Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages


Orbi CBR750 random outages

Not consistent but at random times I'm losing internet connection.  The connection does NOT drop on the modem/router though, it still shows the status up.  ISP has come out multiple times (4th was today).  These "blips" as I'm calling them were happening every 5 minutes, almost exactly.  They came out, changed the hardware on the line, left. Still happening.  Came back again, said they see errors on the line from the street level connection and schedule an appointment with the street level tech.

Street level tech says they monitored connection for an hour and see no issues, recommended a replacement line from house box ISP connection to inside of house. They do that today and yet the issue persists.. just differently.  Instead of every 5 minutes for only 5 seconds, its once an hour for 2-3 minutes.

Of the repeated errors on the event log, these seem to happen the most:
Mar 03 2023 14:56:15Warning (5)DBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value
Mar 03 2023 14:56:15Warning (5)RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW
Mar 03 2023 14:56:15Notice (6)US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 6

Message 1 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Does the front LED turn PINK or any of the modem UP or Down LEDs give an AMBER light?


What Firmware version is currently loaded?
Please post a copy and paste of the modems connection status and event log page.


Have the ISP check the signal and line quality UP to the modem. Be sure the ISP provisions the modem correctly.
Be sure there are no coax cable line splitters in the between the modem and ISP service box. 
Be sure your using good quality RG6 coax cable up to the modem. 
Start with removing any amplifiers, signal attenuators, or splitters from the coax.
From there check the line for kinks, damage, moisture in the line.
Check the connectors for improperly made ends, foil touching the copper coax line, loose connections, bad/old/cheap connectors, or corroded connections. Replace them if you do.
Be sure to power OFF the modem for 1 minute then back ON.

Message 2 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

A lot of this info was already in my post but i'll post it again.. No there is no color on the orbi.  Status lights show up.
The firmware is current, there are no updates available.

Techs have checked the line and it says fine both inside and at the street level box.
Yes there is a splitter, the line splits between my cable box and my modem router.

The line and the splitter are brand new as of today.
The modem has been powered on/off many many times and cycled many many times.

I cannot paste the log currently.  It does this sometimes where the log appears blank and will show up later.  The errors in my original post are the same errors that show up around the downtime.

Startup Procedure
Acquire Downstream Channel951000000 HzLocked
Connectivity StateOkOperational
Boot StateOkOperational
IP Provisioning ModeHonor MDDhonorMdd(4)

Downstream Bonded Channels
ChannelLock StatusModulationChannel IDFrequencyPowerSNRCorrectablesUncorrectable
1LockedQAM 2561783000000 Hz-3.7 dBmV37.3 dB10
2LockedQAM 2562789000000 Hz-3.5 dBmV37.3 dB10
3LockedQAM 2563795000000 Hz-3.7 dBmV37.6 dB10
4LockedQAM 2564801000000 Hz-3.7 dBmV37.6 dB220
5LockedQAM 2565807000000 Hz-3.7 dBmV37.3 dB80
6LockedQAM 2566813000000 Hz-4.0 dBmV37.6 dB20
7LockedQAM 2567819000000 Hz-4.0 dBmV37.3 dB10
8LockedQAM 2568825000000 Hz-4.2 dBmV37.6 dB10
9LockedQAM 2569831000000 Hz-3.9 dBmV37.6 dB10
10LockedQAM 25610837000000 Hz-3.7 dBmV37.6 dB60
11LockedQAM 25611843000000 Hz-4.2 dBmV37.6 dB140
12LockedQAM 25612849000000 Hz-4.2 dBmV37.3 dB10
13LockedQAM 25613855000000 Hz-4.5 dBmV37.6 dB10
14LockedQAM 25614861000000 Hz-4.5 dBmV37.3 dB00
15LockedQAM 25615867000000 Hz-4.9 dBmV37.3 dB00
16LockedQAM 25616873000000 Hz-5.0 dBmV36.3 dB00
17LockedQAM 25617879000000 Hz-5.2 dBmV37.3 dB00
18LockedQAM 25618885000000 Hz-5.5 dBmV36.6 dB00
19LockedQAM 25619891000000 Hz-5.9 dBmV36.6 dB00
20LockedQAM 25620897000000 Hz-5.9 dBmV36.6 dB10
21LockedQAM 25621903000000 Hz-5.5 dBmV36.3 dB00
22LockedQAM 25622909000000 Hz-5.2 dBmV36.6 dB10
23LockedQAM 25623915000000 Hz-5.0 dBmV36.6 dB00
24LockedQAM 25624921000000 Hz-4.7 dBmV37.3 dB00
25LockedQAM 25625927000000 Hz-4.5 dBmV36.6 dB00
26LockedQAM 25626933000000 Hz-4.5 dBmV37.0 dB00
27LockedQAM 25627939000000 Hz-4.0 dBmV36.6 dB00
28LockedQAM 25628945000000 Hz-3.9 dBmV36.6 dB00
29LockedQAM 25629951000000 Hz-3.0 dBmV36.6 dB50
30LockedQAM 25630957000000 Hz-2.5 dBmV37.3 dB220
31LockedQAM 25631963000000 Hz-4.5 dBmV35.7 dB10
32LockedQAM 25632969000000 Hz-9.5 dBmV34.4 dB420

Upstream Bonded Channels
ChannelLock StatusUS Channel TypeChannel IDSymbol RateFrequencyPower
1LockedATDMA12560 Ksym/sec12600000 Hz40.3 dBmV
2LockedATDMA22560 Ksym/sec15900000 Hz40.8 dBmV
3LockedATDMA35120 Ksym/sec20700000 Hz41.0 dBmV
4LockedATDMA45120 Ksym/sec27100000 Hz41.8 dBmV
5Not LockedN/AUnknown0 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
6Not LockedN/AUnknown0 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
7Not LockedN/AUnknown0 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
8Not LockedN/AUnknown0 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV

Downstream OFDM Channels
ChannelLock StatusModulation/Profile IDChannel IDFrequencyPowerSNR/MERActive Subcarrier
Number Range
1Locked3159300000000 Hz-1.0 dBmV43.8 dB2216~5975000
2Not Locked000 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB0~4095000

Upstream OFDMA Channels
ChannelLock StatusModulation/Profile IDChannel IDFrequencyPower
1Locked0627200000 Hz25.8 dBmV
2Not Locked000 Hz0.0 dBmV
Message 3 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Please copy and paste the event log into a word doc then save off as a PDF then use the Choose File button on your next post to attach it. 


Who is your ISP? 


I see power levels are all over the place and mostly on the low side thought with in spec, channel 32 is -9db and is just too low:


I recommend removing the splitter temporarily to see if the power comes up and the Correctables and Un-Correctables can get to all zeros. 



Message 4 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

I can't even view the event log.  Its blank, eventually it updates, but sometimes it takes awhile.  I dunno *shrug*

ISP is cox.  The problem with removing the splitter is it removes the ability to access the cable tv, we only have the 1 cable for both internet and tv.  I will give that a try later tonight though once the children are in bed and won't be upset about TV being gone.

Message 5 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Is the FW version v.4 on the CBR? 
How was the FW updated on the CBR? Via Orbi app or CBRs web page using a wired PC and web browser? 


Is Armor, SPC or Traffic Meter enabled on the CBR?


Has a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update? A complete pull of the power adapters for a period of time after the factory reset then walk thru the setup wizard and setup from scratch. Recommend setting the default DHCP IP address pool range to the following after applying and a factory reset: 192.168.#.100 to 192.168.#.200.
Factory reset the Orbi router and power it off for one minute.  Then power ON the Orbi router and walk thru the setup wizard again using a wired PC and a web browser.
Press the back reset button for 15 seconds then release. 

Message 6 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Firmware is V4.6.14.4_2.3.12

I'll look into doing a factory reset.  If not, the tech will be back tomorrow late afternoon to try with an ISP router to see if we can duplicate it with ISP provided.

Message 7 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

And then there are times like this where this happens, the internet doesn't FULLY go down but upload tanks:


Parental controls on, but not the others.

Message 8 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Also slightly confused with this statement


"I would power OFF the ISP modem for 1 minute. Factory reset the Orbi router and power it off. Power ON the ISP modem and let it sync. Then power ON the Orbi router and walk thru the setup wizard again using a wired PC and a web browser.
Press the back reset button for 15 seconds then release. "

CBR750 is a router/modem combo so no ISP modem.

Message 9 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Disregard the ISP Modem statement. I forgot to take that out. 


Lets do a factory reset on the CBR and setup from scratch. Lets avoid enabled SPC. 

Use a wired PC with Ooklas installable speed test app to test speeds right after the CBR is setup. 


How was the FW updated on the CBR? Via Orbi app or CBRs web page using a wired PC and web browser? 


Message 10 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

It was installed wirelessly on pc, but it was happening before FW update.  These issues started Friday day, and updated FW friday night on PC

Message 11 of 25
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Hello Daesania,


Welcome to the NETGEAR Community!


Thank you for your post!


I understand that you are having network stability issues after you had the line to your house replaced by your ISP. I also understand that you have been having this issue before the update. I would like to endorse you to our support team to further analyze this issue. 


Please PM the following information so I can endorse you to our support team:

Phone Number:
Device Model:
Serial Number:
Preferred time to be contacted:
App version:

Please provide this information as soon as possible!
I look forward to hearing from you!

Community Team


Message 12 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Sure thing, will send that momentarily.  Hopefully between support and ISP we can figure out where the problem is 🙂

Message 13 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Looks like connected directly to wall plug (no splitter) produced same result of errors that seem to keep happening. Awaiting uptime on factory reset before confirming that side of things too.

Mar 04 2023 00:30:31Warning (5)REG-RSP-MP Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value
Mar 04 2023 00:30:31Warning (5)RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW
Mar 04 2023 00:30:31Warning (5)RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW
Mar 04 2023 00:30:31Warning (5)RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW
Mar 04 2023 00:30:40Alert (2)CM Certificate Error
Mar 04 2023 00:40:53Notice (6)US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 6

Message 14 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Those items should be reviewed by the ISP...

Message 15 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

The problem is, ISP sees no issue on their end, both at the house and at the street level box.  Last night hit a new low of only .01 upload speed.

Tech is coming out in the next hour to re-test the line, and then give us an ISP provided modem to see if Orbi is the issue so they know how to proceed next.

Message 16 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Sounds good, using one of there modems would be telling. I would have the tech put there modem on first before he makes any changes. Test the modem. I presume this will be a gateway modem...

Message 17 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

I'm at a complete loss.  Tech replaced line from outdoor box to house.  Still getting intermittant upload of point 1. 

He says that if we continue to have issues, there must be something interfering with our wifi signal.  And, since my orbi is 2 years 1m old, i don't think there's any sort of help from Netgear on this coverage either.

Message 18 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

So same thing happens with there modem/gateway? 

Message 19 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

They ended up not bringing one to test.  I went out and bought a diff wifi6 nighthawk to test with, currently on now.

Message 20 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

0 correctables, and 0 logs since setting up new one.  That's disappointing that this router only lasted 25 months.

Message 21 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

What model modem did you get?


Make contact with NG support about the CBR then...

Message 22 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

New one currently on is a nighthawk AX2700.  Was the only combo with wifi6 available locally 😕  

Did PM but hadn't heard back thus far.

Message 23 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

That a CAX30?

Message 24 of 25

Re: Orbi CBR750 random outages

Correct, sorry yes.

Message 25 of 25
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