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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10


A6200 timing out Windows 10

Hi All,

hope I'm not starting a new thread, surely I can't be the only one here with this issue.  After upgrading (???) to WX I have found that my WiFi Network icon gets a red X on the top left hand corner in the system tray.  I cannot run geni, and I cannot run trouble shoot as all it tells me is, "there is no ethernet cable connected"  No WiFi options.  I uninstalled Negear Geni and reinstalled the WX beta as per the instructions on the website, but I'm still having the same issue.  After about an hour or so, my wifi connection drops out, I get the red X and the geni won't do anything.   


Is it me?  Is it Netgear?  Have I done something wrong.  I have checked the box, don't let windows put my wifi to sleep option but I can't think of anything else.


Answers please??

Message 1 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

There are a few people in this thread who have had some success;




Message 2 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10


read those threads, but their problem is not the same.  They are saying they can't connect at all.  I'm saying that I can connect but after about an hour of activity, my internet just dies, because WiFi just stops working, At the moment the ONLY way I can fix it is to remove the USB WiFi device, A6200 and reinsert it, windows finds it, logs on and is happy for another hour...

Message 3 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

OK, well that’s strange, seems like some kind of power-save option maybe, is it always precisely an hour or is it perhaps related to the volume of data passed?

Message 4 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

I wish I could say for sure, no idea how to time it, but tonight 3 times already, the only solution is to unplug the USB and plug it back in, connects immediately no problems

Message 5 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Hi. Had to jump in here, as I have the exact same problem.


Looks to me as though it might be data volume related, as I have scheduled backups that commence at 3 in the morning, and my issues arise when I find an incomplete backup when I check it in the morning. During the day, I have few problems with the connection, and mine doesn't seem to timeout at any particular interval, but DOES time out on occasion. I actually had not considered the data volume until you mentioned it.


I'm using the .35 beta drivers that were posted on the support page a looooong time ago on an A6200.

Message 6 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Aye, I have the same problem. I think other users might be on to something with the data volume theory. I managed to go 27 hours 57 minutes and 16 seconds on my connection duration at one point before it disconnected in the same manner as you described during which I had no Livestream nor youtube video open. And of course, unplugging it, and plugging it in again fixes it. Same device, same drivers, and of course same OS. This is really starting to get old and Netgear support was of no help to me.


I also made a thread on Tomshardware to document my trials, tests, failed solutions, etc: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-2746425/internet-cuts-windows.html


I need to add disabling QoS Protocol in The Network and Sharing Center properties. Apparently it's responsible for bandwidth and internet flow. I'll update you guys...if it works...so long as my net holds out. Good luck guys!

Message 7 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

I am absolutely sure the issue has nothing to do with data.  I have just downloaded WX Pro and WX Home uninterrupted.  It's a timeout thing.  My question is, I was using W7 for over a year with the A6200 without any issues, so why after the install of WX have I all of a sudden started having issues.  It's not like WX hasn't been available for hardware companies to trial and test their devices so that a stable driver or firmware update can be downloaded.  I note that the one on the Netgear site is still labelled "beta" so I'm wondering if the problem lies in the firmware of driver set and has nothing to do with WX

Message 8 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Sorry I forgot to mention, just as a side note, I have an ASUS Notebook connected to WX via its WiFi reciever and it has not logged off once since I installed WX and that has been three days now, Its only affecting the A6200 device...

Message 9 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

I think it's a conjuction of both to be honest. I've attempted to install older drivers and set the process to run in compatibility mode for Windows 7, I successfully connected to the internet for X amount of time and then it times out in the same manner. If it's not data usage it must be a simple communication glitch between the A6200, its drivers, and Windows 10. Tell me, are you using V1.0.0.26 or V1.0.0.35 for your drivers?? V1.0.0.35 (My current driver) aren't labeled as Beta, yet still suffer from disconnecting. Thanks for your input.
Message 10 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Quick follow-up to my previous post....


I reconfigured my A6200, eliminating Genie as per a post in another thread. In other words, I used only the standalone driver included with the .35 Beta drivers.


The installation went fine, and upon reboot, both my 2.4 and 5GHz connections showed up in the native Win 10 wirelss dialog. I did this installation on an HP All-in-one computer that is used only in the kitchen (Win 10 Home), and it sat most of the day with infrequent use, other than to download occasional Norton updates, and me checking it every once in a while, including a few surfing excercises simply to see if the connection was OK. I left it on 5Ghz. It maintained the connection all day without a problem, and I was heartened. BTW...my router is a Netgear R7000.


Upon checking this morning, I found the usual thing...an incomplete backup, as the 5GHz connection had gone offline and left me with neither an internet or local network connection. Very disappointing.


While I remain suspect of a data volume issue, I can't be certain. What is certain is that there's absolutely something wrong with the Netgear drivers in conjunction with Windows 10, as I have been using the A6200 since it was released (on both Win 7 Home & Ultimate) with very few problems. Just for the hell of it, I'm going to disconnect the A6200 and spend the day on the computer's 2.4GHz adapter today and tonight, and see if my backup completes. I'll report back.

Message 11 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

I can confirm I as well have this issue, and so far NO FIX has worked for me.


I went 8+hours without an issue (longest time) updating games as I thought it was my windows 10 copy, I did a clean install. still not working.


I get disconnects at random intervals.


I get BSOD related to the drivers when I try to stream to twitch.tv (via xsplit and OBS) the BSOD usually follow BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER or a more direct one BCMWLHIGH63a.sys bsod.


it's frustrating to say the least. considering I am a twitch broadcaster and thanks to windows 10 + the issues I can no longer stream until its fixed.


Ethernet isn't an option, and like an idiot I removed windows 7. so I'm stuck until the OS gets a fix.


though its worthy to note I tried another Wireless adapter and had the same issues, it just took longer.


so it could be a Windows 10 related issue. HOWEVER my friend used both my A6200 and his Linksys adapter just fine on his PC.


so that opens up another can of worms. If anyone finds a definite 100% fix please post in this topic. It would help out a ton.




Message 12 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Interesting....I have a horrible habit of changing waayyyy to many variables at once so I've no clue if I've fixed it or just happening to be lucky for a bit. I've just gone 11 hours and counting, second to the 27 hour period, with no disconnects. Some things I changed included:

1. Complete disabling of Cortana (physical removal of system files)
2. Reinstall of Motherboard LAN drivers via Realtek (makes no sense I know but...desperate times right??)
3. Updating motherboard BIOS to latest.
4. Disable all Windows system and Microsoft based usage of internet Bandwidth (mostly just disabling stuff in the settings)

Now granted I know a lot of that may have nothing to do with our issues, but I didn't want to keave anything out.

Also 16bitC, that's really unfortunate that you can't stream, I haven't tried since having this issue, but I'll give it a go and report back if I BSoD. Again that's a data usage thing, granted it is upload vs. download, but I believe uploading data packets is processed differently and takes more bandwidth (typically why it's slower than downloading).

We'll just have to keep testing different theories, solutions, settings, etc. until we fix it or a patch is released. Keep it up guys!!
Message 13 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

As promised (see previous post), I'm back to report my results of totally disconnecting the A6200 and relying on the HP all-in-one's internal 2.4GHz connection....


It worked fine. I made the changeover early in the day, had no issues all day (other than not having any 5GHz related speeds), and experienced my first successful full backup overnight.


I can now say, without hesitation, that it is without a doubt some sort of issue with the A6200 and/or its drivers, as it relates to Windows 10. Whether or not it's a data volume issue is still a question, but whatever it is, it's not working correctly. Since the Windows 10 beta drivers posted on Netgear's site are about a year old, I would think/hope that they would be updated by now. If it's not directly related to the drivers, I would think that someone would be working on this.


As an aside, I must point out that the Netgear issue is the only one that I have run into on this test bed machine after updating to Win 10, although this particular machine is faily barebones. I'm going to wait awhile before updating my others.



Message 14 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Nothing to add, except I have the same problem and seems to be random how long I can connect.

Message 15 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Hello everyone


We are working on fixing these issues with the upgrade to win 10 we have another thread that has info on some solutions to the issue and also we are collecting information from the community about the issues people are having with the adapter and drivers so please take a look at this thread.





Message 16 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Excellent! Good to hear that it's being worked on!

Also update for myself I've switched to CAT6 Ethernet temporarily and don't have any issues. As for the A6200 I simply disabled the drivers for now in the device manager. I'll use it again once updated support is out.
Message 17 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

"Is there anybody out there???, just nod if you can hear me.....  Is there any one at home???"


It's not like windows 10 has only JUST been released, I mean beta testers and developers have had it for a long long time now.  


What's happening with this expensive paper weight I have purchased called a Netgear A6200 WiFi USB Adapter, I purchased it party because the brand name "Netgear" was supposed to be "OK"

Message 18 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Hi @Dugite,


We are checking on this issue and I will give you a feedback once I have an update. 





Community Team

Message 19 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Hi All,


I would like to ask the following information.


1. Is the Windows 10 install a fresh install or an upgrade?

2. If it is an upgrade, what was the previous OS prior to upgrade?

3. If it is an upgrade, did you encounter intermittent connection as well with the previous OS?

4. What is the processor used in your PC?(i.e Intel/AMD)





Community Team

Message 20 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Mine was an upgrade from WX7 Pro, no connection issues prior to upgrade Intel chip set giggabite board

Message 21 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10



I need the information of yous system. See sample below. You can just type dxdiag on your search bar.







Community Team

Message 22 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10


Message 23 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Here's something new, I read in another post from a different netgear product related to WX and drivers timing out.  They suggested to go into advanced properties and uncheck the "allow windows to put device to sleep" which was checked.  I have unticked this box and will report back if it changes.  I'd never selected this and must have been something some tosser at MS decided was a good default setting for all drivers.  I mean, we're all using notebooks right????  doh, seriously, ..... any way, here's hoping...

Message 24 of 32

Re: A6200 timing out Windows 10

Preliminary results would indicate I've found the culprit, its inside WX, it was putting my device to sleep.  6 hours uninterrupted and still going Smiley LOL  Lets hope it stays up, I'll leave my system running as I always do over night because it crunches SETI data, I'll report back in the morning.   So far so good 

Message 25 of 32
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