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AFP can't copy and paste on 6.5.0 BETA 2


AFP can't copy and paste on 6.5.0 BETA 2

I recently upgraded my Ultra 2 plus to OS6 beta 2 T338.  Most stuff seems to be an improvement and working.  However, one thing (so far) is not working anymore.  This worked  perfectly fine previously with 4.x.  


Basically when I mount an AFP share from my mac (OSX 10.9), if I try to copy and paste a folder or a multi selection of files, it fails with a message saying:  


The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)

I never had this problem previously with 4.x.  


I can mount the same share using SMB and do not have this problem at all, so the problem sppears to be related to netatalk


Has anyone seen this or know whether this is a bug or some configuration issue that I could correct the problem with?



Message 1 of 32

Accepted Solutions

Re: AFP problems

We've fixed it internally and submitted the patch upstream.  There's an updated netatalk package sitting in our APT repository if you want to update manually.  Otherwise, the fix will come in 6.5.1.

View solution in original post

Message 31 of 32

All Replies

Re: AFP problems

I'm trying to debug this issue and it seems I am unable to modify /etc/netatalk/afp.conf to set debug loggging on.


I update that file and save it as root, but when I restart AFP from frontview, this file is getting overwritten with defaults every time.  I dont know where those defaults are coming from.  Anyone know if its possible to change log levels of AFP or actually in general to change the /etc/netatalk/afp.conf file if I feel like?

Message 2 of 32

Re: AFP problems

as a test, I took the virtualbox VMK, and tested AFP.  Copy and paste of a folder through AFP works on 6.4.2.  Then I upgraded to 6.5.0beta2 and copy and paste of a folder through AFP fails with the error mentioned.   I tried a factory reset after upgrading the VMK firmware to 6.5 also...the error persists.


it definitely seems like a bug in 6.5 beta.



Message 3 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: AFP problems

Hello Dewdman42,


Thanks for reporting this.


Can you try resetting the permission on the share that has AFP enabled? Or create a new share with AFP enabled then try to access it via AFP.



Message 4 of 32

Re: AFP problems

Yep, already did.  In fact I tried doing a complete factory reset (using the VMK), started from a perfectly clean slate, took the Documents share...enabled AFP, mounted it and replicated the problem immediately.


The interesting thing is that I can add files to the share from my OSX desktop no problem.  Drag them in, the write to the dir fine.  copy and paste them from the mac, no problem, works fine.  But if I select a folder or multiple files in the dir, and try to copy and paste it in place...the error occurs.  Normal behavior is that the item should be duplicated.   

Message 5 of 32

Re: AFP problems

This isn't reproducing for anybody.  We've had several people try it many times, and nobody has seen the issue you described.  How exactly do you make it happen?  Is it specific to a certain set of files?  Maybe there's some issue with, for example, the resource forks on your source files?

Message 6 of 32

Re: AFP problems

Tomorrow morning I will do it again using a fresh VM and RC2, previously I was trying it with beta2.  I am doing nothing special.  Just start with a brand new installation of OS6.5.  Share something with AFP.  Mount that AFP share from OSX Mavericks.  select a folder and copy and paste it in the same parent folder(expecting it to be duplicated as a copy).  The error occurs.


I did not have this problem when I was using OS4 before this.



Message 7 of 32

Re: AFP problems

and no I don't think it has anything to do with resource forks.  it occurs when  you copy and paste a group of files or a folder....in place within the same parent folder. 


Message 8 of 32

Re: AFP problems

@Dewdman42 wrote:

and no I don't think it has anything to do with resource forks.  it occurs when  you copy and paste a group of files or a folder....in place within the same parent folder. 


Several people have tried what you described many times, and it simply doesn't reproduce.  So let me make sure we're on the same page with steps to reproduce:

All steps are run from an OSX client, from Finder.

1) Select a local folder containing multiple files and folders on Macintosh HD and press command+c.

2) Select the "hostname (AFP)" icon in the Shared section of the Finder pane on the left that corresponds to the NAS.

3) Double-click a NAS share with read/write access enabled.

4) Press command+v to paste.


I've done that both logged in as Guest, and as a normal user.  Both work fine.

Message 9 of 32

Re: AFP problems

its 1am here, in th emorning i will for sure create a brand new OS6.5.0RC2 installation on a VM and reproduce it.  When I first reported this, It was happening both my my NAS and on a brand new beta2 installation on the VM...to two different macs.


your steps aren't quite right I dont' think


Presume you ahve shared something from readynas on AFP.


mount that share from a mac running mavericks.


select any folder


command C to copy it

 command V to paste it.


expected result is for finder to create a copy with the word "copy" added on the end...ie..duplicated.


instead we see error 50


This problem doesnt happen with SMB currently


previously it was not happening under OS4 with either SMB or AFP.



Message 10 of 32

Re: AFP problems

OK, that's not exactly what we've been testing.  Shouldn't that be Command+D (for Duplicate)?  Anyway, either Command+C or Command+D works for me, but the Mac in front of me is running El Capitan.

Message 11 of 32

Re: AFP problems

command D works, that's good to know!


But still, copy and paste in place should also work, it works on my mac desktop for everything else and has for years.  Command D is kind of a hidden feature in the finder.  For some reason they took duplicate off of the finder menu some years ago...and I just got used to using copy/paste to quickly duplicate a folder.  thanks for pointing out command D, I will definitely use that, but my bug report still stands.  As to why its not happening to you, I have no explanation, I can only tell you that it happens to me here, both on my NAS and on a VM I created to test things out, to two different macs running mavericks.


I just tried on the NAS, which is now running RC2 and it is still doing it.  Tomorrow I will install a fresh copy of RC2 on a VM and see if it will also happen there.

if there is any debug logging you want me to enable let me know.



Message 12 of 32

Re: AFP problems

I have replicated the problem using a fresh 6.4.2 VM.  This appears to be an internal permissions problem.


Here are the steps


  1. download the 6.4.2 VMDK and follow the instructions to set it up here: http://apps.readynas.com/pages/?page_id=143.  I also changed mine to bridged networking to get an ip assigned from my LAN router.
  2. start the VM
  3. go to the frontvew for the new VM, you will be initially prompted through a startup wizard asking for a new admin password, hostname, etc.  
  4. Once its settled in, note that AFP is already turned on.
  5. go to the mac finder and mount the Documents share using user "admin"
  6. copy a folder from the mac desktop into Documents folder, works fine
  7. select the copied folder, cmd-c/cmd-v it.  It works fine.
  8. Go to frontview users and create a new user.  We wil call this user "me".  I created it with UID 501 to match my OSX user, but I don't think that matters for this test
  9. from mac desktop eject the Documents share and remount it as user "me"
  10. now do the same test, drag a different folder from the mac desktop to Documents to copy it there.  works fine
  11. select that copied folder in Documents, cmd-c/cmd-v..produces error -50
  12. just for kicks I tried to do cmd-c/cmd-v on a single file inside that folder.  This also produces error -50 so I don't think this is related to folders or multiple files, but while doing a single file, it does create some kind of partialy copied file, the file is copied and has the word "copy" added on the end, but it is not openable, its some kind of broken state.
  13. Coincidentally, right after doing that I tried to select a file and cmd-D it, and that is now producing error -50 also.
  14. then I ejected the share from finder, remounted as user "admin" and everything works fine.
  15. I replicated this error from two different macs running Mavericks, same result.


What is noteworthy is that as user "me" I can drag files and folders onto the Documents folder and they are copied no problem.  I can cmd-c copy a file or folder from the mac desktop and cmd-v paste it into Documents folder, no problem.  The problem is when I attempt to select a file or folder that is already in Documents and duplicate it with cmd-c/cmd-v in place.  This works as admin user and produces error as user "me".  And for some reason I'm getting an error with cmd-D also this time.  Last night cmd-D worked when I tried it on my real NAS, so I don't know what to say there.  Perhaps this is some odd case where netatalk is trying to use some internal temporary path to deal with copy/paste in place..and only admin has write permissions or something.  Just guessing...


Message 13 of 32

Re: AFP problems

@Dewdman42 wrote:

I  have posted detailed steps to replicate this problem two times in a row and both times the message was here for 5 minutes and then mysteriously disspeared.  

Something triggered the spam filter - I just released the message you requested and removed the chatter.

Message 14 of 32

Re: AFP problems

I can report that 6.5.0 RC3 continues to have this problem

Message 15 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: AFP problems

Hello Dewdman42,


Have you already tried the BETA 6.5.0-RC3?



Message 16 of 32

Re: AFP problems

yep, as noted in my previous post.

Message 17 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: AFP problems

Hello Dewdman42,


The last updated is May 6. Your previous post is Apr 16. Please check as we are trying to collate the issues with the current beta version.





Message 18 of 32

Re: AFP problems

uhm, no my last post was yesterday May 9th.  I am using beta RC3.  I just tried it also inside a clean VM just to be sure....using RC3 there too.  same results.

Message 19 of 32

Re: AFP problems

please also see my post on May 3rd where I listed off steps to reproduce

Message 20 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: AFP problems

Hello Dewdman42,


Thanks. I had to check the thread a different way here, did not see Skywalker, StephenB and your posts.



Message 21 of 32

Re: AFP problems

Also, when I posted that big post with the steps to reproduce, the first time I posted it, it dissappeared.  then I rewrote it again from scratch, better written the second time...and it dissappeared again.  Stephen then told me that it had gotten caught by a spam filter for some reason and he put them back, but really I just want you to take notice of only the 2nd of those two posts......  I thought stephen was going to delete the 1st of the two, but somehow he didn't.  not a big deal.


The importnat point that comes out of the 2nd one is that the problem does NOT occur if I mount the AFP share as user "admin".  the problem only occurs if I mount the share as user "xyz".  xyz is able to copy files to the share, read and write from the share, etc.   (in fact user xyz is also the owner of the share).  However, when trying to copy and paste in place, or cmd-D duplicate in place.....as user xyz...that is when the error occurs....but it does not occur if done when mounting it as user "admin".



Message 22 of 32

Re: AFP problems

Just following up on this.  Were you able to replicate this issue at all using my steps?


Problem is still occuring with the final release of 6.5.0, I am guessing you weren't able to.  Smiley Sad


Message 23 of 32

Re: AFP problems

@Dewdman42 wrote:

 I thought stephen was going to delete the 1st of the two, but somehow he didn't.  not a big deal.


The "deletion" method is for me to mark it as spam - which I think I did.  Perhaps someone released it again.  I've just repeated it, hopefully this one will take.

Message 24 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: AFP problems

@Dewdman42 wrote:

Just following up on this.  Were you able to replicate this issue at all using my steps?


Problem is still occuring with the final release of 6.5.0, I am guessing you weren't able to.  Smiley Sad


No, it hasn't been reproduced as yet.

We would need detailed steps to reproduce and perhaps even a copy of some files you are using to run into the error.

Message 25 of 32
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