Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Enable Protection Engine option


Enable Protection Engine option

Hi ,

Can someone explain what is the "Protection Engine" that i found in web management of my RAX50 Router ?
It seems not related with Armor.

Connect with cable and with this option enabled the ping to my router is between 3ms  to 5ms

With this option disabled ping to my router ip is fixed 1ms




Protection Engine Screenshot.jpg


Message 1 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

I presume you have a v1 model RAX50? 

Looks like this is new to FW and came down in a recent AU as I don't see that version of FW posted on NGs download site.


Message 2 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Seems that this maybe related to Bit Defender. 

Message 3 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Hi ,


yes , i have the V1 Version .

The firmware is V1.0.16.132_2.0.92 and came from automatic update some days ago
 I dont't know if this option came in the last FW update or was already there. The default seems to be ON


From my testing is not related with Armor . I have a valid Armor subscription and with that flag on or off does not seems to change anything in Armor

The only evidence is that the ping is much higher if the flag is on


Switching on/off the router apply immediatly wiout reboot or waiting but suddenly the ping time change

Message 4 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Seems that Armor differs from Bit Defender. 

Someone told me from there review of this, seems to be Bit Defender related however haven't got official word from NG yet. Information shows more memory usage when it's enabled vs not enabled. So something is using more memory when it's enabled. 


Doe ping time change for the better or worse when it's enabled and disabled? 

Seems like NG is pushing FW to a small group as a test. I wish they would use other resources first before going out to the public. 🤔


Try both enabled and disabled for this feature and post your experiences. If something comes up or you find a problem post here and let us know. 

Message 5 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Hi ,

Until now only evicence is ping time and after the last switch off to on the router crash and i had to restart it


Here below the ping time all with ethernet cable


C:\Users\rober>ping -t -n 5

Esecuzione di Ping con 32 byte di dati:
Risposta da byte=32 durata=1ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=1ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=1ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=1ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=1ms TTL=64

Statistiche Ping per
Pacchetti: Trasmessi = 5, Ricevuti = 5,
Persi = 0 (0% persi),
Tempo approssimativo percorsi andata/ritorno in millisecondi:
Minimo = 1ms, Massimo = 1ms, Medio = 1ms


FLAG ENABLED ( default )

C:\Users\rober>ping -t -n 5

Esecuzione di Ping con 32 byte di dati:
Risposta da byte=32 durata=6ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=6ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=4ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=4ms TTL=64
Risposta da byte=32 durata=4ms TTL=64

Statistiche Ping per
Pacchetti: Trasmessi = 5, Ricevuti = 5,
Persi = 0 (0% persi),
Tempo approssimativo percorsi andata/ritorno in millisecondi:
Minimo = 4ms, Massimo = 6ms, Medio = 4ms




Message 6 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Thank you for the comparison. Ya, seems like it's effecting things when it's enabled. 


Message 7 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Interestingly, the Protection Engine option does not appear to be available for the RAXE500 with the firmware (see Settings | Advanced | Security).

Message 8 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Only seems to be on this RAX50 series. Was confirmed with another user that has a RAX50v1. 

Message 9 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

@FURRYe38, yes - but, disappointing that such a feature has not been added to a "flagship" router (RAXE500).

Message 10 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Um I would not presume this to be a feature for the RAXE, good or bad. Maybe something that NG only intended for the RAX50 series. As we see, may be causing some odd issues that I'd not like to see on my RAXE. Besides, RAXE has Armor support already. We've asked about this PE feature on the RAX50. Awaiting feedback to see what this is all about. 


Message 11 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option



"Protects against attacks on the router" is all I got. 


Any and all additional questions needed to be answered, you'll need to contact NG support and ask. 



Message 12 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

@FURRYe38, keep in mind that the RAX50 supports NETGEAR Armor, as does the RAXE500.  From my perspective, any feature that is designed to protect "against attacks on the router" would be a welcome addition to the RAXE500 (and, to other router models as well).

Message 13 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Armor is a given. Ya, can only presume this maybe a welcome addition, however it does seem to take up system resources when enabled. So possible that this feature may not be a welcome addition. Armor and SPC have been problematic from the get go. 


Also NG doesn't seem to want to elate to what exactly this feature does. I understand some of the reasoning, however from a customers perspective, I would presume, would like to know what it's doing for what its used for, being on something that someone has paid for. We all know what WPA, Armor, SPC and Firewalls do. Whats Proctection Engine doing or what is it needed for? 


For now, users have the option of enabling it or disabling it. 


No idea IF or WHEN this feature would be coming to other NG router models. Only NG knows this. 

Time will tell. 




Message 14 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

@FURRYe38, I agree with your comments, and would also like to learn the details of the functionality provided by the Protection Engine.  Given that it uses memory and increases ping times, it seems that the Protection Engine is actively attempting to guard against malicious traffic (and, that's a potentially useful benefit).


Additionally, NETGEAR states that "Newer NETGEAR routers include the Protection Engine feature."  Yet, I see no evidence that the Protection Engine is currently an available option on the newest routers - namely, the Nighthawk RS700 and Orbi 970?  Hopefully, this is a feature that will be forthcoming in a firmware update for many router models?

Message 15 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Time will tell. 

Message 16 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option


During last five days my internet connection become worse. I mentioned that Router RAX50 was updated automatically (Honestly, I don't when and how): V1.0.16.132_2.0.92.    I also figured out that there was "Protection Engine - ON". I turned off and fixed a little, but I don't think that Router is stable. Are there any way to downgrade firmware? 

P.S. On website (Support/Drivers/Fixes) above mentioned firmware is not listed, but "Update Server" pushed it by kick.

Message 17 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Hi i tested last FW and this optIon in last days and :


1) I had some problem with previous FW with UI crash and UI not reachable . All instability problems seems fixed this new FW V1.0.16.132 and now RAX50 is rock solid

2) The  "Protection Engine" option interfere mainly pinging  the local interface. Pinging outside to internet seems not interfere so much. Very difficult to understand this behavoir without details
I have a 1000/500 Mpbs fiber connection and overall speed in upload/download does not change


As result of these testing i think that this new FW is very good and i left that option enabled .
Disabling security feature is never a good idea if  does not interfere too much on overall performance 




Message 18 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

I've been noticing a significant speed drop recently with my V1 RAX50, and I just found this previously-nonexistant option as well. On initial connection to the router, speeds (as reported by Windows 11) are 1700+ kbps, quickly dropping to 100-something. Every device seems to be having the same issue, though most devices won't display this depth. Pinging the router with the protection enabled gave me the exact same results as OP. Disabling the option also gave me the exact same 1 ms ping as OP, but the extremely slow network speed persisted. Netgear is the same company that intentionally dropped the Arlo recording bitrate to force customers to upgrade to a newer product, so I suspect this is a combination of that, and them testing new (not flushed out) features on products that they don't mind ruining. Or almost want to ruin. Granted, it could just be an inadequately tested firmware, but my personal experience with Netgear makes me lean to something more intentional/reckless.

Message 19 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

What are your firmware version?
I had same behavior 1 or 2 times while I was testing different options.
A simple restart solved all problems
Message 20 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Good morning/afternoon everyone,


I have so much to say about this, I don't know where to begin. I guess I need to start with apologizing to Charter Spectrum. They've been out here four times in the past month (once each week) because of the ticket submissions I had for packet loss. I used to have absolutely 0%, very stable connection (1Gbps/50Mbps). Over the course of the past few weeks, I've had them run numerous new coax cables (from the road to my house, from the side of the house to the modem, etc.) and even provide a new modem and got this month's bill free. None of us could figure out where this was coming from since it seemed to be out of nowhere.


Tonight, I found our culprit.


Why in the hell would Netgear think it would be acceptable in any capacity to silently deploy a "feature" called,  "Protection Engine" to residential customers across the world? Especially knowing the adverse side-effects? I understand Security comes before Performance in business, commercial, and enterprise environments... but I mean, hey, it'd be nice to be notified at the very least?


Thanks and good luck everyone. I'll update this post later today with before/after screenshots. It's currently 3:30AM, I need to get some sleep. Also, for what it's worth:

  • Router Model: Nighthawk RAX41
  • Firmware Version: V1.0.16.132_2.0.92


Message 21 of 22

Re: Enable Protection Engine option

Let us know results of disabling this feature on your router.

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?

@Iocalhost wrote:

Good morning/afternoon everyone,


I have so much to say about this, I don't know where to begin. I guess I need to start with apologizing to Charter Spectrum. They've been out here four times in the past month (once each week) because of the ticket submissions I had for packet loss. I used to have absolutely 0%, very stable connection (1Gbps/50Mbps). Over the course of the past few weeks, I've had them run numerous new coax cables (from the road to my house, from the side of the house to the modem, etc.) and even provide a new modem and got this month's bill free. None of us could figure out where this was coming from since it seemed to be out of nowhere.


Tonight, I found our culprit.


Why in the hell would Netgear think it would be acceptable in any capacity to silently deploy a "feature" called,  "Protection Engine" to residential customers across the world? Especially knowing the adverse side-effects? I understand Security comes before Performance in business, commercial, and enterprise environments... but I mean, hey, it'd be nice to be notified at the very least?


Thanks and good luck everyone. I'll update this post later today with before/after screenshots. It's currently 3:30AM, I need to get some sleep. Also, for what it's worth:

  • Router Model: Nighthawk RAX41
  • Firmware Version: V1.0.16.132_2.0.92



Message 22 of 22
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Orbi WiFi 7