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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery


RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Issue: Have new Orbi router and satellite. Install was vanilla - no issues.  Updated firmware on both components to latest (a week ago).  Worked as advertised- great, as a matter of fact.  However, it wasn't long before we noticed battery life on our Samsung Note 5s were severely diminished! (one on Verizon, the other on US Cellular).  It appeared the Verizon 3G iPad was also impacted.  Example: Went to bed with phone at 100% on nightstand- woke up and it was dead.  Tried turning off Orbi satellite, and thought it might have improved a little.  Went back to old router (Netgear N600/WNDR3400) and the problem went away.  Example: Went to bed with phone at 78% and woke up and it was at 70%.  What is going on? Is there a setting that will fix this??

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 1 of 32

Betreff: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I have the same thing happened on my Samsung Galaxy Tab and S7 .

Also checked on HP spectre laptop. 

The battery drain in unusual.

Please provide a fix as the problem exist on all Orbi devices.

Message 2 of 32

Betreff: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Saw the problem for a while with a Samsung Galaxy S7 smartphone late last year.


I'm not saying it is not an Orbi problem, but I remember trying a few things on the S7 end and it seemed to help alot.


It is worth reseting your network settings, Settings > Backup and reset > Reset network settings > Reset Settings and then connecting and putting the password for the Wi-Fi in again from scratch.


A setting on the phone, telling it to not keep trying to switch to a better connection, SMART network switch turned to OFF option.


If you think it is due to connecting and disconnecting of the Wi-Fi, you could also try to set the wifi to stay always on, even when during sleep, which might seem counter-intuitive, but might correct the problem: Settings > Wi-Fi> More, look for Keep Wi-Fi on During Sleep, and set it to Always.

Message 3 of 32

Betreff: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I forgot to mention that also during this time period, I also lowered the transmit power on the Orbi system for the 2.4 Ghz band down to 25 percent.  This also might have helped with the problem at my place where the Orbi is installed.

Message 4 of 32

Betreff: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery


This is definitely not the problem of the S7 as I also have LG and ZTE cell phones that act the same,

Battery drain that caused by the NETGEAR Orbi equipment .

So it is easy to put the blame on others...not this time.

Something is causing the problem on the Orbi side of the scale. 

Please solve the problem A.S.A.P as it is definitely a software glitch. 


Message 5 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I didn't state it was the problem of the S7, I just stated somethings that mitigated the problem for me. I'm sure the firmware for the Orbi will get better, but they take forever between releases and the return period after buying the equipment is not all that long.
Message 6 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery


I do understand it but as your intentions are good you are not really helping on the contrary you are diverting from the main issue and present it as solution when it's not.

Please let the Netgear experts answer this issue and come up with a real fix to it.


Message 7 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I understand that you want an answer to your issue, but I don't think you understand how "community" message boards work.  If fact, I think you are not really helping, on the contrary I think you are diverting from the purpose for "community" message boards and attempting to shut down opinions and experiences of its members.


Please let "community" members participate in the "community" forums.


If you don't want input from the "community" you should stick to support tickets with official Netgear support.


Thank you.

Message 8 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery


I am not here to argue, 

Point has been making, 

Your so called advice or solution is simply not working on real life and that is a fact,

There is no need to get upset about it but in the nature of community it's better not to respond at all that to respond with the wrong answers,

Still waiting on a fix and as I was not the one that have opened this discussion I am sure that many are having the same issue exactly. 

More opinions will be welcome, 


Message 9 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Minor update: I tried some of ideas from loomis1975 (Thanks).   I put the Orbi Router/Satellite back online.  I did the network reset on the Verizon Galaxy Note 5.  I found that the "Smart" connect option was already off.  I did my overnight nightstand test: Went to bed @ 100%, and it was 52% in the morning.  This is an improvement (and a reasonable thing to do to get it).  However, I'm still STILL looking for the solution that will give the battery performance I had with my old router!  I guess my next step is to call NG tech support, OR just return the Orbi.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 10 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Fair enough. A firmware fix would be welcome, but I could not live with the battery on the S7 draining so quickly, so I looked into it and saw the log had hundreds of connections from the phone IP address and determined that it was also switching bands all the time as well when reconnecting. I surmised this activity was what caused the battery to be used so quickly. As far as I know they have been working on the connecting and reconnecting issue for over 3 months now. My first support ticket on it is from October I think. There are other threads discussing it. My S7 now has approximately the same battery behavior in standby mode as a Google Pixel and Windows Lumia 950. Maybe my S7 is defective in a good way now and the things I tried to mitigate the disconnections were window dressing.

For reference, at another place where I have Linksys Velop setup, I have not experienced any battery draining behaviors, but the wireless backhaul on the Velop isn't nearly as fast or penetrating as the Orbi. That location has Wi-Fi friendly building materials and slower internet provider, so it works out very well.
Message 11 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I just upgraded from an LG android to an S7... Not putting blame on either end of the phone - router combo but sometihing isn't right.

( first I thought it was just me )

My LG would use 10% max over night sitting 10 feet from the Orbi main router.. My S7 would drain about 40% over night


If it was the screen, I could understand , but sitting in standby with just wifi/data on was weird.


Five days of playing with settings, a few days learning the phone, turning extra junk, off drain was still high...


so last night, i just turned off the wifi leaving data on.


This morning it was down only 2% from full....  Interesting to say the least.

( mind that I haven't looked into why yet, just an obsevation )

Message 12 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I am hitting the same battery drain issue with my Galaxy Note 5.  This was not an issue with my previous router.  Last few nights the phone was left with about 50% battery remaining and woke up to a dead phone.  WIFI signal is strong with the satellite sitting in the next room over.

I have noticed that a couple times yesterday the satellite LED ring turned solid blue instead of off.  It stayed solid blue for a few minutes before turning back off.  Not sure if this is related, but could be that the satellite is restarting?

Message 13 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

As a note, I have started testing a few thing read here ( and a few from my own knowledge which is basic )...

Was updating the SW, but went back to .16 which helped a bit, but now running lastest version for testing


My Ipad g3 / 9.3.2 ios was dropping on a reg basis  when streaming  ( about every 10+ mins ) ... My new S7 ( on verizon ) was dropping 40% over night in standby without use.... Don't see any issue on a Dell laptop (win 10 ) nor Kindle Fire


So far, I have tried without any change;

1) turned off beam forming

2) turn off  mu-mino ( don't think apple uses it (?) )

3) reset both phone and ipad

4) reset the wifi connection/pw in both

5) verified nothing running in back ground that stays alive in non use.

6) move Satellite 2x , in case the problem was jumping back and forth

7) turned off satellite

😎 full reset both Sat and Orbi main


Last night , I was reading a prev thread and someone mentioned lowering the 2.4 ghz transmitter... one stated it help , another said NG

So I turned off my 2.4ghz side radio ( have few 2.4 ghz only devices )

It is to early to tell, but last night the ipad ran for 90 mins without a drop out... AND, my phone dropped only 25% over night


I will be running this way for a few days to verify if it continues working and will add info then


Message 14 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Thanks for sharing, very interesting! I had already lowered the 2.4 radio to 75%, but can't turn it off completely as I do have devices that require it. Also need it for the range, especially in the summer when we're out in the yard.

25% drain still seems very high.  I have generally averaged ~10% overnight drop on my Note 5, even with several accounts syncing.

I have a Google Wifi 3-pack on the way and will be testing with that as well and then keeping the best overall performer.


Message 15 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

@Tag66 wrote:

Thanks for sharing, very interesting! I had already lowered the 2.4 radio to 75%, but can't turn it off completely as I do have devices that require it. Also need it for the range, especially in the summer when we're out in the yard.

25% drain still seems very high.  I have generally averaged ~10% overnight drop on my Note 5, even with several accounts syncing.

I have a Google Wifi 3-pack on the way and will be testing with that as well and then keeping the best overall performer.


Yes.. 25% is high, but better than 40%  :)... 

My old LG android phone use to drop close to yours at about 7% per night. Also  the origninal SW that came with the Orbi ( don't remember but it was before guest access ) was the same low usage rate overnight, likewise same low usage with my old phone on old router


Message 16 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I am now testing Google Wifi and will keep the one that performs better in my environment. Right away my Note 5 went back to about 8% battery drain overnight.  Each night with the Orbi, the battery would fully deplete, even from 40-50% battery remaining.

While there are some customization and administration features available through Orbi that are not found in Google Wifi, this battery drain issue could be a dealbreaker for me.  So far, coverage and performance are pretty equal for me.

Message 17 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Dupe from another thread but was relevant here too; ( first time I turned BOTH Beamforming and MU-MIMO off together )

WIFI not draining S7 now...


Just an observation re the Android devices,... Not exactly sure if new sw or changes made


Have a new S7 that was draining 30-40 % at night on standby with only wifi on, and IOS drop outs. I was more concerned with the IOS/Ipad issue as it stopped me from streaming without dropouts several times per hour.

Put in a trouble report and was sent a new debug version of sw just a bit newer than the latest version issued,  ( .12 debug ) .06 is current.

Been running the debug sw for a week now and no answers yet from techs after 2 sets of logs submitted.


Last night I turned off Beamforming and MU-MIMO to try a few others things that others post here... for the IOS problem ( not even thinking about the android as I got use to turning off wifi at night )


Last night charged phone to 100% at 9pm, this morning at 8 am ( I left the wifi on just to see changes if any ) and found the S7 sitting at 97%...WOW!

The draining of the battery on the phone has stopped with wifi on.  ( I was turning off the wifi and loosing 2% ) In both cases wifi on /wifi off the phone was in sleep mode with no apps runniing in background overnight


So, it appears that either the new SW or the disabling of Beamforming & MU-MIMO or both have solved my S7 wifi issue ( will turn the two back on tonight and retest to see if it's just the SW )


Sadly, still seeing the ipad drops now and then..but one issue fixed is better than none



Message 18 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

+1 here, massive battery drain on my Android devices.


What's been the feedback from Netgear support?

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 19 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

battery drain can be caused by many things like having to many wifi signals in the one area , eg router and sat to close , to aggressive wifi settings in the client , sleep mode to sensivitive


check your logs and see how many times the device is reconnecting during the night


i have quite a few andriod type phones etc here and have no real issue with battery drain , in all i think we have 5 andriod phones ranging from sony xpedia to samsung 6 and no real noticable battery drain issues

Message 20 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Hello ThaBazz


We are aware of issues with battery drain on some devices have you tried to disable beam forming and MUMIMO?



Message 21 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Thanks for the swift response.

No I haven't turned off any of the marketed benefits of the product as its intended to work the way NetGear marketed it. If I turn off these features what makes it better than a normal router?

I believe it's a confirmed issue, thx for confirming because when I switch back to an older router I have no issues. Right now I have a lemon of a product from NetGear, the last Netgear product I bought 10 years ago had problems too, seems like a theme to me.

When is a fix coming?
Message 22 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I'll have to try with those off as well. I've been seeing the drain too, mostly on Android devices, though iOS to a lesser degree.


It is rather vexing as wifi performance has been exceptional.


Message 23 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

Having a S7 edge and a galaxy tab s2, I do not experience any battery drain with orbi.


Beam forming is enabled and MUMIMO is disabled.


firmware version V1.8.0.6.


the only thing I can't manage to work, is registering for a free Netgear account for Dynamic DNS

Message 24 of 32

Re: RBR50, Draining mobile phone and tablet battery

I have the same problem with my LG G4. Orbi is at V1.9.1.12. The battery drain on my phone is going so fast I can see the % drop as I keep watching. A fully charged phone in the morning barely lasts until lunch time when I am at home and not even using it very much. Before, and when I am not at home, on a typical day it easily lasts through the day with 40% or more left when I go to bed (and plug in the charger). This morning, it didn't even get fully charged overnight.


The main battery drainer according to the battery menu on the phone says simply "Android Operating System" so that is not helping much. The details for Android Operating System specify "keep awake" for excessive times (almost the whole time from the moment it got unplugged).

I also notice the wifi range symbol in the top bar "jumping" a lot, as if it switching between networks with differing signal strength. Opening the wifi menu however it is ever connected to the same network (the Orbi wifi), so that must be between different connections to the Orbi network. It even does this when I am clearly much closer to one of the units, so my guess is (but I cannot back this statement up because I cannot tell the difference from the phone) that the switching is more between the 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks than it is between the main router and the satellite. There are also hardly any other wifi signals around that could have been disturbing.


I have uninstalled the Wifi Prioritizer app I used before, both because I hoped I wouldn't need it any longer now owning an Orbi, and to rule it out as a cause of these issues.


I have tried with beamforming and mu-mimo both off, both on, and with beamforming off and mu-mimo on, but none of these combinations made a difference. At this point I am assuming that the LG G4 (and from what I am reading in this thread, also other phones) somehow does not play well with having a 2.4 and 5 Ghz network with the same SSID.


If I find time this weekend I plan on tinkering with turning the transmit power for either down completely and see if that helps, just to try and pinpoint a cause.

Message 25 of 32
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