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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only


Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

I purchased an Orbi mesh system (RBK50 which comes with one satellite and one router).

It works brilliantly when my devices are on 5GHz and I get my full internet speed. Sometimes, however, my devices are switched to 2.4Ghz (even though they are in the same location) and my speed drops to 1/3 of what I was getting on 5Ghz.

I logged into orbi and tried disabling the 2.4Ghz radio to force my devices to connect to 5Ghz. Unfortunately there is no option to do so however. Even after unticking the 'broadcast SSID' box underneath the 2.4GHz network, it remains turned on. I've read elsewhere the current firmware does not allow you to disable the radio.

Anyone have any ideas if there will be an update soon allowing you to disable the 2.4Ghz band? Or any smart ideas how I can always keep my devices connected to 5Ghz? Prior to the orbi system, I split the SSD into 2 bands so my devices remained permenantly connected to the 5Ghz network.
Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 1 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Orbi does not provide a convenient method to turn off any of the radios.  It is not clear (to me) that there is actually "anything wrong" with this particular Orbi.  However, if you want devices to connect only to the 5G radio, then this is the procedure:

  • On the Orbi web interface, uncheck the box "Broadcast SSID" on the 5G channel.
  • On every device that is connected to the Orbi at 2.4G, go into "Settings" and "forget" the Orbi SSID.
    Search for available networks.  Aha.  Here is the Orbi WiFi SSID on a 5G channel.
    Enter the password and connect to it.
  • Any devices that are already connected at 2.4G and are not told to "forget" the Orbi WiFi network, will stay connected at 2.4G.

Just as a personal note, I seriously doubt that disabling 2.4G is a desirable outcome. What about all those products which have only 2.4G radios?  (thermostats, smart plugs, garage door openers, IP cameras, pool controllers, microwaves, the list goes on and on)


I understand the desire to have "full speed".  My question is, "Are devices working correctly?"  i.e. My smartphone can connect to the Orbi at 866mb.  Cool.  Does this change how fast web sites or emails appear?  I think it is impossible for me to detect any difference.

Message 2 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Thank you very much for such a comprehensive response. Basically, if I'm on 5ghz on my laptop in my room, it is about 330 Mb/s but on 2.4GHz connected to the same orbi main router, it falls down to about 50- 60 Mb/s. It's weird, sometimes when I check, both my phone and laptop are connected to 5Ghz but then sometimes suddenly they are switched to 2.4Ghz.

I'm going to do what you've suggested. Where you've said unchecking the box to do with broadcasting SSID, do you mean under the 2.4Ghz band instead of the 5ghz band?

Once again, many many thanks for responding so quickly and comprehensively.
Message 3 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Thanks a lot once again. I tried doing that and disabling 2.4Ghz and then forgetting the network. Unfortunately, some of the devices reverted back to 2.4Ghz once connected back to Orbi. However, I realised my wireless printer was in same room as orbi router and was broadcasting WiFi direct at 5ghz as well. Disabled that and now most devices on 5Ghz, although one laptop and mobile on the first floor are still on 2.4Ghz.

I take your point about not just looking at raw speed but also at the connection and if the devices are working which is a good point. At the moment in my household I have no 2.4Ghz devices so by disabling the 2.4Ghz radio wouldn't be a problem for me. Would be good it Netgear could add the option in a firmware update or allow you to split the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands.
Message 4 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

You can try Voxels FW for Orbi:
You can revert back to stock FW if it doesn't work out for you.

@mun_96 wrote:
Thanks a lot once again. I tried doing that and disabling 2.4Ghz and then forgetting the network. Unfortunately, some of the devices reverted back to 2.4Ghz once connected back to Orbi. However, I realised my wireless printer was in same room as orbi router and was broadcasting WiFi direct at 5ghz as well. Disabled that and now most devices on 5Ghz, although one laptop and mobile on the first floor are still on 2.4Ghz.

I take your point about not just looking at raw speed but also at the connection and if the devices are working which is a good point. At the moment in my household I have no 2.4Ghz devices so by disabling the 2.4Ghz radio wouldn't be a problem for me. Would be good it Netgear could add the option in a firmware update or allow you to split the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands.


Message 5 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

@FURRYe38 Thanks a lot for that suggestion using Telnet client to manually separate the SSIDs, its very kind of you linking it here. Will give it a go, although the guy who posted how to do it it has even said he does not really recommend it for some reason, perhaps may mean you do not receive future firmware updates etc automatically. Anyhow, is there any way we can suggest to Netgear to consider adding this setting to their own UI in a future update? Almost all routers allow you to do this from their native UI interfaces but the Orbi Mesh system does not have this setting to split SSIDs according to bands (or the setting to disable the 2.4GHZ band) for somer reason. Would be helpful if we can get the message to Netgear across.

Message 6 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

I would load Voxels FW first if you want separate SSIDs. 


Orbi MESH is different from other non MESH routers. Smart Connect is the feature that uses and configures 1 SSID. On non MESH routers this is easily more configurable and can be disable more readily for troubleshooting for user configurations and the system only has 2 or 3 radios. With wireless MESH systems, there is more to it then just disabling of SSIDs and separation. Theres backhaul and system status that has to be in operation and other complex items that by design works as intended. I presume NG doesn't want to support anything else which is why users have complained about this over the years and have been met with mostly crikets from NG. It's still not even supported on the newer Orbi AX system. 

NG has relented some and implemented the disabling of the SSID broadcasts which have helped get users IoT devices connected on Orbi AC. W'eve asked for the same to come to Orbi AX. This is all that we've seen from NG regarding this. Otherwise, users have gone the telnet route for there configurations needs. Which again, isn't officially supported by NG. So thats use as you see fit and at your own risk..


You can post here and see if NG will do anything:


You'll probably already find requests about this though.

Message 7 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

@mun_96 wrote:
Thanks a lot once again. I tried doing that and disabling 2.4Ghz and then forgetting the network. Unfortunately, some of the devices reverted back to 2.4Ghz once connected back to Orbi.

I'd like to understand the mechanism by which a device changes from a 5G WiFi connection to a 2.4G WiFi connection when the Orbi is not broadcasting an SSID on 2.4G.  Where does this "change of connection" show up?  (Orbi "app"?  Orbi web interface "Attached Devices"? Settings information on the device itself?)




Message 8 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

@CrimpOn the band a device is connected to shows up on both the application and the web interface where you click on 'devices connected'. It displays what router or satellite they are connected to as well as what channel. My 2.4 Ghz speeds are actually much lower than what i quoted earlier, more around 30 MB/s where as 5gGHz I get 300 Mb/s no problem (same room this is). For me, the speed difference is noticeable enough hencewhy i would really like to be able to force a 5 GHz connection. The 2.4GHz band in my area is way too congested and hencewhy in my previous setup with my old router, I had it split the SSIDs so I connected my devices all to the 5 Ghz band.


With the ORBI, II verified the devices were actually connected to the band the ORBI interface was showing as I ran speed tests. When my mobile was showing as connected to the 5 GHz network on the orbi interface, i got a download speed of 360 Mb/s and upload of around 35 Mb/s. A few minutes later, i checked again and the interface showed it was connected to 2.4Ghz. I quickly ran another speedtest whilst the interface was displaying it was on this band and sure enough, the download speed was 31 Mb/s. If i could simply disable the 2.4Ghz band, that would be such a simple solution. I feel that netgear should have this option in the advanced settings at least for users who do want it disabled. It's not ike it would interfere with the backhaul as that is done on a separte 5 Ghz channel anyway. Apparently, users could do this in previous versions of the firmware but now this is not possible.

Its a fantastic system, but i do not like how it handles the 2.4 Ghz/5Ghz switching, I want to decide and be in control what band my devices connect to and i don't think the system is quite there yet in terms of efficiency of selecting a band for optimal speeds. 


Thank you anyway sir for your kind suggestion of unchecking the broadcast SSID box for the 2.4Ghz signal and trying to force a 5 Ghz connection that way. I very much appreciate the time you took on advising me.

Message 9 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Be aware that its up to wireless devices to pick and choose which frequency and single they connect too based on signal, noise and conditions. Orbi only provides the platform to connect to. 

Message 10 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Thanks for confirming. This gives me direction for experimenting.  I think there is an internet standard where an access point tells a device, "I think you would be better off switching to (this other access point)."


Since you want to avoid the 2.4G band, you can also turn the transmit power down as far as it will go on the 2.4G channel.  Maybe that will slow down this "switching".

Message 11 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

thanks @FURRYe38 . I was thinking the ORBI was the one switching the devices to other bands, but what you say about the devices makes sense. @CrimpOn has a point as well though that the access point could potentially be communicating to a device that it may be better for them to switch to another band. You 2 are clearly more knowledgeable than me but I am going to try the suggestion by @CrimpOn to turn down power transmission on 2.4Ghz band.

Message 12 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Just as an update, turned 2.4Ghz transmission down in steps. 75% not much difference. At 50%, some devices were still trying to cling on to 2.4Ghz which was giving a speed of around 15 Mb/s . Turned it to minimum 25% and seems to have reduced the device cling over the past hour or so. Most devices now on 5Ghz on 300Mb/s +, occasionally one or two may stray back to 2.4Ghz but check later and they're back on 5 GHz.
Message 13 of 14

Re: Orbi mesh want 5Ghz only

Hope that works well for you. 

Cheers. Smiley Wink

Message 14 of 14
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