Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.


RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

I dont know if it is a problem, but my new RN204 unit wont see my USB key after restart. Key i inserted in back lower USBport. On back upper port i have UPS. UPS is connected ok after restart.

If USB key is in front USB port, unit connects it OK after restart. On back ports i have to pull out and re-insert USB key after each restart. Key is detected and mounted after reinsertion only. (external storage device connected.)


USB key is Kingston USB 3.0 and my RN104 unit is detecting it after all restarts in backport lower or upper right. (after restart it tell me (external storage device connected.) automatically)


FW on both unit (RN204, RN104) is 6.4.1-T35, tested on 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 beta 1 and 2 - all the same.

Message 1 of 29

Accepted Solutions

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hi All,


After installing new release FW 6.4.2 (Final, released today) All seems OK. My RN204 unit reconnect all USB stick i have tested.


All is OK, Bug is gone. I think FW 6.4.2 is solution to reported problem.


Thanks Netgear.

View solution in original post

Message 28 of 29

All Replies

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

after some more tests/restarts:


1. If I disconnect UPS (or with UPS in other back USB port) and restart RN204 with USB in any backport, USB key (Kingston dataTraveler USB 3.0) is not connected automatically after restart

2. If I use external WD drive (My passsport 1,5TB, USB 3.0) it IS reconnected automatically.

3. If i use another USB flash drive (noname 1GB, USB 2.0) it IS reconnected automatically.

4. If I use another USB 3.0 flash drive (DTR30G2, Kingston another typ but USB 3.0) not connected automatically after restart. This flash drive has a LED. Led is solid lit, but flash drive is not connected until I pull out it from the USB port and re-enter it

5. If i use another USB flash drive (Kingston DataTraveler 2.0, USB 2.0) it IS reconnected automatically.


I tested my Kingston dataTraveler USB 3.0 in PC and connect it back to RN204 still same as in point 1.


In FRONT USB port all  tested drives are connected automatically after restart.


My UPS is DELL, Model: Dell UPS Tower 1000W HV, which is EATON rebranded model actually.


Seem like:


If usb flash drive in back port is USB 3.0, it wont be connected automatically after unit restart. If it is  USB 2.0 is IS connect automatically after restart.



Message 2 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Kardano,


Have you tried BETA 3?



Message 3 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Good morning.


As I wrote:


FW on both unit (RN204, RN104) is 6.4.1-T35, tested on 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 beta 1 and 2 - no changes between these FW releases.


FW 6.4.1-T35 IS Beta 3 If i'm not wrong.

Message 4 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

I updated my RN204 to FW 6.4.1 RC1 and test it again. No change,


No USB flash in back ports after restart (if it is USB 3.0 flash drive) (it is detected AFTER pull out from port and reconnect).


No changes in behavior between beta3 and RC1.

Message 5 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Kardano,


It is best you contact support center as it may have something to do with the USB 3.0 that L3 may need to look in to.


I checked your profile and found that you have not contacted yet about RN20400 that is already registered. Currenlty it still has 79 days left for the free support, take advantage of it.



Message 6 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

I'v contacted support. 3 times redirected from Home support site to busines chat 🙂


the made for me new case by e-mail.

Case No: 26072386


Waiting for response and instructions from support specialist.



Message 7 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Logs sended 21.11.2015. Waiting for response.

Message 8 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hi Kardano,


Your case was endorsed to the next tier of support. Wait for their feedback and further instructions.




Kind regards,


NETGEAR Community Team




Message 9 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

I updated my RN 204 to newly released FW 6.4.1-RC3 and tested. No change.
USB 3.0 flash drive in back ports is not automatically connected after unit restart.


Info to support sended.

Message 10 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Kardano,


I saw the ticket you opened, it seems the support person has not gotten back to you yet.


You still have support warranty for phone support, I suggest you take advantage of it.



Message 11 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

There is no direct number for my country.


Thats why i tried by chat ... ..and after no contact for Home support get redirect to e-mail by business support.

Message 12 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

adding info about progresss.... ....2 Team viewer sesssion, not solved yet.

Message 13 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

In the end of today Team Viewer session L3 specialist told me, that he will report this issue to the R&D engineering.



Message 14 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

I add my models of USB keys and external HDDs which ai tested with mt RN204 (and send these info to Netgear to my case)


USB 3.0 - all of them are NOT connected automatically after restart of RN204:
Kingston DataTraveler SE9 32GB - model no. DTSE9H/32GB
Kingston DataTraveler Mini 32GB - model no. DTM30/32GB
Kingston DataTraveler R3.0 G2 32 GB - model no. DTR30G2/32GB
Kingston DataTraveler R3.0 G2 36 GB - model no. DTR30G2/64GB (older model)
(tested NTFS, VFAT, formatted in RN204, formated in PC - this does not matter)

USB 2.0 - all of them it ARE automaticcaly reconnected after restart.
Kingston DataTraveler SE9 8GB -  model no. DTSE9H/8GB
some old 1 to 4GB USB keys:
SuperTalent 4GB
Verbatim Store 'n' Go Micro 8GB


IF i connect external HDD to the BACK ports all is OK. HDD is reconnected automatically after restart:
WD Elements 1TB, USB 3.0
WD Scorpio Blue HDD 320GB in noname USB 3.0 case

All of these USB keys ARE automatically reconected after restart in My RN104 unit with same FW as my RN204 (6.4.1) withou any exception.

My RN104 IS RECONNECTING ALL of these USB stick (connected in back ports) automatically after restart. Withou any exception. All OK on RN104.

Message 15 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Status update:


I got new info from Netgear today:


Update from NETGEAR:

This is a bug, and it was reproduced by engineering.
If any solution will let you know asap.

Message 16 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Update from NETGEAR:

Get update from our engineering:
It should be fixed in next release.

At present, the workaround: don't use back USB port; Or re-plug the USB when there is a reboot on the box.


Message 17 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Tested today with new released FW 6.4.2-T72 (Beta 2).

No change.

Message 18 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Kardano,


Thank you for updating here.


I see that you are also updating the support team. 


Once it's picked up by the support person who is assigned to your case, it will be re-escalated. Hopefully it gets resolved the soonest.



Message 19 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

It will be fixed in 6.4.2 final. If you'd like to get an early update to verify on your system with your flash devices, you can enable Secure Diagnostic Mode and PM me the 5-digit number.

Message 20 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Thanks. enabled and sent in PM

Message 21 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Thanks for early update.


After restart USB is reconnected automatically.. problem solved. Thanks for oportunity to test solution beforehand.

Whent FW 6.4.2 is released i make this problem as solved.



Message 22 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hi !

Seem to have the same issue with my DVB-S USB Tuner Device, a PCTV 461 S2 on the USB-Backports of my RN716x:

Works like charm but whenever the system is restarted or powered down, I have to reconnect/re-plug the device to have it recognized again!?

Even updated to the latest Beta (ReadyNASOS 6.4.2-T72 (Beta 2) ) to see if the solution was already implemented, but
unfortunately this did not solve the problem...

Do I have to wait for the 6.4.2 Final !?

Thanks in advance,


Message 23 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Steffko,


6.4.2-RC1 is the updated. 



Message 24 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hi JenC,

Thanks for the information, updated immediately, unfortunately with the same result:

After reboot or a Power-off I do have to replug the DVB-S USB-adaptor, if not system (DVB-Link) tells that it is not present and 
there is no Video signal then.

This happens with the USB 3.0-ports on the back and with the USB 2.0 on the front...

After a quick disconnect and a replug video is available again..

Any ideas..!?

Best regards,



Message 25 of 29
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