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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Was a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update before downgrading? I and others haven't seen issues like this. Though we factory reset and setup from scratch after manually installing FW files.
@BIG9MM wrote:Please don’t take this the wrong way Netgear but unfortunately I rate this Firmware Version V2.5.0.38 close to garbage. If you notice everybody converting back, there’s a big issue with the Firmware as its too buggy. My mobile app keeps not registering the extra satellites therefore making me have to log in to the computer to see the satellites, very unreliable. I’ve had the system close to day one so hopefully you guys are working hard on a new fix to move forward with the next update. I greatly appreciate your guises hard work and hope somebody will address this Firmware as soon as possible so people don’t have to have the frustration of rolling back the Firmware.

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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@FURRYe38 wrote:
Was a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update before downgrading? I and others haven't seen issues like this. Though we factory reset and setup from scratch after manually installing FW files.
What 'issues' have you others not seen?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@BIG9MM wrote:Please don’t take this the wrong way Netgear.....
Alas, I have seen no evidence that "Netgear" has any part of this community forum aside from providing the web platform. Everyone who posts here is an Orbi customer or someone who wants information about Orbi. There are some "moderators" who seem to have direct contact with parts of Netgear. Most of the time, the response is, "They are aware of it."
I, for one, have found some of the community members incredibly sophisticated and helpful. Were it not for them, I would have plunked down the money for a subscription to GearHead
$50 for 3 months or $140 for a year is better than $199 for Best Buy's Geek Squad, but I guess the Geeks will fix my washing machine, too?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38

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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@BIG9MM wrote:
Two reasons why I upgraded. A lot of times it’s good upgrade for security reasons and the second reason I upgraded was because it was supposed to prevent guest from utilizing the main network so another words if devices could see each other on the network guest network could actually stream stuff to my Chromecast.
I work from home, in HCIT, so keeping my devices up to date with security patches is paramount. One thing I don't like when companies try to make things too "user friendly" i.e. dumb it down, is they omit specific security patches and updates from the update list as to not trigger folks with questions. The Orbi line is notorious for this as it's meant to be for non-technical users. So I'm right there with you on that one.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Please try a factory reset and setup from scratch with the RBR and RBS.
@BIG9MM wrote:
This firmware update is really buggy. I have not re-installed any old Firmware as I am still dealing with the garbage Firmware that’s installed now. 😞

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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Why would I need to do a factory reset are you saying that the firmware is buggy too, and a factory reset needed to be in the patch notes?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@BIG9MM wrote:
This firmware update is really buggy. I have not re-installed any old Firmware as I am still dealing with the garbage Firmware that’s installed now. 😞
New FW feature will likely bring along new bugs that will affect one type of setup and not the other. If you go back to the future, you will find similar statements from other Orbi users for a particular firmware version that's rock solid for your setup.
From my experience, Orbi will take a while to reach steady state, especially if you have many IoT devices or LAN clients that are still hanging on to their old IP addresses until their leases expire. If Orbi reboots during this window, Orbi DHCP server could be ditching out some of those old addresses to other clients, which would result in duplicate IP addresses on the LAN network. The sad part here is that it will take a while for Orbi to populate the attached devices page, if all at, in order to check for duplicate IP addresses. It boils down to which client wins the race to get new/old IP address. A side effect of that would be connected clients, but not able to access internet, or frequent reboots, which could cause wired/WiFi hickups.
A general workaround would be to force all devices to renew their IP addresses regardless of its DHCP lease time, which could be done via network reboot, forget WiFi networks, etc.,
A solution that works for me in general, regardless of firmware versions, is to disconnect all the LAN clients from Orbi/Satellites, i.e, power off all the switches, prior to FW update. Once the FW has been updated, shutdown all Satellites, then reboot the main Orbi. Wait until it's stable (~15mins). Next power up each Satellite, one at a time. Once the Orbi network is up and running, power up all the switches, one at a time. This process will force all clients to release/renew their IP addresses. YMMV.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Just to show duplicate IP addresses in action...
See attached file and look at the first two rows, both with same IP address,, which was assigned/associated LAN/WiFi clients via Satellite-1.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Sometimes a reset IS needed to clear out any lingering prior FW code or user configurations that may no longer be working with newer versions of FW. Thus users may see odd issues after updating FW. I too have experienced this in my past experiences with NG products and other Mfr routers. The router is working then an update happens, then presented with odd or bad behavior. Resetting and clearing things out corrected the bad behaviors I saw. Doing a reset clears it all out and allows the FW code to be seated well and allow new user configurations put back in to place or maybe a backup config file to be restored to. I agree, this shouldn't be needed, however sometimes, it is what it is. Some of us choose to emploly this methed each time FW updates are released. So some of us, avoid some issues seen by those who do see problems.
I'm hoping NG will begin to inform users in FW releases notes and information, to do a factory reset as a last resort for those who experience bad behaviors after a FW happens. If users can do this as a last resort, then this is helpful for the forum community and NG support to know that, hey, we tried the reset and were still having problems. Then we can continue troubleshooting steps or continue to get the users in contact with NG support when troubleshooting measures have been exhausted. Resets are a valid stepping stone in this process.
Also there are known problems with doing FW updates over wireless connections rather then wired. Since wireless can be varies and fluxuate and have some odd variables, sending FW updates over wireless can and may cause problems. So wired connections to manually update FW would be perferred and recommended for those doing manual updates. When auto updates or availalbe updates are seeing with in the RBRs web page, this will be over wired anyways when this happens. Triggering the update from the web page shouldn't matter wired or wireless for this occasion. Its when someone downloads FW files to there wireless laptop which is wirelessly connected to a router and updating FW using this wireless configuration could cause problems.
Also some users aren't taking advantage enough of backup configuration to file feature. This IS a time saver when a reset if and when it's needed.
@BIG9MM wrote:Why would I need to do a factory reset are you saying that the firmware is buggy too, and a factory reset needed to be in the patch notes?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@SW_ wrote:See attached file and look at the first two rows, both with same IP address,, which was assigned/associated LAN/WiFi clients via Satellite-1.
Do you remember if the Attached Devices page also showed the two devices with the same IP address?
The reason I ask is my understanding has been that Access Control is by MAC address. This display might have been saying, "I saw these allowed devices on the network and these are the IP's they had at the time I saw them." (Not trying to excuse Netgear. Simply wondering how things work.)
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
I totally understand about the factory reset is needed to be done at the last resort. Unfortunately one of the satellites is in the attic therefore I would have to crawl through the attic unplug everything just to reset the other satellite, so aggravating. So far what I just did was turn off the satellites and the main router therefore what I did next was turn on the router leaving the satellites off then one by one I turned on the satellites and it seems to have a stable connection again. The satellite is in the attic I have setup with a Alexa power outlet plug to turn it on and off, that was the last satellite I turned on. I’m running everything in daisychain now.. Previously with the older firmware it showed good connection without being in daisy-chain. Do you guys think daisy-chain will slow down the devices on the closes satellite or would you think it would be best to turn-off the daisy-chain if it shows good connection from router to satellite?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@CrimpOn wrote:
@SW_ wrote:See attached file and look at the first two rows, both with same IP address,, which was assigned/associated LAN/WiFi clients via Satellite-1.
Do you remember if the Attached Devices page also showed the two devices with the same IP address?
The reason I ask is my understanding has been that Access Control is by MAC address. This display might have been saying, "I saw these allowed devices on the network and these are the IP's they had at the time I saw them." (Not trying to excuse Netgear. Simply wondering how things work.)
Yes, that's where I first noticed when my network becomes unstable. It's how I'm able to fix my network. For stubborn clients, I just remove/reboot those clients as needed. See attached file from Obri Attached Devices page, the first row and the last row.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@BIG9MM wrote:I totally understand about the factory reset is needed to be done at the last resort. Unfortunately one of the satellites is in the attic therefore I would have to crawl through the attic unplug everything just to reset the other satellite so aggravating. So far what I just did was turn off the satellites and the main router therefore what I did next was turn on the router leaving the satellites off then one by one I turned on the satellites and it seems to have a stable connection again. The satellite is in the attic I have setup with a Alexa power outlet plug to turn it on and off, that was the last satellite I turned on. i’m running everything in daisychain now. Previously with the older firmware it should show connection without being in daisy-chain. Do you guys think daisy chain is faster or is it faster to turn off daisy-chain?
Glad to see the progress...
If Daisy-Chain was disabled prior to upgrade and you didn't initiate factory reset or change any config, give it a little bit of time to sync with each others (be patient). It will go back to star topology once it's stable. Otherwise, you can employ telnet to reset the Satellite so it will pick up the latest configs from the main Orbi.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Well in the attic is a bit out of the norm. LOL. However if it works. At least you have a way to switch off and back ON the unit. This should be good enough for the moment. Thought it does make it hard to reset.
Depends on how you have the RBS placed in relation to the RBR. If they are out in a STAR formation, daisy chain wouldn't be needed. If they are out in a line from the RBR, then chaining could be used. You might see how the system works for you with DC enabled and then try it with out. Compare and see what works best for you.
Be sure to do a back up configuration to file for safe keeping.
@BIG9MM wrote:I totally understand about the factory reset is needed to be done at the last resort. Unfortunately one of the satellites is in the attic therefore I would have to crawl through the attic unplug everything just to reset the other satellite, so aggravating. So far what I just did was turn off the satellites and the main router therefore what I did next was turn on the router leaving the satellites off then one by one I turned on the satellites and it seems to have a stable connection again. The satellite is in the attic I have setup with a Alexa power outlet plug to turn it on and off, that was the last satellite I turned on. i’m running everything in daisychain now. Previously with the older firmware it should good connection without being in daisy-chain. Do you guys think daisy-chain will slow down the devices on the closes satellite or would you think it would be best to turn-off the daisy-chain if it shows good connection from router to satellite?
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
"[Bug Fix] Fixes the guest isolation issue for multicast and broadcast traffic between the main host and guest."
I was thinking that this fixed it so that guest can not stream multicast to the main host.
Allow guests to see each other and access my local network |
Guest Wireless Network Name (SSID) : |
"Allow guests to see each other and access my local network Guest Wireless Network Name (SSID) :"
This is frustrating and confusing at one time. On the last patch when I had this off it did not show any of the devices on my local host to the guest host now when I turn this thing on or off it still shows all of my devices on the guest network. Now when my brother comes over or the kids they’re always asking which device to stream everything to because there’s a whole list of multi cast devices on the guest network that it shows. I thought this thing fixed it where isolated the guest network. Apparently they’re pushing us into buying a Orbi pro version?!
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
From what i gather, guest devices should be able to see each other while connected to the Guest Network also giving access to the local LAN side of the network to guest network devices. Historically, this wasn't made possible or was prohibited. Normally, guest networks don't have access to local LAN side resources. Say if you had this in a coffee shop or some business, you wouldn't want just anyone having access to the LAN network. Guest Network was originally intended to be isolated from the LAN. Later on some router mfrs put in a switch for users to allow or disable LAN side access for guest network.
You might ask a forum moderator for some clarification on this.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@FURRYe38 wrote:From what i gather, guest devices should be able to see each other while connected to the Guest Network also giving access to the local LAN side of the network to guest network devices. Historically, this wasn't made possible or was prohibited. Normally, guest networks don't have access to local LAN side resources. Say if you had this in a coffee shop or some business, you wouldn't want just anyone having access to the LAN network. Guest Network was originally intended to be isolated from the LAN. Later on some router mfrs put in a switch for users to allow or disable LAN side access for guest network.
You might ask a forum moderator for some clarification on this.
Ok, I will ask! Hello, moderators! Why is it that guest clients don't seem to be separated totally from the main network, and in fact can access many resources on the main network? I do not like my guest to streaming to my TVs at 3AM and if I do not turn on "Allow guests to see each other and access my local network" then they can not stream to the TVs at all in the house.
I would like it in my house that guests can see each other and stay off the main network TVs!
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
By way of an update - an email from Netgear support - addmittal of bugs in the firmware:
"I just received an update following the logs investigation.
Engineering already found some critical problems in the firmware for both the devices list and also for WiFi stability.
Our development teams are working on releasing a fix as well as run tests on the new firmware.
The actual release plan would aim for early December for the release of said firmware."
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
Nice, thanks for letting us know.
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Re: New Firmware v2.5.0.38
@BIG9MM wrote:Unfortunately one of the satellites is in the attic therefore I would have to crawl through the attic unplug everything just to reset the other satellite, so aggravating.
Can't you just pull the fuse or flip the circuit breaker?
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