Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973



Wake up ReadyNas by network ?


It will bee cool to have the possibility to wake up the ReadyNas by the network (with magical packet like 'ether-wake MAC ADDR' under linux).

So, it is maybe not possible, because when the readyNas is shutdown, the LAN interface is down ... It is because there is no low power on motherboard after a shutdown ? (no wake up lan ?)

Thank's to look at that ...

Message 1 of 59


It's called Wake-On-LAN... and it's not specific to Linux -- it's a standard...

And it would be a great addition (if the hardware supports it).
Message 2 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

If it is do-able then it would indeed be a wonderful feature. Either this or a timed shutdown/restart capability would be fabulous.
Message 3 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

Bump. I also requested the ability to shut down the readynas after a specific delay (or at a specific time).

I'm again transferring a large amount of files to my box tonight but don't want to have to get up in the middle of the night to power it off... so again that ability to shut down at a specific time (or after a delay) would be useful.
Message 4 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

+1 for WOL
Message 5 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

+1 more for WOL
Message 6 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

Another for WOL support!
Message 7 of 59


WOL and PowerDown after an steable idle time would be great.

By the way: how can I normaly power up an normal PC in Windows?

Greetings TNT
Message 8 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

I'm waiting too 😄
Message 9 of 59

Re: +1


Even the ability to spin-down the hard drives would be nice. (My NAS never seems to go to sleep)

[KVAK]TNT wrote:
WOL and PowerDown after an steable idle time would be great.

By the way: how can I normaly power up an normal PC in Windows?

Look in your BIOS features. It's usually on the Power Saving screen of options. Look for "Wake on Lan" and "PCI Events bring out of standby"
Message 10 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

Big question is:

What do I have to do to send another PC a signal to wake up???


Message 11 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

What do I have to do to send another PC a signal to wake up???

I suggest googling for wake-on-lan and bios.

Message 12 of 59

another +1 for WOL

Another request for wake-on-lan. Every once in a while, while travelling, I realize I need to access the NAS box over my VPN. I usually turn it off for extended trips, it would be nice to be able to start it up like I do my linux box.
Message 13 of 59

Re: another +1 for WOL

pst wrote:
Another request for wake-on-lan. Every once in a while, while travelling, I realize I need to access the NAS box over my VPN. I usually turn it off for extended trips, it would be nice to be able to start it up like I do my linux box.

I agree on this one. Got the same reason for it.
Message 14 of 59

Re: another +1 for WOL

...like to have WOL and customizable power down after idle time also.

Infrant, just do it! :shock:
Message 15 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

Disclaim: c3po is an Infrant employee, but I am posting this
as an end user, do it for fun only
Big Warning: Do it will surely avoid warranty, maybe I
should not post it in first place. Do not ask me or Infrant on
supporting this. I hope that our community can help each other
by study NIC & ReadyNAS WOL interface. Moderator, feel free
to remove this post.

The thing starts when I saw a NIC card with WOL cable, it is very
old, no label, no driver etc, but FCC web site is GREAT, search
the FCC ID come up this:

As you can see on page 4 of their schematic, WOL cable has
only three signals: 1(5V Standby, ATX purple wire) 2(GND, any
ATX black wires) 3(52ms positive Wake pulse) The only down side
is that we need to invert it before connect to power switch push button

Connection here: (you will need one transistor and one resistor)

Now you can wake up ReadyNAS
Message 16 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

c3po wrote:
Now you can wake up ReadyNAS


Please, c3po, could you help us with that kind of electronics for our little FAN1 mod? (See Proposal for fan controller issue). I'd surely be one of your beta-testers! 😉

Message 17 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

An obvious question - Can we get that added to the next revision of your ReadyNAS products?

Message 18 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

[KVAK]TNT wrote:
Big question is:
What do I have to do to send another PC a signal to wake up???

Message 19 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

Would just like to ask - at some point if WOL is implemented, will the NV support it with just a firmware upgrade, will a hardware mod be required, or will the NV not be able to be modified to support WOL at all?
Message 20 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

If WOL were to be implemented wouldn't it cause serious problems with UPS operations? E.g. NAS has just shut itself down due power outtage when one minute (or so) of UPS power remains, then WOL occurs before power is restored, but UPS still has some charge left. (And since NAS is no longer using the battery it will last a lot longer than the prediceted one minute or so...) So next shutdown will occur during startup and it is propably not a controlled one.

So, it should work in a way that WOL is only accepted if NAS is not on battery at that time. And there might not be a way to detect this when the NAS is shut down. Right?

And I'd rather have the NAS automatically restart itself when the power is restored instead of WOL anyway since my NAS is on 24/7, but I understand that for HW reasons this is not currently possible...
Message 21 of 59

no special case UPS stuff needed

No, I think you misunderstand.

WOL is just like having a human push the button, just a human with virtual hands. You wouldn't disable the on button because the NAS was on battery power, nor would Infrant disable the WOL button.

I haven't tried out the hack yet, but I'm strongly thinking of doing so. I'd gladly buy all my new NVs with this feature built in (thinking of buying up to 4 more) in case any product management folks at Infrant are listening.

(As a side note: my only concern with the product line right now is the apparent lack of cpu resources on the maintenance cpu... in one way, it's nice because you can tell folks "NO it's not a general purpose computer" but if it's getting in the way of read/write performance...)
Message 22 of 59

What is the status of WOL within Infrant

Hi all,

as I see many requests for WOL (and mine isn't even in there :wink: ) I do miss Infrants view on this.

It would be nice to have an overview of what boxes could possibly support it with software updates and what hardware would need to be upgraded.

I personally have a X6 rev. B and would like to know if it could support WOL in the future, and if so an estimate on the date would be nice 😉

Message 23 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

WOL cannot be supported on current platforms due to hardware limitation. We will consider this feature for future products.
Message 24 of 59

Re: Wake up ReadyNas by network ?

yoh-dah wrote:
WOL cannot be supported on current platforms due to hardware limitation. We will consider this feature for future products.

This is an old thread, but I'm glad there is a definitive response from Yoh-dah. If it helps any, I'm a potential buyer sitting on the fence wanting this feature. And it is worth waiting for - before spending my money.

Message 25 of 59
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