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Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan


Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Apparently the head of the company, does not affect whether users are happy or not.
all bad publicity netgear is undergoing.
perhaps they should focus a little more customer care.
more and more disappointed.
if within a short time do not solve the problem, I packed up the modem and I send it to netgear asking for reimbursement for equipment that does not work as described by them.

Message 51 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

How incredibly disappointing this is to hear many others with similar stories about the lack of timely upgrades by Netgear.  It certainly will make my decision to go elsewhere for my wireless needs.  The executive leadership should at a minimum communicate an ETA for delivery. 

Message 52 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Hi ElaineM,


When will a new version of the NETGEAR USB Control Center utility be released?


Best Regards


Message 53 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Well, here we are 1.5 months after the issue was raised, close to 1 month since the offical release of El Capitan and 1 week since Apple released its first update and still no resolution. Surely the utility didn't require a complete rewrite of the code and being a major feature touted on several of Netgear's products it should have received more attention/priority from the company.


Any update on a release date (and is Netgear prepared to commit to this) ??

Message 54 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

There's still no ETA.

As Apple continuously improve their software, they have just released another version (10.11.2) for developers and our engineers are working closely to get this resolved.

Will keep you all posted.


Thank you all for your patience.

Message 55 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Elaine, I understand you are just the messenger but when I hear at this point "still no ETA" that tells me that Netgear is not able to keep up with OS development, so should not be marketing their routers as Mac compatable.

Message 56 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

I now suspect that the Netgear software developers working on this just don't have a workable solution!


On 16th  September we were told that "El Capitan is still under beta test and so is the NETGEAR USB Control Center utility", suggesting that they had been working on it.  4 weeks ago we were told that "It's not that we are not ready, we just want to make sure that everything will run and work smoothly with the new OS El Capitan".  It seems that we are just being fed BS.


This is not a new scenario for Netgear.  It took them 3 months following the Mavericks release in 2013 to produce a beta version fix for this utility, which was then still only being supplied by Netgear Support on request.


My bet is that they have been unable to get around the new SIP (System Integrity Protection) feature in El Capitan.  Perhaps their Software Development management should start a conversation with Apple. Then again, if their development has been outsourced to a third-world backwater like their Customer support (and is only as competent) then that probably wouldn't get them very far.


Anyway, we still have at least another 2 months to wait, if the Mavericks experience is any guide.   If the number of views on this thread are any guide (down from ~2,500 down to only a few hundred this week), I suspect that a lot of people are just walking away from this and looking for workarounds or replacement solutions. Personally, I am looking at how I might integrate an airport extreme  into my network as a print server and walking away from this unreliable utility.


Best wishes to all.

Message 57 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Very disapointing! I have just now tried to insrtall readyShare on my El Cap and finally found this thread. Really should be fixed by now

Message 58 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Technical support personnal at my ISP and Apple both claim the "incomplete install" issue may be the cause of my extremely slow internet speed. Please get this issue resolved ASAP!   

Message 59 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

We are already in November. Where is the solution of this problem?

Message 60 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

We should demand our money back !!!

Message 61 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

As NETGEAR engineers await for the release of El Capitan USB Drivers, they try to work on with the current utility but it's still failing.

It clearly needs the updated USB driver for the new OS X. As soon as the USB Driver is available for developers, we will post the updated utility.

Message 62 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Thank You Elaine, though it does not help with the situation we are in not being able to wirelessly print, it does show a positive response to the problem and help with maintaining patience.


Message 63 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan


after a month of waiting, when can we expect to have an update.

Yet my router mac-compatible, but not completely.

Message 64 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Hi Elaine, other manufacturers of routers are not having this problem, please provide information how we may obtain a refund.
Message 65 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

This is a key reason for my purchase, the second was advertised longer range which I am also not experiencing. The product is failing to meet the standard of which it is being advertised. Point of sale return would be the easiest. Please provid reference number for the store to complete return credit.
Message 66 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

@ElaineM It is unclear to me which USB drivers that the team is waiting for. Updated USB printer drivers? My printer works fine with El Capitan if I plug it in directly so it can't be that. All of my USB drives work fine as well. Furthermore, I thought the development of USB drivers for a given piece of hardware was in the hands of the hardware manufacturer as opposed to something that Apple would do. So is the USB Control Center Team waiting on Netgear's USB driver team?


Other software that I use continues to have issues with El Capitan and SIP (Parallels, VMWare). Their fix for now has been to disable SIP. I wish Netgear would provide a working USB Control Center Utility that works with SIP disabled for now until the issues with SIP can be worked out.

Message 67 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Thanks for responding....I get it, Netgear is an Apple competitor so why make it simple.

Message 68 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Just joining the chorus of outrage.


If netgear won't provide a timeline, I will. If there is still no fix for the Netgear USB control center utility for Mac in the next week, I will 1) never again buy a netgear product and 2) use all my social networking power to sully the company's name.

Message 69 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

I returned mine to point of sale and got money back
Message 70 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

no more netgear.... sorry...

Message 71 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

It would be nice if Netgear would send a weekly update to registered owners/users rather than expecting us to check back to the Netgear site with no ETA on a fix. I have yet to receive one e-mail on this issue. Communication is key to good customer service. 

Message 72 of 263

Betreff: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

they can if people from the USA netgear sue make tight! is really cheeky what they do with clients !!!

Message 73 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

I've got a call with their Level 2 support staff next week on this issue.  I'll post anything significant that I learn.



Message 74 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Betreff: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

We apologize for the delay as we are still awaiting for the source code from Apple to make an updated working USB Control Center utility.


Thank you all for your patience.

Message 75 of 263

Orbi 770 Series