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Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan


Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Adding to the list of effected users. 


Please update ASAP - I can't use this router one of the main reasons I bought it - printer sharing.




Message 26 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Also having this issue. Could you please fix this ASAP?

Message 27 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Hai ragione non funziona... ho comprato Apple AirPort Extreme e ho risolto i problemi...


You have reason does not work… I have bought Apple AirPort Extreme and I have resolved the problems…

Message 28 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Well to be honoust I am about to trow out the netgear and buy something that works, I expected to buy a top product with Netgear, seems to be the same old crap as the majority, guess I have to spend some money on Apple Extreme or Belkin. Thanks Netgear!

Message 29 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

I have an Apple Airport Extreme along with 4 Netgear routers (R7500, 2 x R6300v2 and a D6300).


Unfortunately I found the Apple router to be a bit flakey, and have since disconnected it.  It just did not work reliably enough for me.


I like the Netgear routers, as the hardware is good.  It is unfortunate that the software development (and support) is so awful.  I suspect that this is probably because it is outsourced to the cheapest bidder!  It seems that Netgear is a hardware-oriented company whose executive just does not realise the complementary importance of good software. They are probably still stuck in their "good old days" ways of the 1990's.  The TV series "Halt & Catch Fire" portrays this really well.


The consistent failures are in this Print Utility (whenever Apple operating system is significantly upgraded) and new hardware firmware.  As for support, I just don't bother with them anymore and so don't even register new kit.

I once had an unsuccessful 5 hour session with a 3rd level network support technician to try and resolve internet dropouts caused by the Netgear router. I then tenaciously spent 1 hour going through every setting until I found the culprit (SIP ALG, which annoyingly had a default setting to ON).


I would easily recommend Netgear routers because they have grunty and reliable hardware.  The caveat is to be wary of the software. Personally, I did not find Apple to be a source of a viable accessory and definitely not a comparable alternative.


Best wishes.

Message 30 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Just in case anyone had not thought about it, the WORKAROUND that I am using whilst waiting for a Netgear utility upgrade, is to USB connect my printer directly to my iMac when I want to print from there (and connect back to the Netgear router for Windows 10 printing, which still works via the Netgear utility).  Whilst this does not allow me to Airprint from my iOS devices, it is better than no Apple device printing at all!


Both my scanning utility and printing works on MAC OS X El CAPITAN without my having had to update printer driver or scanning utility.  This is even though I use a rather old Canon MP630 printer (which I have not updated because the print and scan quality is so good).


However, there appear to be some printers whose drivers will need updating by their respective manufacturers to work with MAC OS X El CAPITAN, as they do not play nice with the new SIP (System Integrity Protection) feature.

Message 31 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

There are plenty of ways to work around something like this, I have another printer I can hook up directly, no problem. But I bought the Netgear router specifically so that I could print from any of the laptops computers into one location, I cannot do that currently so the router is a complete waste.

Message 32 of 263

Rif.: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Having lodged a ticket with Netgear support ( assuming that it would be a more productive way to reach Netgear representatives than in the community forums) I initially received an informed and apologetic response statng that the USB Control Cener issue was being attended to and an email would be sent to advise when an appropriate solution was available. I subsequently received another response to inform me that - with regret - the 3500 repeater (which we use) was no longer subject to support and my ticket was therefore closed. Indicative of a lack of understanding from a "support " representative and shabby under the circumstance of a very important feature of these products no longer functioning through an operating system upgrade that was given plenty Beta time to assess. I wait without baited breath.

Message 33 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Please let me know ASAP for the solution

Message 34 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Please need solution ASAP

Message 35 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Yes, we hear you all.

Our engineers are working on this to get this resolved ASAP.

I will immediately post an update once they have a fix.


Thank you everyone for your patience.

Message 36 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Same problem, PLEASE get it fixed!!!

Message 37 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Very disappointed. Was forced to buy a new Mac (First one ever) because I needed Video Editing Software to do TV Cable Programs. My TEW-MFP1 has served me faithfully with all my PC computers.


Thought I would add my TEW-MFP1 to the new Mac which came with El Capitan. Imagine my surprise when I could not connect. Can open Webpage on my home network, but USB Control Center says it does not INSTALL. Glad I found this thread as I was really trying to figure out why it wouldn't work.


Reading thread, a moderator said to add a KUDOS to the page to be notified when a FIX was available.


I'm sorry, but WHY would I give a KUDOS to a PROBLEM?  Doesn't make sense to me.


Wonder how long Netgear has been sitting on this since everyone else knew it was coming?  NOW they are working on it???????

Message 38 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan



Now, MAC OS X El Capitan is no longer in beta test version.

Final version is available and installed on many computers but NETGEAR USB Control Center utility v 2.22 is still not compatible with it !

Where to download or make NETGEAR USB Control Center utility compatible with the new MAC OS X ?

Do you plan an update ?


Best Regards.

Message 39 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

@tkelvie Here's why we Kudo an idea.


@gcollin Yes, we have plans of releasing an updated utility to work with El Capitan.

I will post an update very soon.


Thank you all again for your patience.

Message 40 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

something NEW with El Capitan?


Message 41 of 263
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

It will be released in the upcoming weeks.

As soon as it's done, I will definitely give you guys a heads up.

Message 42 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

"upcoming weeks" you must be kidding, what are we to do until then.


It doesn't sound like much of a priority if you are saying it will take weeks when you have all this time already to figure it out.



Message 43 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Well, I think it's time to communicate our displeasure directly to Netgear Executives.


Patrick C.S. Lo is CEO, Mark Merrill is Chief Technology Officer and Michael Falcon is Senior Vice President of Operations & Support.


US Corporate Office phone is (408) 907-8000, Fax is (408)907-8097.   Investor Relations email is netgearir@netgear.com and Media Enquiries email is pressrelations@netgear.com  Perhaps they might be interested in how we might be communicating our opinion of Netgear Support more widely.


Although community forums such as these provide an opportunity for venting on matters such as this, they clearly are not a vehicle for getting things done!


Best wishes and commiserations to all.

Message 44 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

This is the first time I have been forced to register on a support forum. Seriously Netgear, how do you COMPLETELY miss testing and approving an ENTIRE compenent of your product on an operating system YOU ADVERTISE serves a certain function? Are the Engineers that incapable of figuring out a solution? How about contracting a more capable team of Engineers? 


Your hardware is great but you completely ruin that experience by wasting your customers' time. Fix this or I will be avoiding this product for at least another decade and go with a company that can at least update their products at an industry standard turnaround time.

Message 45 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

So its the 20th of October 2015 and I still cant print anything. This is costing money. Poor form.

Really dissapointed with my D7000 router, thought I was buying the best. Certainly paid as if I was.

Message 46 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

I agree. Really disappointed to find out that USB Control Center does not work on El Capitan and that this is a low priority for devs.

Message 47 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Very frustrating. Just purchased the R7000 router in large part due to the advertised USB Control center and the ability to use printers via the USB port, with Airprint. But when I tried to install USB Control Center v2.22, even though I get the 'install successful, re-start to finish' message, the installation is imcomplete. Every time El Capitan starts, the incomplete install error message displays, so've I've had to trash the app. We need an undated version of USB Control Center that will work with El Capitan!

Message 48 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Good evening everyone,
I apologize for my wrong English.
I'm an Italian user, which has exactly the same problem as many other users with USB and OSX control center el Capitan.
It is now more than a month to perform simple prints I have to continue to roll out USB cables for the office.
It is ridiculous and unacceptable from a company like netgear I have always considered the market leader in networking products.
You will receive information on when this update of 'usb control center, or do we remain at the mercy of fate?
One thing is sure, my clients, to install devices such as networking, no longer recommend products netgear.

Message 49 of 263

Re: NETGEAR USB Control Center utility for MAC OS X El Capitan

Well the negative reviews are starting to show up on forums and shopping sites, it is only going to get worse. Still no timeline for an update, really poor form.

Message 50 of 263
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