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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications


Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications


ich versuche in meinem Orbi System die emails Settings einzustellen. Ich habe einen email account bei all-inkl. Leider klappt es nicht da der MAilserver als Fehler  (504 5.5.2 <mail-user@RBR40>: Sender address reje zurückgibt. Heisst das OrbiTeil bräuchte eine vollqualifizierte Return Adresse. Ich habe es nun zwar mit einem gamail account hinbekommen, aber auchnur dadurch, dass ich die sicherheitsstfe runtergeschraubt habe. Bei einem BrotherDrucker klappt das versenden wunderbar, da hier auch die "email-Adresse des Gerätes eingegeben werden kann.


Ich hoffe Netgear kann dass fixen, wenn all die anderen Problem mit dem Teil endlich mal wieder geflickt sind. 

BTW, kann man die Protokolle auch gesprächiger machen. Im Standard steht da nicht viel drin.


Gruß Leif

Model: RBK40| Orbi AC2200 WiFi System
Message 1 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

English please...



ich versuche in meinem Orbi System die emails Settings einzustellen. Ich habe einen email account bei all-inkl. Leider klappt es nicht da der MAilserver als Fehler  (504 5.5.2 <mail-user@RBR40>: Sender address reje zurückgibt. Heisst das OrbiTeil bräuchte eine vollqualifizierte Return Adresse. Ich habe es nun zwar mit einem gamail account hinbekommen, aber auchnur dadurch, dass ich die sicherheitsstfe runtergeschraubt habe. Bei einem BrotherDrucker klappt das versenden wunderbar, da hier auch die "email-Adresse des Gerätes eingegeben werden kann.


Ich hoffe Netgear kann dass fixen, wenn all die anderen Problem mit dem Teil endlich mal wieder geflickt sind. 

BTW, kann man die Protokolle auch gesprächiger machen. Im Standard steht da nicht viel drin.


Gruß Leif


Message 2 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

@FURRYe38 Sorry for the german, but because I crated the user with german language setting, I thought I will post in the german neatgear community...

I will try to translate, but sorry I'm native german...


When I set up the email settings for sending the protocol, I get the error "(504 5.5.2 <mail-user@RBR40>: Sender address reje" when sending a test mail. I use a mail provider with normal smtp setting, the same I also use for my brother printer. The only differem is, that the printer has an extra field for the "e-mail Adress of the printer" and the Netgear Orbi uses the mail user + @RBR40 and the smtp server want to have a fully qualified adress, not blabla@RBD40.. I was able to use my gamail account, but in this case I have to set a security level to low (not my favorite). I hope that Netgear will be able to fix that, at least when all the other bugs that forces a lot of other issues. I checked the setting via terminal sessions, but at the end I wasn't sure if there is a way to fix that via "config". Another question was if there is a way to get some more inforamtion as currently is logged in the protocol. 


Thanks and sorry again for the german post,


Message 3 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

Leif, Google translate did a pretty good job with your original post. People should try and be a bit more resourceful on a global forum.


I have not set up the email alerts on the Orbi but looking at the documentation, it indicates that the mail from address should be set to the same address that you specify as the email recipient:


6. In the Send to This E-mail Address field, enter the email address to which logs and alerts are sent.
This email address is also used for the From address. If this field is blank, log and alert messages are not sent.




Message 4 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

@Roamabout thanks for your answer. No, seems the devloper did it different, as the documentation guys specified. I used the email-adress of the smtp I used. the sender is still "smtp_user@RBR40". In my case the  I have to login to my mail account with a different user as the name in front for the @ in my email adress. So my email-user is something like abc4711 and my email adress is leif@domain.de. Maybe that is the reason. Easy solution for the netgear devs add a field in the UI for the sender adress 😉


Message 5 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

It works for me when I log into my email server using a user different from the email recipient.


However, the email comes through as being sent from "root@RBR50", which is not a valid email address.  There's no valid domain included.


Looks like your problem is that the email server you are using is set to reject emails without a valid sender email address. This is commonly done to reduce SPAM.


You can either use another email server that does not require a valid sender address or wait for NETGEAR to change Orbi to allow you to set a valid return address.



Message 6 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

While they are updating the system to allow user specified From address perhaps they could also add SSL and TLS support so we are not sending creds over clear text. Even my decade old crappy web cams support secure smtp authentication.

Message 7 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications

Ok, I found a solution. I enabled the telnet service (http://RouterIP.htm) and found a script. that creates the email in /etc/email. I'm not an expert in shell scripting, but I figure out, that there a attributes defined for the sender adress, which will used when another attribute is set to 1...

So I just have to type follwoing commands:

config set email_assign=1

config set email_this_addr=myemail@mydomain.de

There seems also some line of codes that ensure using TLS e.g. for special provider.

Now it works fine. Never the less I'm still looking for some settings that enables a more complete logging.

Thanks for all your support,


Message 8 of 9

Re: Can't set up smtp for eMail notifications


Ok, I found a solution. I enabled the telnet service (http://RouterIP.htm) and found a script. that creates the email in /etc/email. I'm not an expert in shell scripting, but I figure out, that there a attributes defined for the sender adress, which will used when another attribute is set to 1...

So I just have to type follwoing commands:

config set email_assign=1

config set email_this_addr=myemail@mydomain.de

There seems also some line of codes that ensure using TLS e.g. for special provider.

Now it works fine. Never the less I'm still looking for some settings that enables a more complete logging.

Thanks for all your support,


Good job. Just keep track of any changes you made via telnet as these have a habit of getting reset back to the defaults during a firmware update.


Message 9 of 9
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