Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released


Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Hello, but is this new firmware a beta? because on the site the latest version is I have version because I have not installed version because I have read that many have had problems. I with the version we say that it works quite well and I am always afraid to install a new firmware, so the version is a beta? On searching for updates, I only find version for the router for the two satellites, it tells me no updates are available. Thank you.
Message 151 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

It's not an official firmware release, more of a publilc beta. Well worth trying this firmware as it seems to have helped a number of users resolve some of their issues. Make sure you read and follow the OP instructions, especially factory reset and power off times

Message 152 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Someone here posted a download link to the beta version. I installed it, power cycled and reset the the router. Still flaky. I thought about downgrading but after the reset it checks for new firmware so that’s probably a waste of time. I wonder if getting a different router and using these in bridge mode would work.
Message 153 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

What do you mean by still flaky? Whats happening? 

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?

What is the size of your home? Sq Ft?
What is the distance between the router and 📡 satellite(s)? 30 feet or more is recommended in between RBR and RBS📡 to begin with depending upon building materials when wirelessly connected.
https://kb.netgear.com/31029/Where-should-I-place-my-Orbi-satellite 📡

What channels are you using? Auto? Try Auto and 48 on 5Ghz. Or try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and 40 to 48 channel on 5Ghz.
Any Wifi Neighbors near by? If so, how many?

Is AX mode enabled and CTS at default value or 2347? 


If you mean AP mode, yes would be worth trying.

@stlgasman wrote:
Someone here posted a download link to the beta version. I installed it, power cycled and reset the the router. Still flaky. I thought about downgrading but after the reset it checks for new firmware so that’s probably a waste of time. I wonder if getting a different router and using these in bridge mode would work.


Message 154 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

It’s flaky in that the internet drops and restores. My wife called all day about it. I can see it when I get notifications that the thermostat is offline, etc. Saturday was rock solid. Sunday maybe a half dozen three to five minute drops. Today, off and on all day. I am thinking about down grading firmware, but it will just update automatically. The satellite is connected via Ethernet.
Message 155 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Please give feedback to the questions presented so we can get a better idea of your envrionment.

Also is the RBS directly connected to the RBR or is there a LAN switch in betwen or is the RBS connecting to the RBR via different method?


@stlgasman wrote:
It’s flaky in that the internet drops and restores. My wife called all day about it. I can see it when I get notifications that the thermostat is offline, etc. Saturday was rock solid. Sunday maybe a half dozen three to five minute drops. Today, off and on all day. I am thinking about down grading firmware, but it will just update automatically. The satellite is connected via Ethernet.


Message 156 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

This error is because you have 2 factor auth set up on your gmail account.

Message 157 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Please give feedback to the questions presented so we can get a better idea of your envrionment.

Also is the RBS directly connected to the RBR or is there a LAN switch in betwen or is the RBS connecting to the RBR via different method?

@stlgasman wrote:
It’s flaky in that the internet drops and restores. My wife called all day about it. I can see it when I get notifications that the thermostat is offline, etc. Saturday was rock solid. Sunday maybe a half dozen three to five minute drops. Today, off and on all day. I am thinking about down grading firmware, but it will just update automatically. The satellite is connected via Ethernet.


Message 158 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I've updated to this firmware my new RBK752.


VPN has issues. it didn't route correctly and more over it made the DNS gateway crash.


see here : https://community.netgear.com/t5/Orbi/VPN-issue-with-RBK752-connected-but-no-access-to-internet-or/m...

Message 159 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Really thought that this new firmware was fantastic.   While it does provide a lot better stability, when it's working, I've run into a problem.


1.  After a day or two, the RBR750 locks up hard.   The link light for the ethernet port on my Adtran Fiber optic OTA goes dark.    Connections using the ethernet ports on teh back of the RBR750 are unresponsive and also show no link.


If I unplug the power for a couple minutes and then reconnect, the RBR750 will start backup and connectivity will return both ethernet and wireless.


RBR750 and RBS750's (three in RBK753 kit) are all on APC UPS units that provide quality power besides just backup power.


Hoping this helps the developers.    I suspose it's possible that there's a hardware issue if others are not having thses problems, but befoe I pull the trigger for a warranty replacement claim, I wanted to report my status and if others have also encountered this issue.

Message 160 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

How often does this happen?


Has a power off for 1 minute then back ON with the ISP modem and router been performed since last update?
Be sure to restart your network in this sequence:
Turn off and unplug modem.
Turn off router and computers.
Plug in and turn on modem. Wait 2 minutes for it to connect.
Turn on the router and wait 2 minutes for it to connect.
Turn on computers and rest of network.


Lastly, try a full on factory reset of the RBR, power OFF for 5 minutes then back on then complete the setup wizard. 


Also look at the memory usage on the routers IPaddress/debug.htm page to see if the usage climbs or keeps steady. 

@SeaRefractor wrote:

Really thought that this new firmware was fantastic.   While it does provide a lot better stability, when it's working, I've run into a problem.


1.  After a day or two, the RBR750 locks up hard.   The link light for the ethernet port on my Adtran Fiber optic OTA goes dark.    Connections using the ethernet ports on teh back of the RBR750 are unresponsive and also show no link.


If I unplug the power for a couple minutes and then reconnect, the RBR750 will start backup and connectivity will return both ethernet and wireless.


RBR750 and RBS750's (three in RBK753 kit) are all on APC UPS units that provide quality power besides just backup power.


Hoping this helps the developers.    I suspose it's possible that there's a hardware issue if others are not having thses problems, but befoe I pull the trigger for a warranty replacement claim, I wanted to report my status and if others have also encountered this issue.


Message 161 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I updated about a week ago following the instructions, including a power off of the devices and modem, but today I had my first crash. Lost all Wi-Fi and Ethernet from the RBR750 and the only fix was to power off and back on again. Looks like still has issues.

Message 162 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Can you try a full on Factory reset on the RBR and setup from scratch? Also power OFF the ISP modem for 1 minute then back ON. Then walk thru the setup wizard. I won't not enable Armor, SPC, Access Controls or Traffic Meter. Disable all logs that you don't monitor. Start checking the routerIPaddress/debug.htm page and Memory Usage. Monitor this value to see if it creeps up or remains at a certain level. 


@Talk2Mike wrote:

I updated about a week ago following the instructions, including a power off of the devices and modem, but today I had my first crash. Lost all Wi-Fi and Ethernet from the RBR750 and the only fix was to power off and back on again. Looks like still has issues.


Message 163 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Yes, I've had it unplugged for well over 2 minutes, and had to do that just yesterday afternoon as well.


I'll try a factory reset again, but the prior had not resolved the issue.

Message 164 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

OK, start watching the memory usage on the debug page after the reset. Wondering if this is moving up or not. 

@SeaRefractor wrote:

Yes, I've had it unplugged for well over 2 minutes, and had to do that just yesterday afternoon as well.


I'll try a factory reset again, but the prior had not resolved the issue.


Message 165 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I installed the firmware version last night, and it looks to have solved a few of my issues -- one of my satellites had been continuously disconnected, and it appears that issue is fixed.


That said, I enabled IPv6 this morning after discovering it was turned off, and I noticed on the Debug page that my CPU load has been steadily increasing since I did that.  When I enabled IPv6, my CPU load was around 16%; 3-4 hours later, it's over 19%.  I realize that's an incremental gain and it may drop, but I'm keeping an eye on it since it hasn't gone down at all...  logs don't show much of anything out of the ordinary, but wondering if there's a runaway process in there somewhere.

Message 166 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

So do you see any difference with IPv6 disabled? 

@RockTheGlobe wrote:

I installed the firmware version last night, and it looks to have solved a few of my issues -- one of my satellites had been continuously disconnected, and it appears that issue is fixed.


That said, I enabled IPv6 this morning after discovering it was turned off, and I noticed on the Debug page that my CPU load has been steadily increasing since I did that.  When I enabled IPv6, my CPU load was around 16%; 3-4 hours later, it's over 19%.  I realize that's an incremental gain and it may drop, but I'm keeping an eye on it since it hasn't gone down at all...  logs don't show much of anything out of the ordinary, but wondering if there's a runaway process in there somewhere.


Message 167 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Looks like the CPU load has normalized, it went back down overnight and is currently at 17.15%.  Memory usage has stayed stable at around 343MB.

Message 168 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released


@RockTheGlobe wrote:

Looks like the CPU load has normalized, it went back down overnight and is currently at 17.15%.  Memory usage has stayed stable at around 343MB.


Message 169 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

@stlgasman wrote:
It’s flaky in that the internet drops and restores. My wife called all day about it. I can see it when I get notifications that the thermostat is offline, etc. Saturday was rock solid. Sunday maybe a half dozen three to five minute drops. Today, off and on all day. I am thinking about down grading firmware, but it will just update automatically. The satellite is connected via Ethernet.

Check this post:



In short:  Orbi only working configuration (even with v4.6.7.5) is: 

independent router + Orbi system in AP mode with satellites connected with cable for Backhaul. 

But in this configuration it works without any issues (speed, stability and Mesh tech are fantastic) !


Message 170 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

What do you mean by still flaky? Whats happening? 

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?

What is the size of your home? Sq Ft?
What is the distance between the router and 📡 satellite(s)? 30 feet or more is recommended in between RBR and RBS📡 to begin with depending upon building materials when wirelessly connected.
https://kb.netgear.com/31029/Where-should-I-place-my-Orbi-satellite 📡

What channels are you using? Auto? Try Auto and 48 on 5Ghz. Or try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and 40 to 48 channel on 5Ghz.
Any Wifi Neighbors near by? If so, how many?

Is AX mode enabled and CTS at default value or 2347? 


If you mean AP mode, yes would be worth trying.


@stlgasman wrote:
Someone here posted a download link to the beta version. I installed it, power cycled and reset the the router. Still flaky. I thought about downgrading but after the reset it checks for new firmware so that’s probably a waste of time. I wonder if getting a different router and using these in bridge mode would work.


Message 171 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Since there was a power outage last week, the router seems to have adjusted it's power down to 50% as configured and all devices stay on their dedicated satellite. I have done several reboots and power offs more than 1 minute. Netgear needs to get their stuff fixed. Booting network devices should be enough, not plug off for several minutes. Are we back in 1990? Man, this firmwares are pain in the a55. Really!

On my job I work with appliances and network devices, I have never seen such unprofessional software like this from netgear, even in consumer hardware!


600 bucks for rbr und 2 rbs? It's only worth 100 bucks, maximum. I am still not satisfied with this firmware....

Message 172 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

The RBR will not change the power setting. Thats a user setting only. 

A power cycle may have all that was needed.


FW is a WIP. This version was targeted to bring more stability to users that saw many problems in prior v4 versions of FW and for some it has. We all know it's not perfect. With a human condition, it probably won't be.  


@Cyv wrote:

Since there was a power outage last week, the router seems to have adjusted it's power down to 50% as configured and all devices stay on their dedicated satellite. I have done several reboots and power offs more than 1 minute. Netgear needs to get their stuff fixed. Booting network devices should be enough, not plug off for several minutes. Are we back in 1990? Man, this firmwares are pain in the a55. Really!

On my job I work with appliances and network devices, I have never seen such unprofessional software like this from netgear, even in consumer hardware!


600 bucks for rbr und 2 rbs? It's only worth 100 bucks, maximum. I am still not satisfied with this firmware....


Message 173 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released


Please do NOT attempt to downgrade your Orbi systems from this version of FW back to v4.6.3.16 or anything older. 
Were seeing some users post that there systems are not functional or not working right at all after they downgrade using normal downgrade proceedures. 


If you system is not work right after updating FW, post here in the forums and we'll try to help you out and troubleshot the problems.

Leave the FW version on the system as is. 

I"ve passed this on to NG for review and information. 


Thank you. 

Message 174 of 261

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Has anyone had an issue with this firmware where they will see wifi connections running around half the speed you would expect?  It was running perfectly for a while, but recently, on wifi I'm only seeing about half the download speed.  Upload is fine.


I've tried changing all the normal fault steps including hard resets, factory default, turn off, pray to netgear gods.  I was about to downgrade but have just seen the warning that this is not recommended either?


On the orbi interface itself, speeds are fine, connected directly to my router, speeds are fine but wifi its around half what I'm seeing, even when stood a few feet from main router with direct line of sight.


I've tried changing all usual settings also, CTS, AX mode on and off, wifi channels.  I really wanted to rollback firmware again to 3.x but have just seen the warnings.  If this can't be solved then I'm going get rid of Orbi

Message 175 of 261
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