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Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password


ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear all,

Sorry if this is the wrong section.

I can't access to the folder in my readyNAS if I sets permissions as "admin";


When I write the correct password for the admin profile, windows replicates: "Can't access etc..."



The only way to access to my folders is to set up the permissions for each folders to "Anonymous"!

Screen shot1.JPG

Above, the actual setting of shares, that is the only one that work.

I would like to protect some folder, limiting the permissions.

Thank you to anyone can be of some help!


Message 1 of 18

Accepted Solutions

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear StephenB,

Thank you for the explanation and the help.

Regards, Cosimo.

View solution in original post

Message 18 of 18

All Replies

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Can you post a translation of the error message?  I can't read it well enough in the screen capture to put it into a translator.


Do you ever access the NAS. or have drives mapped, as a user other than admin?  Windows does not allow you to use two sets of credentiaals for the same network device.

Message 2 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear Sandshark,

First of all thank you for your help and my apologies for my english.I can access to the NAS clicking on windows network (see image).


Or I can access to the NAS through google chrome using the IP. At that time the NAS ask me for my admin credentials and the password works in that case. 

Sorry but it's not clear for me what do you mean for "drives mapped"; Anyway these are the "users" if I go on the Network Access setting of one folder:


Instaed just one user is present on the windows "accounts".


When I try to go into one folder with only admin access, windows show me this:


But if I write the correct password, windows answer to me with that error message that essentially says that probably I do not have the rights to go on and, in the second statement, just as you say, that multiple connections using the same user name are not allowed.

Anyway I tried to create a new user and i tried the access using this new account but doesn't' work anyway...

Thank you....




Message 3 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

The message about "multiple connections using the same user name are not allowed" is the one saying you cannot have two sets of credentials for the same device.  You most likely already have credentials for some shares  consisting of your Windows user name with no password because they are open to all.  Now you are trying to establish another set of credentials using admin, and Windows will not allow it.


First, try opening a command prompt and type net use  *  /delete.  If that does not do it, then go into the Windows Credential Manager (type credent into search and it should show up), delete any credentials associated with the NAS, and then access the share that requires admin.  The password should now work and from then on, you will also be logging into the open shares as admin and Windows may ask you for a password even though one is not needed unless you tell Windows to remember your credentials (which puts them in the Credentials Manager).

Message 4 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear Sandshark,

Thank you for your answer,

I just tried as you say (see image below) but windows still behave as always 😞


Message 5 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Try opening CMD again and enter

net use * /delete

net use t: \\nas-ip-address\data /user:admin nas-admin-password


using the real nas ip address and admin password.  Be careful on the slash direction.


The second command attempts to mount the NAS data volume as drive letter t.

Message 6 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear StephenB,

Thank you for your answer,

It worked! Now I have the NAS set as drive letter T and it seems that I have access also on the restricted folder.


Do you have any idea why it's work in that way and it's not working if I write the credentials?

Thank you!


Message 7 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

As I said, it's a Windows limitation, not a NAS one.  I have no idea why the limitation exists, but you are not the first one confounded by it.


There is one way to partly get around it if you need to.  You can use one set of credentials for the NAS by name \\NASName\Share and another for the IP address \\ip.of.the.nas\Share because Windows is unaware they are the same device.

Message 8 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear Sandshark,

Again, Thank you for the explanation.

I do not need to do that.

What I was trying to do is just to avoid that, others PC connected to the network, for example the PC of a guest of the office, can go on the NAS and take a look at the files.

So, I tried to set up the access to the folder only for the user "admin" but as you know this doesn't work.

My understanding, now, is that I was accessing to the NAS as "PC1" that is the name of my windows account, as it was for example one other PC on the network, for example PC2. Both PC1 and PC2 access to the NAS as "anonymous".

But, since I do not want "anonymous" PCs to access on my NAS, how can I do that? I would like that my Pc is the only one that access directly to the NAS; the others, instead, they can access only if I let them know the password, or, if I setup an additional account on the NAS for them.

Anyway, thank you for the patience!


Message 9 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

@Cosimo wrote:


My understanding, now, is that I was accessing to the NAS as "PC1" that is the name of my windows account, as it was for example one other PC on the network, for example PC2. Both PC1 and PC2 access to the NAS as "anonymous".

But, since I do not want "anonymous" PCs to access on my NAS, how can I do that?


One way is to create accounts for PC1 and PC2 on the NAS, and save the passwords for those accounts in the Windows Credential Manager on those respective PCs.  The accounts don't have to be named PC1 and PC2, since the account name you want to use can also be saved in the credential manager.


Guests could potentially find these credentials by looking into the credential manager, but normally wouldn't need to.

Message 10 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear StephenB,

This is what I was tried to do using the account "admin" for my pc. But when I tried to access with this account I got an error! 

Now, I tried to create a new account on the NAS and then, after deleted all the credentials, I try to access to the NAS with this new account and again doesn't work.

At this point, since I was not able to set an account on the "PC1" I try to access with my laptop ("PC2").

With the laptop, when I found for the first time the NAS on the network, I was able to saw only the free folder, but then, If I try to go in the restricted folder, windows ask me credential and surprise, on the laptop the account works!!

After I'm able to see all the folder as admin! See screenshot attached.


So, I do not think that the problem is that I'm trying to access to the same device with two different credentials, since this work on my laptop.

I'm writing the credentials just one time, and after I have deleted all from the windows credentials...

The problem should be someone else...


Message 11 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Cosimo wrote:

This is what I was tried to do using the account "admin" for my pc. But when I tried to access with this account I got an error! 

 Try running CMD on the PC and enter

net use * /delete

net use t: \\COSMO-NAS\data /user:admin nas-admin-password


The first command terminates any open network sessions.  The second command tries to mount the data volume as drive letter t.  Be careful with the slash direction.


Let us know what happens...

Message 12 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear StephneB,

Thank you for your prompt answer.

Unfortunately, I already did that.

When I use "net use * /delete" the PC says that there is nothing to delete.

The second one works as you can read above in my previous answers.

Therefore, I would solve the problem using the drive t shortcut to access the NAS as administrator.

But I would like to understand why is not working in a common way, like it works, for example, on my laptop...the two OS are the same for both laptop and PC.




Message 13 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

@Cosimo wrote:


But I would like to understand why is not working in a common way, like it works, for example, on my laptop...the two OS are the same for both laptop and PC.

I believe the cmd line works because it explicitly states the NAS credentials on the first access to the share.


Did you look at Windows Credential Manager itself on the desktop PC?  If not, try doing that.  Delete any credentials for the NAS you see there, and add "windows" credentials for the NAS in the Windows Credential Manager itself.  Then try accessing via file explorer again.

Message 14 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear Stephen,

Thank you for you help,

I've done the following tryings:

1) run "net use * /delete" > deleted all the windows credentials > restarted the system > result: doesn't work (see attached screenshot).

2) at this point as you say I've added new credential directly into the windows credentials (using as adress of the device the file explorer address "\\COSIMO-NAS" and not the IP) and this time it works! I'm logged as "admin" (see attached screenshot).

So, I still do not understand why the access with password works on the laptop but not on the PC, but, at least, now I know two different ways to make it work. Now I will restrict the access to the other folders only at the admin and at the readycloud user.

I would like to say thank you to you and to Sandshark for the help and the time spent on helping me.



Message 15 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Sorry I forgot to attach the screenshots:screenshot2.JPG


Message 16 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

@Cosimo wrote:


2) at this point as you say I've added new credential directly into the windows credentials (using as adress of the device the file explorer address "\\COSIMO-NAS" and not the IP) and this time it works!

Windows treats connections using the hostname (COSIMO-NAS) and the IP address as going to two different machines.  So if you access the NAS using either the hostname or the IP address you should set credentials for both.


Note that you can actually use different credentials for the hostname than you use for the IP address.  For instance, you could use admin for the IP address, and a different NAS account for the hostname.

Message 17 of 18

Re: ReadyNAS 102 - I can't access to the folders with admin password

Dear StephenB,

Thank you for the explanation and the help.

Regards, Cosimo.

Message 18 of 18
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