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Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820


Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Yes another one of these..

Well my 4 year old, reliable readynas is now playing up and I am at wits end with it :mad:

I fired it up for the first time in a couple of months the other day and, after a couple minutes it dropped off the network. I've directly connected it and dug the logs and it looks like it's deciding that the ip address is no longer available and so reverting to

Ok, so, with it directly connected (pc set to same subnet and an ip in the same range) I updated to latest firmware-(4.19) no joy, as soon as it went back on the router it boots - I can see it on raidar and connect for minute or 2 then it's gone. Set the router to reserve an ip address for the nas's mac address - no change.

So, direct connect again (stays up and never drops on direct connect) set a static ip address instead of having it get one from dhcp, turn off the ntp tone requests (heard this can be a factor). Then, back on the router and it's up!! Then gone again :mad:

Checked the SMART drive data - no errors on the drives, tried a scratch drive in the chassis with a reinstall of OS- same thing.

Nothing's changed on the router (dg834pn) and all orher devices are fine and stay connected. Disconnecting all other devices except pc and nas makes no difference. On router status page I can see the nas connect after booting then just disappear from the connected devices list.

I'm thinking now of just changing the ip range on the router to 192.168.168.xxx so that, when it drops, it reverts to a range that the router's using. But, really, WTF is it dropping at all? And if it drops even when the router has been reconfigured to the NAS's default ip range?

Can only think the memory/nic is failing in the nas but how come it stays up
When directly connected :confused:

Edit: I've also tried a different cat5 cable snd different ports on the router
Message 1 of 16
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network..

Use Cat5e or newer. Cat5 is too old.

Please open a tech support case at my.netgear.com and attach your logs (Status > Logs > Download all logs) zip file to the case. Please mention roughly one of the times when the NAS dropped off the network. Edit the thread title (i.e. subject of first post in the thread) to include your case number.
Message 2 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network..

mdgm wrote:
Use Cat5e or newer. Cat5 is too old.
That is true if it is a gigabit switch/router, however cat5 is fine if your network is still fast ethernet (100 megabit).

Opening a support case is the best option.
Message 3 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

case opened and logs appended.

Checking the latest logs, after the ip has been set to static, it now says:

Aug 8 19:31:25 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Aug 8 19:31:25 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Registering new address record for on eth0.
Aug 8 19:31:25 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Registering HINFO record with values 'PADRE'/'LINUX'.
Aug 8 19:31:26 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Server startup complete. Host name is alderaan.local. Local service cookie is 2590620662.
Aug 8 19:31:27 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Service "ReadyNAS Discovery [alderaan]" (/etc/avahi/services/readynas.service) successfully established.

^^^Everything looks groovy here^^^^

Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0.


Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: iface.c: interface_mdns_mcast_join() called but no local address available.
Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Aug 8 19:31:53 alderaan avahi-daemon[881]: Registering new address record for on eth0.
Aug 8 19:32:02 alderaan upnpd(eth0)[1165]: Listening on
Aug 8 19:32:02 alderaan upnpd(eth0)[1165]: setsockopt - IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: Address already in use
Aug 8 19:32:02 alderaan upnpd(eth0)[1165]: Failed to add membership for address

^^^^ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ^^^^^

EDIT: the above is bogus - that's something trying to bind.. still stuck 😞
Message 4 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Are you sure the IP address isn't in use by some other device?
Message 5 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

StephenB wrote:
Are you sure the IP address isn't in use by some other device?

Tried with only 2 devices on the router- nas and pc. The ip address is reserved for the nas, the pc has been assigned a different one and the router and everything rebooted.

Still happens.

Ping the ip address - no reply from nas or any other device 😞

And I'm only doing the static thing because after years of being fine with dhcp it's suddenly not happy with being dynamically assigned an address and I thought this might be a workaround.

The logs above don't really mean that the ip address on the network is in use, it's a fail of a service in Linux trying to bind on to the port when something is already listening on it (since found this out).
Message 6 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Ok. So connecting the PC and NAS through the router (with nothing else) fails totally. But the direct connect procedure (NAS->PC) without a router is working ok? Otherwise you wouldn't have the logs, correct.
Message 7 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Re: Case 19159820
We have 4-year-old NAS Duo Model2175. It worked fine from static jack for several years. However, routers in my building were upgraded a few weeks ago and our NAS has not operated from the static jack since the upgrade.

Here are some tests we did to help determine whether the problem is a sick NAS or improperly set up network:
A. NAS duo works fine if DHCP is set to defaults and connected to a dynamic jack.
B. If the DHCP is forced to the static IP address, gateway, and mask provided by my network experts and plugged into the static jack they've set up, the NAS connects for 10-20 s, then drops the connection, as described in Case 19159820. They've concluded the NAS is defective, but I'm not yet convinced.

1.Could this be the result of NAS battery failure? Netgear's Hardware Manual mentions that the NAS has a battery but gives no part numbers, FAQ on symptoms of battery failure, or instructions on how to replace battery.
2. Could this be a result of faulty ram within the NAS case?

I'll be interested in the resolution of Case 19159820.

Message 8 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Silas73 wrote:
A. NAS duo works fine if DHCP is set to defaults and connected to a dynamic jack.
B. If the DHCP is forced to the static IP address, gateway, and mask provided by my network experts and plugged into the static jack they've set up, the NAS connects for 10-20 s, then drops the connection, as described in Case 19159820. They've concluded the NAS is defective, but I'm not yet convinced.
I am not convinced either.

If we leave DHCP vs Static out of it, then I hear you say that the Duo works fine with in one jack, and fails in the other. Could be that the static jack is marginal (loose connector, or perhaps out-of-spec signal).

Is it possible to reprovision both jacks, switching the static/dynamic configuration (w/o rewiring)?

You could also try assigning a static address but still plug into the dynamic port, but you'd need to check with your network experts to confirm that would function. (It does on a home network of course, but there might be something more complicated going on in your setup).
Message 9 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

StephenB wrote:
Ok. So connecting the PC and NAS through the router (with nothing else) fails totally. But the direct connect procedure (NAS->PC) without a router is working ok? Otherwise you wouldn't have the logs, correct.


Netgear tech response has been to disable jumbo frames (they were already disabled) and to disable journaling (it's worked fine with journaling enabled for the last 3 or 4 years) I did this but it's made no difference.

Updated the log and awaiting a response.

One more interesting detail: booted the NAS the other day and did resume the PC. Sometime later I woke the PC up and saw that the NAS was on the network. Then it dropped off again.

So, it seemed like it was up until shortly after the PC was woken up. They have different IP addresses (PC dynamically set to a preferred and the readynas set to a static which has been reserved on the router) so it's not a conflict.

But, could the PC be doing something on the network that causes the NAS to drop off? I'm running win7 and have been for 3 years, no system changes, firewall off, AVAST antivirus.. could an update to AVAST or WIN7 be a root cause here?

I suppose I need to test using another laptop on the network.. will try again tomorrow night.

Message 10 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

I can't think of any obvious way that connecting the PC would take the NAS down - especially since that isn't happening with direct connect.

If you are doing all your analysis with one PC, then it probably would be useful to try with a different one.

From the Win 7 point of view, is the network connection classified as home, work, or public?
Message 11 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Hi, tried the other PC. Booted the NAS with no PCs or other devices on. Later I booted the PC (attached to network wirelessly)

ReadyNAS had already dropped off the network :rolleyes:

Netgear support just replied and told me to try booting the NAS with no drives in the chassis to rule out the drives...

Uh, it's impossible to boot a duo with no drives in, right? Yep it is as I've just proved to myself, you just get warning lights flashing and it doesn't appear in RAIDar.

Drives can be ruled out anyway since I tried a factory restore with a different drive in the chassis - same thing NAS comes up then drops off. Unless directly connected.

Network is classified as a home network.. and always has been. There's a workgroup that the 2 pcs are members of. Again, it's always been like this.
Message 12 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Ok. To summarize, the NAS drops off the network when connected to the router. It doesn't seem to do this on direct connect, and this is relatively new behavior...

Of course it could be an intermittent problem with the NAS NIC interface (possibly related to ethernet signal quality). Though it could also be an issue with the router NIC (which would be much luckier, since the router is cheaper to replace).

Do you have a switch you could put between the router and the NAS? Or maybe try cabling the NAS to a different router port?
Message 13 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

StephenB wrote:
Ok. To summarize, the NAS drops off the network when connected to the router. It doesn't seem to do this on direct connect, and this is relatively new behavior...

Of course it could be an intermittent problem with the NAS NIC interface (possibly related to ethernet signal quality). Though it could also be an issue with the router NIC (which would be much luckier, since the router is cheaper to replace).

Do you have a switch you could put between the router and the NAS? Or maybe try cabling the NAS to a different router port?

Don't have another router/switch to try (though all other devices are happy on this one still - printer, powerline network plug to tv, wirelessly connected phones and laptop). Have tried different ports and using a different CAT5e cable - all to no effect.

I've been looking around ebay for readynas duo v1 chassis as I'd really rather not have to pay out for v2 and then have to back up the data and restore..

No new response from netgear support since they suggested booting the NAS with no drives in :roll:
Message 14 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820


had a call from support. Basically they say everything has been ruled out and say it must be a hardware fault and I should get another chassis (it's out of warranty). 😞

Only other thing I can try is another router (everything else works fine on this one) but, basically my options are to find a readynas v1 chassis or get a v2 and backup all the data before I put these disks in it as they will be wiped (of course).

Hey ho.
Message 15 of 16

Re: Readynas duo (v1) drops off network.. # 19159820

Had exactly this problem after updating to 4.1.13 in April. Found that a direct connection with a PC worked fine,( did a complete backup) but on the network 5 minutes max., dropped off Raidar and unpingable
Changed the OS back down several times to 4.1.10 but none worked
Finally did a OS reset - pin on reset button for 5 secs or so while powering on - problem seems to be solved. It does take quite a while for this reset to happen, kicks in a few minutes after power up so some patience is necessary
Message 16 of 16
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