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Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?


Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?



I have a readynas 104 with 4 x 1tb drives inside.


I have been having problems with booting the readynas after getting a no ip address error which I couldn't resolve.


Is there any way I can read the files on each of the drives and transfer them to a windows laptop?


I have a sata to usb attachment which connects the drives and they show up in 'disk management' with 3 partitions but each one shows that it has 927gb of free space. (image below, disk 1 being the drive from the NAS)

I'm guessing these drives have a different file system so what would the best way to view and transfer the files on the drives?


Many thanks.




Message 1 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:


I have been having problems with booting the readynas after getting a no ip address error which I couldn't resolve.


How did you try to resolve it?  Was RAIDar able to find the NAS?


What is happening when you try to boot the NAS?


@Royalblue wrote:


Is there any way I can read the files on each of the drives 


No, because the files are spread across all the drives (this is called striping).


You'd need to connect at least three of them to the PC, using either SATA or USB adapter/docks


@Royalblue wrote:


I have a sata to usb attachment which connects the drives and they show up in 'disk management' with 3 partitions but each one shows that it has 927gb of free space. (image below, disk 1 being the drive from the NAS)



No, that is not free space.  Windows is showing all the partitions as "free space" because it does not recognize the file format.  

  • Partition 1 is the OS partition (linux and the NAS application)
  • Partition 2 is for swap
  • Partition 3 is your data volume

@Royalblue wrote:


Is there any way I can read the files on each of the drives and transfer them to a windows laptop?


If you know linux (I'm guessing not), then you can boot up the PC under linux and manually mount the volume. 


Another option (which costs) is to purchase RAID recovery software that supports the BTRFS file system.  ReclaiMe is an option that several folks here have used with success.


Either way you will need a way to connect all the disks.





Message 2 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Hi Stephen,


I wasn't able to resolve the IP address issue, I checked the Ethernet cables etc. I have RAIDar installed but it wasn't able to find the NAS.


My router had the NAS showing as connected but unidentified.


When I try to boot it gets stuck at 38% (Maybe I should try to reboot again?)


I have the ReclaiMe installed as a demo, I only have one SATA dock at the moment though.


One more question how do I now which RAID number I have set up?


Many thanks,



Message 3 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:


My router had the NAS showing as connected but unidentified.


Which means the ethernet is working.


But it didn't give it an IP address? That would be odd, unless the router was set up to block connections by default.


Did you set up the NAS to use a static address?  And then get a new router?

Did you try switching to the second NIC?


FWIW, it sounds like your NAS is working, but something else is wrong with your network setup.


@Royalblue wrote:


One more question how do I now which RAID number I have set up?


Are you using four 1 TB drives?  If so, default setup is RAID-5.


As I said, files (and metadata) are spread over all the disks.  That means that generally part of a file will be on one disk, the rest of it will be on other disks.

Message 4 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?


@Royalblue wrote:


My router had the NAS showing as connected but unidentified.


Which means the ethernet is working.


But it didn't give it an IP address? That would be odd, unless the router was set up to block connections by default.


Did you set up the NAS to use a static address?  And then get a new router?

Did you try switching to the second NIC?


Not sure about the static address but I have had several routers since it was set up.

How would I switch to the 2nd NIC?


FWIW, it sounds like your NAS is working, but something else is wrong with your network setup.


@Royalblue wrote:


One more question how do I now which RAID number I have set up?


Are you using four 1 TB drives?  If so, default setup is RAID-5. 


Thank you.


I shall try and reboot again, how long should a reboot take?


Many thanks.

Message 5 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

I agree with @StephenB that the Ethernet hardware is likely working.  But since you can't boot, it is possible the issue is with the OS.  Try removing all the drives (labeling them if you pull them all the way out so you can put them back in the same order) and see if it then gets an IP address.  If it does, the problem is with the OS on the NAS.

Message 6 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Hi All


Just trying a reboot and it went quickly to 42% but has stalled there for the last 45 mins. Should I wait longer or try rebooting again?


Many thanks.

Message 7 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:


Just trying a reboot and it went quickly to 42% but has stalled there for the last 45 mins. Should I wait longer or try rebooting again?


I would try booting the NAS in read-only mode.  If that works, then the next step would be to make a backup.



Message 8 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Thank you, I will try and boot in read only.

Message 9 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?



The NAS rebooted in normal mode but now shows the following in the admin dashboard:

remove inactive volumes to read the disk# 1,2,3,4  (With 4 red disks in the volumes tab)


Reading another thread it seems the log files may help.....


I have downloaded the log file and have uploaded to here:



Many thanks for your help. 🙂


Message 10 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

As an update if it helps.


RAIDar now can see the Readynas and I can see the folders but cannot open them.


Status results are in yellow

A green tick for each drive.


Thank you.


Message 11 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

You can see the folders where?  The NAS admin interface, a Windows folder?  What status results are showing in yellow?

Message 12 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Here's a screenshot to explain:


I see the windows network folder when I click Browse in RAIDar.


Clicking on any of the folders shown will not open them the error I get is that 'there may be spelling mistake pr a problem with the network'


screen cap.jpg

Message 13 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

What happens when you go to the admin interface?  What errors, if any, are reported?


This sounds like it could be a credentials issue.  Did you attempt an OS re-install?  If so, the admin password has changed to password, but any user passwords should remain the same.

Message 14 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

I can access the admin page without any problems.


I get the following error message on the Admin page:

remove inactive volumes to read the disk# 1,2,3,4  (With 4 red disks in the volumes tab)

Message 15 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:

I can access the admin page without any problems.


I get the following error message on the Admin page:

remove inactive volumes to read the disk# 1,2,3,4  (With 4 red disks in the volumes tab)

Which means that the volume is still not mounted (despite what you are seeing in windows file explorer)


Disk 3 (serial number 54NWT7MNS) isn't doing that well - it has 16 ATA errors, and a very high spin retry count of 65536. Disk 4 (Serial number  54NS1YJNS) also has 28 ATA errors.  ATA errors are issues with the SATA bus - so it's hard to tell if they are caused by the drive reporting them, or by something else.  But we are seeing errors in dmesg.log

[Fri Mar 15 11:17:22 2024] ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x400000 action 0x6 frozen
[Fri Mar 15 11:17:22 2024] ata3: SError: { Handshk }
[Fri Mar 15 11:17:22 2024] ata3.00: failed command: WRITE DMA EXT
[Fri Mar 15 11:17:22 2024] ata3.00: cmd 35/00:00:40:60:1a/00:08:00:00:00/e0 tag 4 dma 1048576 out
         res 40/00:01:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
[Fri Mar 15 11:17:22 2024] ata3.00: status: { DRDY }


[Fri Mar 15 11:19:14 2024] ata2: SError: { Handshk }
[Fri Mar 15 11:19:14 2024] ata2.00: failed command: WRITE DMA EXT
[Fri Mar 15 11:19:14 2024] ata2.00: cmd 35/00:40:00:28:80/00:05:00:00:00/e0 tag 17 dma 688128 out
         res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
[Fri Mar 15 11:19:14 2024] ata2.00: status: { DRDY }


You also have a very full OS partition


Mar 15 11:16:50 Dardang readynasd[2539]: System volume root's usage is 83%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Contact technical support.

Unfortunately there is no technical support for ReadyNAS anymore, so you cannot follow the advice in the error message.


Although the OS partition needs attention at some point, the problem really seems to be the errors coming from two different disks. Unfortunately RAID can't deal with 2 failing drives.



I think the next step is to power down the NAS and test these disks in a Windows PC (connecting with SATA or a USB adapter/dock).  Normally I recommend vendor tools (WDC's dashboard or Seagate's Seatools).  I don't use Toshiba drives myself, so I don't know the best tool to use.  You could try this one:


Message 16 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Thank you Stephen.


I shall make that my next step.



Message 17 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Ok I checked all the disks in a 3rd part software and all came up clean. The Toshiba software didn't find the disk.


I am trying now to boot in read only but only get the 'Normal' option when clicking the backup button? Normal boots up but......my password to the admin page doesn't seem to be working and the password recovery option just brings up a spinning square without going any further?


Seems to be adding problems as I go along!  Any ideas?


Many thanks.

Message 18 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:


I am trying now to boot in read only but only get the 'Normal' option when clicking the backup button?

Are you following the instructions on pages 28-29 here?

Message 19 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Yes, holding reset in, power on but when I press backup to scroll through the options the only option that shows is Normal.

Message 20 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

That would tend to point to a corrupted U-boot, for which a USB recovery is sometimes the solution.  But we have seen cases here where it wasn't, most of which have not been resolved.


Just to get an idea of exactly what is going on, perhaps you should try removing all the drives and putting in just one spare one that contains nothing you want to retain.  Then see if the NAS can create a valid volume on it and boot properly from it.

Message 21 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Thank you I'll try that, coincidentally I just found an old empty drive in a drawer so that will work perfectly to try and create a valid volume.


Message 22 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

Using a clean drive worked, I was able to create a new volume and it booted fine.


I tried to access the boot menu with the reset button held in but again I only got the Normal option? 

Message 23 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

@Royalblue wrote:

Using a clean drive worked, I was able to create a new volume and it booted fine.


I tried to access the boot menu with the reset button held in but again I only got the Normal option? 

So you have two sets of issues.  One is the failure of the reset button, the other is that the volume won't mount.


Earlier (post 16) I posted the ATA and disk spin-up issues that are in your logs.  In post 17, you replied saying that when you tested the disks they passed.  And the single disk appears to be working ok.


That suggests that the disk issues might be due to inadequate power.  That could be an issue in the chassis, or it could just be a failing power adapter.  So that could be something to explore.  


However, I think the main issue now is to try to get the files off the existing disks.  Since we can't get the NAS into tech support mode, your options are limited. Options include

  1. Purchase ReclaiMe and enough enclosure(s) to allow you to connect all the disks to a Windows PC
  2. Contract with a data recovery service, and have them offload the files for you.
  3. Try a USB recovery with the new disk in place, in hopes that it will fix the reset button problem.  If that works, then try tech support mode.
  4. Purchase a replacement ReadyNAS (used), so you can boot up in tech support mode

Options 3 and 4 can be risky, especially for folks with no experience with the linux command line interface.




Message 24 of 33

Re: Can I read a readynas drive on my PC?

There is another possible recovery method.  I just posted this update: Mounting-ReadyNAS-drives-in-a-virtual-NAS-for-data-access-and=recovery 


Given the ATA errors, I recommend going the drive image route.

Message 25 of 33
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