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Re: here is how I created a local repository easily


here is how I created a local repository easily

Since the online repo expired a while ago, installation of previously installable packages are no longer installable, e.g. docker and portainer. Here is how I did by crating a local repo on a USB flash drive. 


1.Format the USB drive (I chose NTFS)

2. Download the latest Debian 8.11.1 DVD ISOs. There are total of 3. 

3. Create 3 folders on the USB drive and name the folders to: disk1, disk2, and disk3

4 mount the 3 ISOs and copy everything on that DVD to corresponding folder on the USB drive. This will take a while. 

5.Plug the USB drive to you ReadyNAS 

6. Check your ReadyNAS-->System-->Overview to find out the name of that USB drive. "USB_FLASH_1" in my case. 

7. Use WinSCP to login to ReadyNAS and browse to /etc/apt to edit the "source/list" by replacing the last two lines with the following: 


deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/USB_FLASH_1/disk1 jessie main local contrib
deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/USB_FLASH_1/disk2 jessie main local contrib
deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/USB_FLASH_1/disk3 jessie main local contrib

save the file and quit WinSCP

8. Use Putty to update the system: apt-get update


Quit Putty. 


That is it!



Message 1 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

OK, I'm not sure why, when your NAS has lots of space, you'd put the repository on a USB drive instead of in a share.  Is there a particular reason to not do that?


Also, if I put in on a share on another NAS, my Googling seems to indicate I can replace file:/ with an entry in the form ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/.  Have you ever tried that?  Or, I could also mount that share locally and use file:/.

Message 2 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

OK, so I tried it and, yes, you can use another NAS (or any device accessible via FTP) as I stated.  If you don't like embedding the user name and password or setting up anonymous FTP (which does so for all shares with FTP enabled), then it's also supposed to work via SSH, but I've not tried it.  But, you need to have already exchanged SSH keys, as it doesn't even allow the use of user and password.


I did a factory default on a sandbox OS6 Intel-based NAS and tried but failed to install nano, my text editor of choice.  The package was not found  After following this process but with my mod of using another NAS and FTP, I successfully installed it and jigdo (see below).


Something else I'm in the process of doing is creating all 3 of the Debian 8.11.1 amd64 BluRay disks, which should be the whole kit-and-caboodle where the first three CD's just contain the most-used stuff.  BD1 completed successfully, and I've moved on to BD2.  I've not made them available via sources.list like with the CD's yet, but have no reason to believe the same process won't work.  Am I ever going to need more than what's on the first few CD's?  Probably not, but I have plenty of space on the NAS, so why not.  I'll probably grab the Armel ones as well, though none of my NAS in use are ARM based.  I'm doing it with jigdo on a NAS, but you may be able to do it in Windows, though I have seen postings on the web of some issues with files Windows cannot write because of the use of reserved Windows characters.  But the latest jigdo for Windows actually uses the Linux for Windows bash shell, and maybe that fixes it.  Most of those posts were a bit old.  I may try that when I'm done creating them with Linux.


If you want to create the BluRays yourself, I'm not going into details.  If you can't figure it out yourself, then you probably shouldn't be doing this.  But I will give these hints:  Your have to use http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/8.11.1/amd64/jigdo-bd/debian-8.11.1-amd64-BD-1.jigdo (or BD2 or BD3) as the .jigdo file or download a local copy of it and the .template and point to those.  You can't use https:.  And you have to use an archive for the file source or you'll get a lot of 404 File Not Found errors and the creation will surely fail.  Since Jessie hasn't changed in a while, I arbitrarily chose the  Jan 1, 2022 snapshot at http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20220101T024315Z/


And for another time:   Is this even necessary, or can you point to the archive I listed instead of http://deb.debian.org/debian/ in sources.list?

Message 3 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

Thanks for digging and writing up.

I did the bluray for the same reason.

I used debian install and combined all three bluray disk to make one bit ISO. Then write it to the USB drive. Not neccisarily needed. Just looked neater than copying all 3 ISOs.

It is about 64gb, fits perfectly well in a Sandisk ultra fit.

USB is just an idea of concept, and simplest to me. USBs are cheap and there is no repeated writing or wear. Of you can use other sources as you experimented. It is personal.

Another thing:

Don’t try to add the oldoldstable under security as a source. You will be asked to upgrade packages from debian 9. It will break your system if you accidentally do upgrade. Obviously, jessie is now obsolete.

Here is the instruction for merging isos.


The only two sources you will need are the:

Netgear readynasos and this local source.
Message 4 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

Thanks for that, but how did you install a version of xorriso that's compatible?  I get this error message:

--- Help text of xorriso program xorriso lacks word "replay".
--- It will fail when trying to make the new ISO bootable.
    Consider to get and compile GNU xorriso from
    and to export variable XORRISO with the binary's path.

 I don't care if it's bootable or not, so I guess I could look at the script and see if that can be disabled.  Or did you find a way to do that rather than install a more up to date xorriso?

Message 5 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

I used a debian 11 installation. I have no issues. Don’t how to help.

Message 6 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

I got to the point I figured out you must have.  I removed the check for the option and it's use, then ran into the next roadblock:

mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'

I never tried to mount the CD's on the NAS, I mounted them in Windows and copied the files to the NAS.  I'm going to do that again and put the files in their respective "mount" directories, remove the mount and unmount operations from the script, and see if that works.  If it doesn't, then I'll just use those three directories as my repository.

Message 7 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

Played with it. Same error as yours

If there is a place, i can upload it. It is big.
Message 8 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

I thought I got around all the errors.  But the iso it created is unusable because it changed all the file and folder names to upper case and limited their length.  The available version of xorriso is just too old.  I have a Debian VM I can use to create it if I really need to, but I just put the contents of the three BD .iso's into three directories and pointed to them.


It would take forever to upload to my OwnCloud.  My download speed is very restricted.

Message 9 of 10

Re: here is how I created a local repository easily

I have a lot of hard drives sitting around. I just installed current debian on one of them, then swap out my windows and boot into the debian system. It takes a few minutes to combine them.

I think this is the best approach.

The version that came with jessie is just too old.

I cannot use the snapshot link as a source in the source list. You would need a certificate. I did not bother to investigate. The USB for me is the simplest.
Message 10 of 10
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