Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services


ReadyNAS Duo v2 services


I 'm just see the new Duo V2, but i'm surprise it use only CIF service !!!
Why have you remove NFS (streaming to lot of media player, remote share for linux ...) and RSYNC (backup from other linux or nas ...) ? They are widely used !
Is there any chance to come back ?


Message 1 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

What makes you think have have been removed?
Message 2 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Message 3 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

After reading the spec myself I'm left wondering why they took away all of those services, and it appears the only features they really added are new soft/firmware versions (Radiator, Frontview, X-Raid, Photo's II) and a few hardware upgrades (USB 3.0, SATA II).

Also might be an idea to make it clear in regards to Squeezecentre and the Firefly iTunes Server - are these completely unavailable for the v2's, or do they just not come pre-installed? I used to use Squeezecentre and do use Firefly, so they are features that I would considering upgrading/not upgrading for.
Message 4 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Neither SBS or Firefly are currently available for the v2 devices though there are ARM ports of both and so it is likely both will eventually appear
Message 5 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Hadn't seen the feature comparison list. NFS and rsync are useful to back up NAS to NAS, hopefully they will be added in the future.
Message 6 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

The ReadyNAS devs are always hard at work improving their products, and some more features are coming.

Firefly one would think NetGear would add, but I think Squeezecenter would be up to logitech. There was recently a new version of the add-on SDK (http://www.readynas.com/sdk) released supporting the new devices.
Message 7 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

I recently pick up one of these readynas duo v2's and although i am very impressed with the transfer speeds and the new frontview/dashboard i am at a loss as to were all the services i was use to from duo v1 have gone, such as FTP service, torrent service. I installed the remote nas app on my iphone and the duo v2 but when i try to use it it tells me to enable the FTP service which doesnt seem to be installed.
As previously noted by another user the instructions are not included with the duo v2 just a basic cd with RAIDar on it. The link to the readynas website returns "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria."
Although this is a new improved version of the readynas duo series it (at the momment) seems to be lacking in some of the features from the V1. I do realise that this is new hardware an probably this stuff just is not available for it as yet but it would be good if someone could confirm that it will be at some point.
Message 8 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

You are correct that the FTP service is not a feature of the Duo v2 and NV+ v2 at this time. See the Comparison Charts

As for the bit torrent service this hasn't been updated by the 3rd party developers in a long time, so NetGear no longer includes it in the firmware on any platform or supports it. 3rd party community add-ons such as Transmission are much better. There will be community torrent add-ons coming to the Duo v2 and NV+ v2. Now that the new devices have been released it will take a little bit of time before community add-ons are released (porting the add-ons for the new platform and testing them does take some time).

More features are coming to the Duo v2 and NV+ v2. 5.3.1 is an initial firmware release. As to what will come we'll have to wait and see but one would hope there would be a resolution to this problem. If something is added it needs to be done in such a way that is consistent with keeping the device easy to use.

As a beta tester, I don't have the CD that came with the unit. Does the link you referred to take you to: http://www.readynas.com/?cat=102

Perhaps yoh-dah is yet to publish the pages that link is meant to display.
Message 9 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Hi, mdgm, thanks for the reply. That indeed is the link i was talking about. Although i have since found this link direcly from the frontview on the duo itself. http://www.readynas.com/?p=1156
This has the manuals for both the software and hardware.
Message 10 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

There is now a free Transmission community add-on available: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=59101

It's the first community add-on to be made available for ARM!
Message 11 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Hi All,

Not sure if this has been covered before but ..... if you want to enable ftp on the ReadyNAS Duo v2 then ....

Use EnableRootSSH to good effect!

Login as root, and cd to /etc/default
edit the services file (vi services)
Change the line "PROFTPD=0" to "PROFTPD=1"
Save the change


When the ReadyNAS reboots the proftpd daemon will start automagically. You cannot use either the root or admin logins for ftp services. You need to create a new user and home directory as follows.

useradd ftpuser
passwd ftpuser (Make it a secure one!)
mkdir /home/ftpuser
chown /home/ftpuser

Now you can login via ftp as the user ftpuser.

Have fun!

Message 12 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Personally I wouldn't add users that way. I'd add them via the Dashboard and setup the FTP shares for them as is done on the other ReadyNAS models. Especially considering FTP is planned to be added as a feature.
Message 13 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

Hi mdmg,

Thanks for the feedback. Always an option using the Dashboard. I guess if the option to switch on FTP had been put there you wouldn't need to login via ssh as root at all. Does anyone have any idea *why* they switched it off by default and then prevent normal "noob" users from activating it? Seems a weird thing to do!!

Message 14 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo v2 services

What I'm saying is that I'd enable FTP via SSH, but I'd create the users via the Dashboard then edit the proftpd config under /etc/frontview/proftpd

FTP is planned for 5.3.4. So another alternative would be to wait for that. There has been a fair bit of demand for FTP.
Message 15 of 15
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