do I do ;(

THANK you [ I don't use Auto-Update which rarely finds an update anyways].

I'm of course connected to the correct network - using WPA3-Personal if that matters.




SOLVED, I re-downloaded the file and they worked fine.


Message 156 of 184

Re: SOLVED - , Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

These get so much replies which was solved?
Message 157 of 184

Re: SOLVED - , Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

"SOLVED, I re-downloaded the file and they worked fine."

@Theobuck wrote:
These get so much replies which was solved?


Message 158 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

CPU Load: 11.10%

Memory Usage(Used/Total): 334 MB/874 MB

System Uptime: 10 days 13:12:44


So far, so good. By far the longest uptime and lowest memory usage/CPU load I've seen since I started having problems last summer. Its been as fast and stable as when I first bought. Crossing my fingers that this will last. Thanks @FURRYe38 

Message 159 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Glad you got it working better. Be sure to save off a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Saves time if a reset is needed.
Enjoy. 📡

@d700 wrote:

CPU Load: 11.10%

Memory Usage(Used/Total): 334 MB/874 MB

System Uptime: 10 days 13:12:44


So far, so good. By far the longest uptime and lowest memory usage/CPU load I've seen since I started having problems last summer. Its been as fast and stable as when I first bought. Crossing my fingers that this will last. Thanks @FURRYe38 


Message 160 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Hi all

Has anyone noticed an oddity with the 5Ghz channel? In that, I have CH38 set yet two different analyser applications report 5Ghz on CH40?

I used Ubiquiti and then Fing and both show same thing. CH40 and 80Mhz width. I was using CH48 but my neighbour uses CH44. I thought that going to CH38 would give more breathing room / space between us, but the Router doesn't appear to be honouring what I've chosen.

Thanks in advance.
Message 161 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Do you mean channel 36? 

Ya we saw this early on with Orbi AX. Seems that NG prefers users to use channel 40 regardless of you pick 36. Was brought up to NG long time ago. 

@Jimbo84 wrote:
Hi all

Has anyone noticed an oddity with the 5Ghz channel? In that, I have CH38 set yet two different analyser applications report 5Ghz on CH40?

I used Ubiquiti and then Fing and both show same thing. CH40 and 80Mhz width. I was using CH48 but my neighbour uses CH44. I thought that going to CH38 would give more breathing room / space between us, but the Router doesn't appear to be honouring what I've chosen.

Thanks in advance.


Message 162 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Sorry yep CH36! 🙂

Hmm that is frustrating, and there is no way to adjust 5Ghz channel width from the auto 80Mhz.

Why offer CH36 if it won't honour it.

Glad it isn't just me then. Thanks for the quick reply as always. Much appreciated.
Message 163 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

My older RBR50 does what I tell it to with regard to 5G, but the end result remains puzzling.

When I set 5G to channel 36, two different WiFi scanners both report "channel 36 (5180GHz)", but also report "80MB width" and display the signal as an arch from 5250-5170.  When set to channel 48, both report channel 48 (5240GHz) with the same "80MB width" from 5250-5170.


If anyone can find a reference to what these mean by their descriptions, I would love to read it.

Message 164 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Ya. I remember someone from NG saying that channel 36 wasn't working well for Orbi systems or something having to do with some interferences on or near 36 a few years back. Reason for not being able to set channel widith is based on Smart Connect. The base design of Smart Connect was to combine the SSID name along with auto adjusting the channel width as well. No need for user adjustments using this. Why on some non MESH routers, you can disable Smart Connect and you can get some adjustments if the mfr puts them in the UI. Orbi systems and seen on other non NG MESH systems that since Smart Connect is deployed all the time and the same remains in this kind of configuration, Mfrs avoid user configurations issues by limiting what the systems does and what users can and cannot configure. I feel that how 5Ghz AC works may differ some on how 5Ghz AX mode works so could see some oddities for sure. 

Over all, I've been using manual channel 1 and 40 for a while now and no big issues for the main channels with Orbi. I have next door nieghbor that has a Orbi system as well, they are on channel 6 and 48. 


@Jimbo84 wrote:
Sorry yep CH36! 🙂

Hmm that is frustrating, and there is no way to adjust 5Ghz channel width from the auto 80Mhz.

Why offer CH36 if it won't honour it.

Glad it isn't just me then. Thanks for the quick reply as always. Much appreciated.


Message 165 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Isn't Channel 36 the CB/Emergency Comm Channel? What brings that to mind is from using First-Adopter Cordless Microphones. Now those devices use different frequencies and technologies. 

Message 166 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

CB Radio is in the megahertz frequency space. WiFi is in the gigahertz frequency space.


Message 167 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released


Message 168 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Channel 9 was/is the emergency channel for the C.B. radio operators. 

@FarmerBob1 wrote:

Isn't Channel 36 the CB/Emergency Comm Channel? What brings that to mind is from using First-Adopter Cordless Microphones. Now those devices use different frequencies and technologies. 


Message 169 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Very interesting update on the issue I was having.  I decided to turn the satellite back on and do some more testing.  Even though I did a reset of both and restored the router from a backup I was still having issues until I painstakingly went through all of my DHCP reservations on the router and did edit and a save on each, without changing anything in any of the entries. I then hit  'Apply' button to accept the 'changes' and voila I haven't had any issues since.  Seems like there is some kind  chicanery going on with reservations after a firmware update and even follow the steps didn't seem to help.   

Message 170 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Thanks for letting us know the details. Seen odd problems with restoring from backup from prior version of FW as well. Why factory resets and setup from scratch are suggested...

@Timothy88 wrote:

Very interesting update on the issue I was having.  I decided to turn the satellite back on and do some more testing.  Even though I did a reset of both and restored the router from a backup I was still having issues until I painstakingly went through all of my DHCP reservations on the router and did edit and a save on each, without changing anything in any of the entries. I then hit  'Apply' button to accept the 'changes' and voila I haven't had any issues since.  Seems like there is some kind  chicanery going on with reservations after a firmware update and even follow the steps didn't seem to help.   


Message 171 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Hi All,


I did the updates as per first post and all appears ok, the 2 satellites updated together, however when I checked all after also doing the RBR, the firmware versions on the 2 satellites are different, which seems impossible as they both updated from the same file.  Anyone else seen this?






Message 172 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

I don't think my screen shot worked. My point is i updated both satellites together using manual process and one updated and the other Surely a strange situation? I tried again and it made no difference
Message 173 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

To correctly manually update the one RBS, you would need to download the RBS fw file, unpack the FW.zip file. Log into the IP address given to the RBS and use the RBS web page directly to send the FW file to the RBS. 

@SGDH wrote:
I don't think my screen shot worked. My point is i updated both satellites together using manual process and one updated and the other Surely a strange situation? I tried again and it made no difference


Message 174 of 184

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Looks like has just dropped for the 750 models.
I haven't upgraded yet but will do this evening. 👍
Message 175 of 184
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