Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: password reset webstie not working


password reset webstie not working

Trying to reset my password for connecting to my router on my app,but when I go to the reset website the continue button will not light up and allow me to move on. I am entering every thing slowly and correctly and triple checking it is typed in right. The webiste will not work.

Message 1 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

Please provide exact details like router model, firmware installed, .... Be aware that the password recovery does not work unless it was ever configured, and even then, there are some bugs with it..


Note: This is not a Nighthawk App issue - it does not have a password recovery feature.

Message 2 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

I’m on the website routerlogin.com and it has been set up. I can get to the second page using my phone but it won’t go past the 2 security questions because the continue button won’t light up as a clickable button. Only the cancel can be clicked on.
Model: R7000|AC1900 Smart WIFI Router
Message 3 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
I’m on the website routerlogin.com and it has been set up.

That is the graphical user interface (GUI) for your R7000. It is not a website somewhere out there somewhere in internetland.


Set up in what way? In other words, can you get into the GUI to modify the settings?


@Tigernyaz wrote:
I can get to the second page using my phone but it won’t go past the 2 security questions because the continue button won’t light up as a clickable button.

The message you see suggests that something is going wrong in the sign in process. But it is not clear to me that you have set the thing up correctly.


What app is this? Nighthawk app on some sort of mobile device?


As @schumaku says, password recovery isn't a Nighthawk app thing.


How are you trying to connect? Local wifi?


Take us through what you are doing, a step at a time, and tell us what happens.


There is support material for the R7000, including a manual, at the end of this link:


>>>> R7000 | Product | Support | NETGEAR <<<<



Message 4 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

I can get to the gui to enter/answer questions but the continue button will not light up and become clickable.
Message 5 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
I can get to the gui to enter/answer questions but the continue button will not light up and become clickable.


That answer does not add anything to what you've said already.



Message 6 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

There is no where else for me to navigate to on that GUI. It asks for my serial number and that is it.
Message 7 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

We are going round in circles.


Read the manual (see link above).


Look for the section "Factory settings".


Reset the router and set it up from scratch.


Then don't forget the password.

Message 8 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

I read that part and know how to do that. Just didn’t want to have to reset everything. Would be nice if Netgear could make something that works and is reliable. Password resets should be easy to do. That’s why they have you do those security questions. They should remove the reset feature if it’s not going to work.
Message 9 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
Password resets should be easy to do.

It is if you set it up properly.



Message 10 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

See you are missing the point. It is set up properly. The interface is not working. I was looking for info on if that GUI is having bugs and not working. Having a button not activate is not because I didn’t set it up. On my phone I can get to the second screen. On the computer i can’t get passed the first. At this point I need someone who can help or has useful information. You are just pointing out things that are not even relevant to the problem.
Message 11 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
...I was looking for info on if that GUI is having bugs and not working. Having a button not activate is not because I didn’t set it up. On my phone I can get to the second screen. On the computer i can’t get passed the first. ...
  • Any Internet "security" software on the computer potentially capturinng JavaScript or forms under some suspect "insecure" connections?
  • Computer operating system?
  • Web browser make and version?
  • Internet security package(s) in place?



Message 12 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
It is set up properly. The interface is not working.

This is not obvious.


There is a bug in some devices in Netgear's implementation of password recovery. You can get locked into a close loop.


If password recovery is enabled, but you have not set the answers to the questions, it keeps sending you back to the beginning of the process because you can't answer the questions.


If the standard factory password (password) does not work, then you will have to factory reset the thing to get back to that. Then either disable password recovery (check the manual for your device) or provide some answers to those questions.


Apart from that your failure (refusal?) to provide detailed information and to explain what you are doing, step by step, means that we are left with the possibility of "user issues".


If you aren't willing to respond to other suggestions, perhaps you could answer the questions from @schumaku.


Message 13 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

I’m not sure what more detail you want. I set up password recovery when i initially set up my router. I answered the security questions so they should work. When i follow the manual directions to do a password reset i get to a screen asking for the router serial number. When I enter that while using google chrome on a computer the cancel button is the only one available but the continue one stays unclickable. If I do it from my iphone using safari I can get past the first screen where it asks for a serial number by pressing go on the iphone keyboard the actual continue button on the gui still isnmt something I can click on. Once I get to the next screen it asks me the security questions i did set up, but once again after answering the questions carefully and correctly the continue button still isn’t available to click on and the iphone go button won’t pass on. I will be resetting it to factory settings and setting it up again as there is a flaw in netgears password reset screens not with user error. At this point I have not gotten the help needed so i will be resetting the router or going with a different brand.
Message 14 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

Come on - if you claim your mobile phone browser is OK and your computer browser isn't - geeeeeeeeeeee show us what might be different on the two devices. No long sentences, just some data. 


If you want Netgear support - we're community members with lots of experience and one or a small number of Netgear hardware so most of us might not be able to reproduce each and every issue (and we know that the crappy password recovery is a can of worms at least), but we are not paid Netgear support - contact Netgear via https://my.netgear.com/ for this. Good luck!

Message 15 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:
I’m not sure what more detail you want. I set up password recovery when i initially set up my router. I answered the security questions so they should work.

That is the first time that you have said that you set up password recovery.


@Tigernyaz wrote:
If I do it from my iphone using safari I can get past the first screen where it asks for a serial number by pressing go on the iphone keyboard the actual continue button on the gui still isnmt something I can click on.

Again, this is fresh information. Previously you mentioned a "phone" and a "browser".


We have been working with poor information from the outset.


The first message said:


Trying to reset my password for connecting to my router on my app


But there seems to be no "app" involved. It took a few messages to get that one out of the way.


Is there any reason why you insist on using an iPhone and a browser to do this? Is that the only equipment you own?


The best way to manage a router is with a wired Ethernet connection and the browser graphical user interface (GUI). By the way, that GUI is not a "password reset website" as billed in the subject. It is just a way of accessing the management interface on your router.


Message 16 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

Please review the R7000 User Manual ref. admin password recovery. The documentation makes it clear that only some Web browsers are supported - why ever. Safari is explicitly listed as not workable.
Message 17 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@schumaku wrote:
Please review the R7000 User Manual ref. admin password recovery. The documentation makes it clear that only some Web browsers are supported - why ever. Safari is explicitly listed as not workable.

Well spotted.


Not just the R7000. Just about every Netgear manual says:


"This recovery process is supported in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers but not in the Safari browser."


Pity it took so long to cut to the chase. Perhaps we should have asked about the browser version even earlier on.

Message 18 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@michaelkenward wrote:

Not just the R7000. Just about every Netgear manual says:

"This recovery process is supported in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers but not in the Safari browser."

Another point for Netgear to address over the complete line of CHT products - it's a ridiculous restriction: These are just some simple HTML forms - no rocket science. @Christian_R please feed this with my warmest regards to whoever is in charge for this garbage. 

Message 19 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

I’m not sure why you guys think you are so proud of yourselves. I clearly said in a post on 7/26 at 2:04p that on my computer I am using google chrome and can’t get past the first page, and in fact actually get farther on my iphone where I am using Safari instead. So you guys have no idea what you are talking about.

At this point in time I have resolved the issue with out your help and doing it the way the manual and videos says still didn’t work because the place it takes you to recover a password does not work.
Message 20 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

Well, we would prefer if Netgear would look into these latent problems, including the documented browser requirement. Community members providing a little bit more information - as requested several times over the thread - would be helpful to identify the specific issues, too. Note: You talk to community members here - which rarely "forget" admin or root passwords (or are happy to put a device to the factory defaults if we proof to be silly) - but we expect that some basic functionality is workable on these consumer devices. and that Netgear does check their **** code a little bit better before releasing to the public.

Message 21 of 22

Re: password reset webstie not working

@Tigernyaz wrote:

At this point in time I have resolved the issue with out your help and doing it the way the manual and videos says still didn’t work because the place it takes you to recover a password does not work.

That's good news.


Care to share what worked so that someone else who turns up here with a similar problem can avoid being pestered by clueless people like me?



Message 22 of 22
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