
Re: Ex7000 connecting several EthernetDevices to Existing WLAN?


Ex7000 connecting several EthernetDevices to Existing WLAN?

I'm actually searching for a device that suites my needs for my desired Networkconfiguration, as I come over the EX7000.

What I need:

Internt -> [Existing Wlan Router] ---- WLan --- [EX7000?] --- eth --- [ more than one EthernetDevices]

In words: I have an existing WLan Router/AP connected to my Internet and need a device (maybe EX7000?) that can connect several (currently 3) ethernet only devices to the existing WLan to get internet connection on that devices. Furthermore, The ethernet devices need to communicate with each other.

The Usermanual for the EX7000 ( on Page 9 shows one BlueRayPlayer connected over Ethernet to the existing WLan/Internet. My Question is: Can I use the other Ethernet ports of the EX7000 to connect additional Ethernet devices to the existing WLan simultaneously? I'm afraid that neither the german nor the english version of that document answers my question clearly. And if this is not possible with EX7000, is there another device that would fit my requirements?


Best regards and thank you in advance

Model: ex7000|ac1900 wifi range extender
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NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Ex7000 connecting several EthernetDevices to Existing WLAN?

Hallo @KlausG,

und willkommen in der NETGEAR Community.


Natürlich, du kannst jedes Ethernet-Gerät an die verfügbaren LAN-Anschlüsse des EX7000 anschließen.

Wenn du nach einem anderen Extender mit 5 LAN-Ports suchst, dann gibt es noch den EX6200.

Hier kannst du alle Extender vergleichen.


NETGEAR Community Team


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