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HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible


HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

Hello all,

I am slowly going out of my mind so I need to try and get a definitive on this.

I am transferring my MP3 library of 700GB to my readynas with 2 x 2TB Hitachi 7200RPM Sata3 drives (in the compatibly list)

I have the x raid set up via the admin panel and the drives are all good, I already have 600GB of films on there that I am sure copied over relatively easily over a night (it was a while backb tu I knwo it didn't take that long)

Now I am trying to copy my 55,000 mp3's over and its the worst speed ever and I have attempted 5 times now and wasted two days.

It is connect via a gigabit switch to my iMac (mountain lion 10,8) I am creating a new share called music library and then trying all kinds of copying methods but all come to an almost grinding halt.

At present in the last 12hrs it has copied 150GB, last night when I started it was hitting about a GB a minute which although fairly slow I could live with, went to bed got up and now a GB takes about 20-30minutes, what is going on?? Can it not handle so many small files or something??

If the transfer rates are that shocking on small files no problem I'll sell it and move on but I seriously cannot waste anymore time with something that is so random in speeds (it also starts to lock up my system so frustrating all around)

One other thing is that the DNLA link to my LG TV shows the films names multiple times over and over and over (example it will say Peter Pan 20 times but only the 1st file plays, then I look directly on the disk on my Mac and of course there is only one file) Is this Nas just not a very good one? Please Help to put me out of my misery... :cry:
Message 1 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

I think there is some problem with ext4 (journal) because when I have a lot files and full 90% of 2TB disk space then something strange happened.
System is very heavy loaded by disk IO access, but when I swith to ext3 everything is just fine. After I mount this partition with ext4 everything goes wrong.
Every time I switch to ext4 then system have problems, switching back to ext3 and refreshing journal makes my system working normal.

btw. I have all ext4 features switched off so I can mount my disk as ext4 or ext3 with data.
Message 2 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

Hi what is the ext3 & ext4?
Message 3 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

I have now stopped the copying and tried AGAIN with smaller batches of the MP3's if I just do 50 or so its OK, if I try and copy say 5000 it hangs and takes and age to even start copying, please can someone just tell me if this is the way it acts or if something is wrong, I'm going insane!
Message 4 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

What ReadyNAS model do you have, and what firmware is it running (give the version please, not "latest").
Message 5 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

Hi, it is a readynas Duo V2 with the latest firmware - Version
Message 6 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

formal wrote:
Hi, it is a readynas Duo V2 with the latest firmware - Version

Thats not the firmware version it should be RAIDiator 5.3.x
if log into dashboard and click the configure button on the system tab you will see it there,
or if you have RAIDar installed on your computer it shows in top right corner of RAIDar.
Message 7 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

Yes 5.3.6
Message 8 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

So new copy rolling using carbon copy cloner on the Mac, block for block copy of 700GB file to new share on the Duo NAS, 5hrs so far and on 105GB, so it will take over a day to get it all transferred, does this sound right, just seems ridiculous to me especially over Gigabit ethernet!
Message 9 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

It's slow I have Western Green 2TB and this is very slow drive and not on compatibility list, but I can write on samba share approx. 40MB/s (~2GB/minute / ~120GB/hour).
Do you have problems with empty NAS or after many files are there saved?
Message 10 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

Well nearly 14hrs now and 141GB, so at this rate should be copied over in about a week now, either the drive is faulty or its just terrible at large transfers, Gonna sell it as this kind of performance is no good. Just be nice if a Netgear tech could chime in and confirm the speeds for me
Message 11 of 12

Re: HELP large transfer with Readynas Duo V2 Terrible

formal wrote:
Well nearly 14hrs now and 141GB, so at this rate should be copied over in about a week now, either the drive is faulty or its just terrible at large transfers, Gonna sell it as this kind of performance is no good. Just be nice if a Netgear tech could chime in and confirm the speeds for me
I am not a netgear tech. 10 GB an hour over gigabit ethernet is too slow (around 3 MB/s).

If you just purchased you should use your free phone support.
Message 12 of 12
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