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ReadyNAS Remote, Photos2, Replicate End of Service announcement


ReadyNAS Remote, Photos2, Replicate End of Service announcement

ReadyNAS® Remote and ReadyNAS Photos2 services will be discontinued on September 30th, 2017.

ReadyNAS Replicate service will be discontinued on October 31st, 2020.


After end-of-service dates for the respective services above, the following will apply:

  • Customers will not be able to upload, download, share and edit photos through ReadyNAS Photos2 service
  • Customers will not be able to remotely access the ReadyNAS using ReadyNAS Remote service, including web admin interface, and sharing
  • Customers will not be able to create ReadyNAS Remote Accounts (used for ReadyNAS Remote and ReadyNAS Replicate) once the ReadyNAS Remote service is discontinued (existing accounts can continue to be used with ReadyNAS Replicate till that service is discontinued)
  • Customers will not be able to use ReadyNAS Replicate to copy and restore data from one ReadyNAS to another, locally or through the Internet

For comparable services to ReadyNAS Photos2 and Remote, a customer that is not already on a ReadyNAS OS 6 storage device may benefit by upgrading to a ReadyNAS that supports ReadyCLOUD. ReadyNAS Replicate users should upgrade to a Business Class ReadyNAS which supports ReadyDR.

ReadyCLOUD is a cloud service that enables remote access, sharing of data, and streaming of media files. ReadyCLOUD runs on Internet browsers, and has a Windows app that supports folder backup and folder synchronization between the PC and the ReadyNAS. In addition, ReadyCLOUD has an iOS and Android app that allows viewing and sharing of files and uploading content from the photo album from anywhere. ReadyCLOUD is supported in ReadyNAS OS 6. https://readycloud.netgear.com

ReadyNAS Replicate is a file level backup function. In October 2016, NETGEAR launched ReadyDR, a block-level backup function. ReadyDR is a significant enhancement over ReadyNAS Replicate. While ReadyNAS Replicate backs up only SMB shares, ReadyDR backs up SMB shares, iSCSI LUNs, and any type of data in a virtualized storage. Because backup is performed at the block level, it is incremental, continuous, and requires far less network bandwidth. ReadyDR is supported in ReadyNAS OS 6 on business class ReadyNAS models. [Foot note]

We look forward to continuing to support your personal and business data storage needs. We hope that you will find the new software and services more efficient, friendly, and productive.

Best regards,

[Foot Note] Business Class ReadyNAS include x86 ReadyNAS devices (RN300/420/516/520/620/716/3130/3138/3220/3312/4220/4312/4360).

Message 1 of 4
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Remote, Photos2, Replicate End of Service announcement

UPDATE: ReadyNAS Replicate service will now be discontinued December 31st, 2018.


After the release of the initial announcement, we have received multiple requests from customers that, though ReadyDR is based on a more advanced technology, a longer transition time is needed.  Hence, we have decided to extend the support of ReadyNAS Replicate for current users until the end of 2018.  We continue to advise our customers to transition to ReadyDR at the earliest convenience.

Message 2 of 4

Re: ReadyNAS Remote, Photos2, Replicate End of Service announcement

UPDATE: ReadyNAS Replicate service will be continuing until further notice. We will be seeing ReadyNAS Replicate throughout this year (2019).


There are some major updates that require larger changes to provide a replacement for the ReadyNAS Replicate service. Until this service is avaiable we will continue the support with ReadyNAS Replicate for existing users. Any new user would be advised to use the local backup functionality of File-Based or Block-Based backups in the admin interface.

Message 3 of 4

Re: ReadyNAS Remote, Photos2, Replicate End of Service announcement

UPDATE: ReadyNAS Replicate service will be coming to an end on October 31st, 2020.

ReadyNAS Replicate service will no longer be available after October 31st, 2020, so any Replicate job that was managed and operated by the ReadyNAS Replicate page will no longer continue the Replicate backup jobs.
For backups to continue, it would be advised to use our Backup Jobs when ReadyNAS devices are on the local network or connecting to remote ReadyNAS over a VPN (where there is a network that has a VPN device configured). There are cloud based backups available to backup data content to the offsite cloud services.
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