× NETGEAR will be terminating ReadyCLOUD service by July 1st, 2023. For more details click here.
Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page


Re : After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page



I just fix this issue after a factory reset but It "re come" few time after.


I find the root cause : it come from my "Shared Righ"


When you modify the share right from WIndows (With Active Directory) the Webinterface crash.


I didn't know why...





Message 26 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@StephenB wrote:

@rstribrn wrote:

...Just after upgrade to 6.6.0 + manually performed "apt-get upgrade" using SSH.


FWIW, Netgear definitely doesn't recommend this.

The "this" was the "apt-get upgrade", not SSH itself.

Message 27 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

As I did not turn on SSH and there does not seem to be a solution to regaining access to the admin web page -

The RN 104 disks are working, if I bought a RN 214 made sure it was the same 6.6.0 firmware and put the disks in the same order from the RN 104 to the RN 214 would I then be able to access my data? Instead of having to buy additional hard drives and transfer bit by bit the data folder at a time.


Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 28 of 58
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

The OS is installed from the flash in the unit onto the disks so the problem will remain when moving to another chassis.

Message 29 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page


before - again and again spoken - get the disks out of the NAS, buy same sized disk asap and (even if you can't read the disks) clone them in e.g. USB 3 Cloning station. Put a new, clear disk into NAS, then reboot it and make a factory-reset (and if not working) then try to do firmware flash again), poweroff the NAS and put the old disk(s) again into the NAS, then reboot it. DON'T change the old volumes by the admin page in anyway. If you're not an advanced use, then contact the Netgear again online/remote help (Best way if you're a really newbie/not very experienced user)


and for next time before sh.t happens again,


1. make backups/clone disks

2. activate SSH (I know this can cause problems with warranty, but what is more worth? Your (personal) data or the NAS?)


If you want to try it by yourself(after backup/cloning the old disks) then login in by SSH (recue linux, putty on Windows, then ssh root@<nas-ip> and try to have a look at this




(The last blog post with the shell script; for customizing the script try to search on Google/Stackoverflow)


For other experienced users who have also problems with booting, loading Admin Page, endless "running admin gauge site"  (and/or encrypted volumes), they should look at the problems with dbbrocker.cgi, described by the blog post and for many entries like


78 run-cryptsetup-.searchkeys-<volume name>.mount





Message 30 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Hello thanks for reply, it sounds like a solution which I hope to try when I've got enough cash together to buy the extra hardware.


I have four 4 TB Seagate NAS drives at a cost of £700 this looks like a very expensive update to me.


I know backing up everything should be done and if money was no problem then yes I would back up many times but I thought the whole point of the NAS system operating in a RAID array is so that if a disk does fail, it should be fairly easy to replace and not lose any data. I was accessing the RN104 remotely and inadvertently clicked the update button, I sure wish I hadn't.


It does seem pointless for NETGEAR to provide an update that cripples the system with no other way of returning back to the state it was before. I have run out of NETGEAR assistance as my unit is out of guarantee, in any case I don't think if there is anything that can be done other than a factory reset.

Thanks again

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 31 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Dear Support, 


I have the same issue with my RN102, after update to v.6.6.0. I have only ssh access to the device, but web management interface doesn't work. So, please, give us, a instruction, patch or anything else to solve the problem. This is not serious. Obviously the problem is not only for me - solutions with default settings or data backup are funny. Where I can copy 500 GB of information? Who will be responsible, if i lose it?!


Expect a decision soon.


Best Regards!



Message 32 of 58

Re : After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Hi guifort,

How do you modify the share rights ?  could you provide more details?

Message 33 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@demoniac wrote:

I have the same issue with my RN102, after update to v.6.6.0. I have only ssh access to the device, but web management interface doesn't work. So, please, give us, a instruction, patch or anything else to solve the problem. 


The causes of these issues so far have been all different.  Have you sent in your logs yet?

Message 34 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Hi I have a similar problem experienced by others in the forum. I have been using a RN104 NAS Drive (12TB total) for over a year now and upgraded to v6.5.1 unfortunately I can no longer get into the dashboard. The drive is functioning correctly. I use Windows to move files in an out. All settings on the NAS are basic. I can use RAIDar 6.x to get logs etc but when I go to log in it simply comes up with the splash screen and version.


I noted that disk two has had some errors. Will this cause this sort of issue?


I was thinking of taking all drives out and just putting a small drive (one ) in to upgrade the firmware and then once upgraded put the old disks (x4) back in. Will this work or will it do nothing?


I think the NAS drive is good for home and I primarily use it for media center and backup of computers.


Any help would be appreciated.


Tonez90 (Tony)

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 35 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@Tonez90 wrote:


I was thinking of taking all drives out and just putting a small drive (one ) in to upgrade the firmware and then once upgraded put the old disks (x4) back in. Will this work or will it do nothing?



If you do this, what normally happens with OS-6 NAS is that the boot loader compares the OS on the disks with the OS on the flash.  Whichever OS is newer wins (If the flash is newer, the OS on the disks is upgraded; if the OS on the disks is newer, then the flash is upgraded).


I don't think its likely to solve anything for you.  What firmware were you running before?

Message 36 of 58
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Can you send in the logs you downloaded using RAIDar (see the Sending Logs link in my sig)?

Message 37 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page



Ok, I've wrote here a - more or less - huge and (!) incomplete PHP (!) Script for restoring ReadyNAS 204 6.60 Disk running endlessly in Encryption Gauge display. IT IS MORE TO BE MEANT AS GUIDELINE FOR RESTORING ReadyNAS 204 6.6, NOT RECOVERING

1. The script is ONLY for experienced User, meaning LET YOU HELP YOU BY A LINUX USER AND LET HIM DO THE NEEDED MODIFIC.
2. The script should be only running by a (Rescue) Linux Version with PHP installed (Unfortunately I haven't coded in Perl for running on the NAS directly, but this you should always avoid). If someone wants, he can copy it (under GNU Licence, modify it to PERL or whatever and put it in his Website - WITH mention as me as source 🙂
3. The scripts HAS TO BE modified to fit in your environment
4. The script  is NO tool for recovering lost disk encryption keys (For this you HAVE to use either a very expensive data recovery firm OR a very, very, very,.... experienced Linux user, using hexdump, grep, strings etc stuff)
5. The scripts restores (ONLY with available disk keys AND ONLY for OS 6.6) the last state, so you can restart your NAS, access the disk and copy immediately to an USB Disk cloning station






// by 8ohmh
// $your_user_name="user"; $home="/home/user"; #TODO $ssh_root="/nas_tmp"; $workdir="${home}/readynas/get_disk_back"; # PUT HERE IN AN IMAGE OF YOUR RESTARTED NAS $readynas_clean_image="${workdir}/clean_image"; require "${workdir}/write_ini_files.php"; $number=0; $template_volume_name="!!!<PUT HERE THE NAME OF YOUR LOST DISK>!!!"; $template_volume_name_url_enc="${template_volume_name}\\x2d"; $template_volume_name_url_enc_0="${template_volume_name}\\x2d${number}"; $dst_volume_name="!!!<PUT HERE THE NAME OF YOUR NAS>!!!"; $volume_nr=0; $failed_volume_name="!!!<NAME OF YOUR LOST DISK!!!>"; $failed_volume_key_file_name="${failed_volume_name}.key"; # $failed_volume_uuid="label-117c5e96"; #TODO $failed_volume_uuid="!!!<PUT HERE IN THE UUID-LABEL OF YOUR DISK - LOOK ABOVE LINE>!!!"; #TODO $failed_volume_name_vol_nr="${failed_volume_name}-${volume_nr}"; $failed_volume_name_url_enc="${failed_volume_name}\\x2d"; $failed_volume_name_url_enc_0="${failed_volume_name}\\x2d${volume_nr}"; #TODO $key_filepath_on_nas="/run/systemd/cryptsetup/${failed_volume_name}"; $failed_volume_dev_md="/dev/md/${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}"; $failed_volume_dev_mapper="/dev/mapper/${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}"; $uuid_url_disk_name="${failed_volume_uuid}:${failed_volume_name_url_enc}"; # test for var/run $var_run_folder="/run"; $var_run_systemd="${var_run_folder}/systemd"; $var_readynasd="/var/readynasd"; $var_cryptsetup="${var_run_folder}/cryptsetup"; $generator_dir="${var_run_systemd}/generator"; $pilgrim_list_path="${var_readynasd}/pilgrim.list"; # cryptsetup.target.requires ############################ # ${volume_name}-key.service $template_file_name="${template_volume_name}-key.service"; $dst_file_name="${failed_volume_name}-key.service"; # $dirname="/cryptsetup.target.requires"; $template_dir_path="${readynas_clean_image}${generator_dir}"; $dst_dir_path="${ssh_root}${generator_dir}"; $template_file_path="${template_dir_path}/${template_file_name}"; $dst_file_path="${dst_dir_path}/${dst_file_name}"; //if(!is_dir($dst_dir_path)) //{ mkdir($dst_dir_path, 0755, true); } $file_content=parse_ini_file($template_file_path, true); printf("\n\n${dst_file_path}\n"); #print_r($file_content); $file_content["Unit"]["Description"]= "Description=Cryptography Key Search" ." for ${failed_volume_name}"; $file_content["Service"]["ExecStart"]= "/usr/bin/rnutil search_for_key ${failed_volume_name} " ."/run/systemd/cryptsetup/${failed_volume_key_file_name} 600"; printf("\n"); print_r($file_content); write_php_ini($file_content, $dst_file_path); mkdir($dst_dir_path, 0755, true); ############################## # cryptsetup.target.requires ###################### # ${volume_name}.mount $template_file_name="${template_volume_name}.mount"; $dst_file_name="${failed_volume_name}.mount"; $template_dir_path="${readynas_clean_image}${generator_dir}"; $dst_dir_path="${ssh_root}${generator_dir}"; $template_file_path="${template_dir_path}/${template_file_name}"; $dst_file_path="${dst_dir_path}/${dst_file_name}"; $scanner_type="NORMAL"; #TODO $file_content= parse_ini_file($template_file_path, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); printf("\n\n${dst_file_path}\n"); $file_content["Mount"]["What"]= "/dev/disk/by-label/${failed_volume_uuid}:${failed_volume_name}"; $file_content["Mount"]["Where"]= "/${failed_volume_name}"; mkdir($dst_dir_path, 0755, true); write_php_ini($file_content, $dst_file_path); print_r($file_content); ###################### # systemd-cryptsetup@!!!<PUT HERE THE NAME OF YOUR LOST DISK>!!!\x2d0.service $template_file_name= "systemd-cryptsetup@${template_volume_name}\\x2d0.service"; #TODO $dst_file_name= "systemd-cryptsetup@${failed_volume_name_url_enc_0}.service"; #TODO $template_dir_path="${readynas_clean_image}${generator_dir}"; $dst_dir_path="${ssh_root}${generator_dir}"; $template_file_path="${template_dir_path}/${template_file_name}"; $dst_file_path="${dst_dir_path}/${dst_file_name}"; $scanner_type="NORMAL"; $file_content=parse_ini_file($template_file_path, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); printf("\n\n${dst_file_path}\n"); $file_content["Unit"]["After"]= "cryptsetup-pre.target ${failed_volume_key_file_name}"; //?? $file_content["Unit"]["ExecStart"]= "/run/systemd/cryptsetup/${failed_volume_key_file_name}"; $file_content["Unit"]["RequiresMountsFor"]= "/run/systemd/cryptsetup/${failed_volume_key_file_name}"; $file_content["Unit"]["BindsTo"]= "dev-md-${failed_volume_name_url_enc_0}.device"; $file_content["Unit"]["After"]= "dev-md-${failed_volume_name_url_enc_0}.device"; $file_content["Service"]["ExecStart"]= "/lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup attach " ."'${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}' " ."'${failed_volume_dev_md}' ". "'${key_filepath_on_nas}' '' ;". " /sbin/btrfs device scan '${failed_volume_dev_mapper}'"; $file_content["Service"]["ExecStop"]= "/lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup " ."detach '${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}'"; mkdir($dst_dir_path, 0755, true); write_php_ini($file_content, $dst_file_path); $systemd_cryptsetup_link_filename="${dst_file_name}"; $systemd_cryptsetup_link_path="${dst_file_path}"; $service_file_name=""; $service_file_path=""; # print_r($file_content); #write_php_ini($file_content, $dest_file_path); # FOLLOWING STUFF HAS TO BE DONE: # # 1 dev disk by id # 2 dev mapper # 1 dev md # NOW CREATE LINKS #1 # /nas-ssh/run/systemd/generator/cryptsetup.target.requires $target_path="$systemd_cryptsetup_link_path"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}${generator_dir}" ."/cryptsetup.target.requires"; $link_path= "${link_dir}" ."/${systemd_cryptsetup_link_filename}"; print "$target_path\n$link_path\n\n"; mkdir($link_dir, 0755, true); symlink($target_path,$link_path); exit; #2 # dev-disk-by\x2dlabel-117c5e96:data.device.d $target_path="$device_timeout_config_path"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}${generator_dir}" ."/dev-disk-by\x2d${failed_volume_uuid}:" ."${failed_volume_name_url_enc_0}.device.d"; $link_path= "${link_dir}" ."/${device_timeout_config_path}"; print "$target_path\n$link_path\n\n"; mkdir($link_dir, 0755, true); symlink($target_path,$link_path); exit; #3 # dev-mapper-data\x2d0.device.d $target_path="${device_timeout_config_path}"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}/${generator_dir}" ."/dev-mapper-${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}.device.d"; $link_path= "${systemd_cryptsetup_link}" ."${dst_dir}/${systed_cryptsetup_link_filename}"; if(!is_dir($link_dir)) { mkdir($dir_path, 0755); } print "$target_path $link_path"; symlink(); #4 # dev-mapper-data\x2d0.device.requires $target_path="$systemd_cryptsetup_link_path"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}/${generator_dir}" ."/dev-mapper-${failed_volume_name_url_enc}". "\x2d${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}.device.requires"; #TODO $link_path= "${systemd_cryptsetup_link}" ."${dst_dir}/${systed_cryptsetup_link_filename}"; mkdir($dir_path, 0755); symlink($target_path,$link_path); print "$target_path $link_path"; #5 $target_path="$systemd_cryptsetup_link_path"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}/${generator_dir}" ."/dev-md-${failed_volume_name_url_enc}" ."\x2d${failed_volume_name_vol_nr}.device.wants"; $link_path= "${systemd_cryptsetup_link}" ."${dst_dir}/${systed_cryptsetup_link_filename}"; mkdir($dir_path, 0755); print "$target_path $link_path"; symlink($target_path,$link_path); $counter=0; /* #$output=passthru("sed -e 's/$search/$replace/g' $oldfilename > $newfilename"); #$output=passthru("sed -e 's/.*run\-cryptsetup\-\.searchkeys.\*' '${pilgrim_list_path}' > '${pilgrim_list_path}_temp'"); !!!!! * HAS TO BE DONE BECAUSE ENDLESS PILGRIM SEARCH FOR ENCRYPTION KEYS //# TODO Check for repeatedly run-cryptsetup //# run-cryptsetup-.searchkeys-data_a.mount #!/bin/bash has_still_entries="grep -i 'run\-cryptsetup\-\.searchkeys' "$pilgrim_list_path" /while [ ! -z "$has_still_entries"] ; do has_still_entries="$(grep -i "run\-cryptsetup\-\.searchkeys")" counter=$(expr counter + 1) if [ $counter > 1000 ]; then # DO SOME rpl # (apt-get install rpl) fi done # TODO removing the unused # cat "${failed_root}/etc/fstab" >> "${ssh_root}/etc/fstab" exit; */ #TODO # dev-disk-by\x2dlabel-117c5e96:data.device.d $target_path="$systemd_cryptsetup_link_path"; $link_dir= "${ssh_root}/${generator_dir}" ."/dev-disk-by\\2xd${failed_volume_uuid}:" ."${failed_volume_uuid}.device.d"; $link_path= "${link_dir}" ."/${device_timeout_config_path}"; print "$target_path $link_path"; mkdir($link_dir, 0755, true); symlink($target_path,$link_path); symlink($target_path,$link_path); ?>


// function safefilerewrite($fileName, $dataToSave) { if ($fp = fopen($fileName, 'w')) { $startTime = microtime(TRUE); do { $canWrite = flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // If lock not obtained sleep for 0 - 100 milliseconds, to avoid collision and CPU load if(!$canWrite) usleep(round(rand(0, 100)*1000)); } while ((!$canWrite)and((microtime(TRUE)-$startTime) < 5)); //file was locked so now we can store information if ($canWrite) { fwrite($fp, $dataToSave); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fp); } } function write_php_ini($array, $file) { $res = array(); foreach($array as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { $res[] = "[$key]"; foreach($val as $skey => $sval) $res[] = "$skey = ".(is_numeric($sval) ? $sval : '"'.$sval.'"'); } else $res[] = "$key = ".(is_numeric($val) ? $val : '"'.$val.'"'); } safefilerewrite($file, implode("\r\n", $res)); } ?>
Model: RN204|ReadyNAS 204
Message 38 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Unfortunately I am having the same issue and appears to be obivously related to the firware upgrade to 6.6.0. I upgraded from 6.5.2 and now I am unable to access the admin page via the RAIDar or web browser. I can ping the device and see it in my network.


I can browse, locate, download logs, diagnostics but cannot access the admin page. I am stuck at this point any solutions that have worked???

Model: RN31400|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4- Bay
Message 39 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@mrracer1 wrote:

Unfortunately I am having the same issue and appears to be obivously related to the firware upgrade to 6.6.0. I upgraded from 6.5.2 and now I am unable to access the admin page via the RAIDar or web browser. I can ping the device and see it in my network.


I can browse, locate, download logs, diagnostics but cannot access the admin page. I am stuck at this point any solutions that have worked???

Do you also have an RN300 series? If not, what do you have?


Also, what apps did you have installed before the upgrade?

Message 40 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Yes, it is the RN31400, there was only one app the READYcloud app which I never used.

Message 41 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Did you purchase new between 1 June 2014 and 31 May 2016?  If you did, then you have free lifetime chat support.  In that case, try contacting support via my.netgear.com.

Message 42 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Yeah I saw that posted in this thread, unfortunately I purchased it in January of 2014 and does not fall under the range...

Message 43 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Maybe wait and see if @mdgm-ntgr or some other Netgear mod asks to see your logs.  Your system sounds like it was pure Netgear software, so it certainly shouldn't have a broken web ui.

Message 44 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

The issue was caused by some incompatibilities with an old RNXtras OwnCloud app package, leading to a misconfigured Apache service.  HTTPS port 443 was still working fine in our fallback "safe mode", so the GUI would have been accessible using HTTPS.

Message 45 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Thank you so much Skywalker, it is working now much appreciated!

Message 46 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Hi Skywalker,

Great reply but i am unsure how I could use this to access the dashboard/admin page. The NAS address is so how could I use the HTTPS protocol with this.


Regards Tony

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 47 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@Tonez90 wrote:

Hi Skywalker,

Great reply but i am unsure how I could use this to access the dashboard/admin page. The NAS address is so how could I use the HTTPS protocol with this.


Either https://10,0,0,27/admin or will do it.

Message 48 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

Hello community,


i have an RN10200 and after the firmware update i have the same issues.

i cant successfully log to admin page by web interface

also some users cant access the files/folders/shares


i have downloaded the log with Raidar 6.2


what do i have to do now???


thanks in advance,



Model: RN10200|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2- Bay (Diskless)
Message 49 of 58

Re: After update to 6.6.0, can't access anything on Admin page

@spiros, it looks like you are using ADS security with at least one bad DNS server entry.  6.6.1 has some changes to handle that type misconfiguration more gracefully.  You can try updating to 6.6.1 Beta 2 by going to https://nas-ip-address/fwbroker and using the basic interface there to do a local update with the 6.6.1 Beta 2 image.

Message 50 of 58
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