Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released


Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released


@Emonson wrote:
How do you roll back?

My current solution is to reboot everything each morning - seems to give a bit of stability for a few hours but very annoying!


Message 26 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

So the only answer to this whole bloody fiasco is to 


1) Downgrade via editing a style sheet on the download page


2) Block firmware updates. 



How nonsensical in this? My internet is so unstable, i was forced to stick back my old mesh of Unifi Aps just to get things working again! At least with those they are NOT getting automatically updated to completely broken firmware without any recourse apart from **bleep**ty hacky methods. 


What a bloody waste of money. Netgear deserves to have class action suites filed against it for causing this much grief! 

Message 27 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Hell yeah! Sign me up! $1k paperweights.
Message 28 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Can't even find a place to register an issue with their support - every link I find sends me to a dead end!

Message 29 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

My recommendation would be to swap out your gear with a Ubiquity dream machine. That's what I'm in the process of doing. You can mesh them and they support a cabled backhaul but you'll probably need a switch if you go cabled backhaul since the port count is low
Message 30 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

How did you do a roll-back of the FW for the RBR ? I managed this for the Sattelites, but not for the main router. Om the question: “Are you sure No /YES “ I only van choose for the NO option !
Message 31 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

How did you manage this at all? It says firmware update failed regardless - it won't even show the warning of downgrading to a lower version.

Message 32 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released



Prevent v4 Autoupgrade using V3.2.10.10:

@LucGov wrote:
How did you do a roll-back of the FW for the RBR ? I managed this for the Sattelites, but not for the main router. Om the question: “Are you sure No /YES “ I only van choose for the NO option !


Message 33 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Rolled it back - went to the new firmware. I'm nervous about doing all of that TELNET stuff but maybe I will try.


I contacted Gearhead and was told they'll send me "Troubleshooting articles" but will have to contact 888 NETGEAR once I have run through the troubleshooting. 


I've never seen support be so small (90 days) and then have 0 accountability for the QC issues at NETGEAR. I'll let everyone know if I can uncover anything else once I've been given those "Troubleshooting articles" (which are probably not as good as the people here with their epic responsiveness) and once I have called that number.



Message 34 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Message 35 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Thanks Furrye38 for roll back info. 


I have completed and will monitor. Tested against my older reliable wifi device (now a backup) and back to 220-250Mbps speeds. 


For RBR850/ RBS850 you need to go back to RBS850-V3.2.10.11_1.2.12 and the RBR download


It concerns me not having firmware updates as it could leave us vulnerable but what options are there with the disgraceful job been done on v4.6.

Will monitor for now.


Likely to move off netgear, cut losses on expensive equipment and build a business grade network at home. As suggested in other posts Ubiquiti is a good option or I'll go with what I know and purchase Meraki kit. 


Good luck everyone. 

Message 36 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

I came from Unifi gear. UBNT is equally bad with firmware and rubbishy changes BUT at least they allow you to downgrade. I had mine on some weird version that worked so well, i went months without reboots.


The ORBI was running so well before this. Now? It's about as useful as a paper weight.


Thankfully i still had my old unifi setup sitting around. I have now ordered a used UDM and i will stick with Unifi till a later date, when i can verify via these forums that Netgear has fixed all the issues




Netgear introduces new firmware that completely wrecks connectivity with its 1200 dollar set.  It gets so bad that devices keep dropping off, satellites lose connectivity randomly etc. Furthermore it ruined the backhaul systems... i run a multiple level setup (9 orbis overall) with some having wired backhaul and some wireless to cover a fairly large property.  Guess what? It's about as usuable as a first generation wireless router right now from the late 90s.


If you are reading this at any point consider looking elsewhere. Netgear is neither a responsible company nor a responsive one. The gear can get auto updates that flat out nuke the devices to kingdom come and then it's left to these forums doing hacky things like editing 'the update page' via stylesheets so you can downgrade to a better firmware AND blocking updates via your router/other means.

Message 37 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Good Luck. 

@CH-Syd wrote:

Thanks Furrye38 for roll back info. 


I have completed and will monitor. Tested against my older reliable wifi device (now a backup) and back to 220-250Mbps speeds. 


For RBR850/ RBS850 you need to go back to RBS850-V3.2.10.11_1.2.12 and the RBR download


It concerns me not having firmware updates as it could leave us vulnerable but what options are there with the disgraceful job been done on v4.6.

Will monitor for now.


Likely to move off netgear, cut losses on expensive equipment and build a business grade network at home. As suggested in other posts Ubiquiti is a good option or I'll go with what I know and purchase Meraki kit. 


Good luck everyone. 


Message 38 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Thanks all for your advice and help.

Looking to sell off my RBK852 soon to leave for another brand. Sad in that the hardware is 6 months old and basically mint aside from poor QC firmware.

Obviously a firmware update should be coming one of these days as this one is broken but I cannot wait too much longer and will never be purchasing Netgear products again.
Message 39 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

I am keeping mine for a bit. If they fix it in an acceptable time frame I’ll use it or that’s the end of the line for me with ng
Message 40 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Just a question, didn't do the ORBI an automatic reverse to the latest firmware after you did a downgrade ?

Message 41 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

if you block it correctly, the auto udpate don't happen if you downgrade. 

Message 42 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Message 43 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

To block updates, it was pretty easy for me. I run pihole, so i just pointed the Orbi dns servers from the internet setup page internally to pihole. Then I blocked regex:

So far so good. Only has to last until the weekend when I can swap it out. Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro should be here tomorrow.

In 2000 I added my first company I would never do business with on a personal level. It was AT&T. I've since added HP and U-Haul. Congrats Netgear, you've made the shortlist at #4. There is no product that you offer that is any cheaper, well supported, or feature rich than any of your competition. You do not significantly distinguish yourself in any way unless you consider your lack of software QA and overall apathetic stance toward your customers distinguishing factors. I look forward to the class action. You will not be missed.
Message 44 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

This may sound crazy but it worked for me.  I am not a router guru so I won't even try to explain this but the solution for me was simple. 


I have Orbi RBR850 and 5 RBS850 satellites all running  I was having all of the issues noted by others on a couple of the satellites.  (Constant rebooting, slow speeds, no clients attaching, dropping internet)


I noticed that the 3 closest to the router (about 30 feet)  were not having the constant reboot issue and were accepting clients while remaining stable with good transmission rates.  The two I have in the extreme corners of my home (60 feet away from router in opposite direction) were experiencing a constant reboot, low speeds, dropping internet, and not accepting wireless connections.  I reset, re-synced both of them and repositioned both of those satellites closer to the router (40 feet) and it resolved all of the issues.  Now all 5 satellites are functional. (At least for the past 36 hours).  I have since moved them back to their original positions and the system is totally stable.


I posted this under the RBR75? topic as well since it seem to be the same issue with the new firmware.


Hope this helps someone else.


Message 45 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Thanks for letting us know.

Be sure to save off a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Saves time if a reset is needed.

@Zultan wrote:

This may sound crazy but it worked for me.  I am not a router guru so I won't even try to explain this but the solution for me was simple. 


I have Orbi RBR850 and 5 RBS850 satellites all running  I was having all of the issues noted by others on a couple of the satellites.  (Constant rebooting, slow speeds, no clients attaching, dropping internet)


I noticed that the 3 closest to the router (about 30 feet)  were not having the constant reboot issue and were accepting clients while remaining stable with good transmission rates.  The two I have in the extreme corners of my home (60 feet away from router in opposite direction) were experiencing a constant reboot, low speeds, dropping internet, and not accepting wireless connections.  I reset, re-synced both of them and repositioned both of those satellites closer to the router (40 feet) and it resolved all of the issues.  Now all 5 satellites are functional. (At least for the past 36 hours).  I have since moved them back to their original positions and the system is totally stable.


I posted this under the RBR75? topic as well since it seem to be the same issue with the new firmware.


Hope this helps someone else.



Message 46 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Does @FURRYe38  or anyone else know when the new FM will be released for RBR850/RBS850? I see it's been released for the 750s this morning and is intended to address many of the issues we've all been experiencing. I know we're all getting pretty desperate.

Message 47 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

NG doesn't announce when FW is forth coming. Hopefully soon though. Keep an eye on the NG download page and in here in the forums. 


Message 48 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released

Awesome, thanks @FURRYe38  With 3 kids and both my wife and I working from home at the moment, the FW update couldn't come soon enough (hopefully I don't regret saying that!).


Thanks for your committment to this space. It's appreciated.

Message 49 of 317

Re: New RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version Released


Message 50 of 317
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