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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Rickster434 does a reboot not give you access again?
Message 501 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Intermittently. It sometimes lets me in after a reboot, sometimes it does not. Had no issues with the os 2 firmware. A lot of times its fine because I keep it logged in, but when I have to restart my computer it will lock me out a lot.
Message 502 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Okay there should be a new version within a week or two, please see if it still occurs then.
Message 503 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser In my eariler post with screenshot that I've attached again, the winmtr trace pings about once a second. You can see that in the upper screen cap I've lost one packet accross all hops after the router. This occured in one 'large' half a second hang. These laggy spike hangs (not sure how to describe but it's like a freeze and then the game speeds up after that) happen about every 10-25 minutes when using the beta firmware.


The screen cap below shows the old firmware over a similar time period, where I can confirm I dont ever get any laggy hangs. (I think hop 3 is some sort of error) and I lost one random packet at hop 7 only, but this did not cause a hang.


I also went back through some of my clips and found an example of the hang. Please see the gif link. I suspect it doesn't show a lag spike as no packets are getting through. 



So to recap;

I don't know what is the cause of this issue, I'm definetly not an expert.

I get a half-to-full second game 'freeze' every 15 minutes or so when using new beta firmware and playing path of exile. I do not get this using the old firmware.

I've run winmtr trace back to the poe servers while playing and captured that when a hang occurs it drops all packet hops after the first hop to the router.

I have qos enabled with port forwarding. Doesn't seem to matter if I have just port 6112 or all ports as per portforward.com/path-of-exile


Message 504 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Thank you for that, the gif really helps to see the problem. In Traffic Prioritization, add manual port rules for the game, use 1-65535 for source and then put the ports for the game in Destination. See if you experience the same thing after that please.
Message 505 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I posted here before bout 2.4ghz wifi not being stable and i actually cannot get it stable in a somewhat noisy environment with other wifi around me being within 2 channels. My other router has more options for its wifi and is stable where as on my xr500 i get constant wifi disconnects. I am not sure if netgear would have to work on a better driver for their wifi on the device or add more settings for the wifi, but its impossible to get it stable with out constant disconnects.I will be using my other router for the time being unless something changes.

Message 506 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Is that the only connection method that is unstable, does ethernet and 5GHz work fine?
Message 507 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser My 5ghz is just as unstable when on calls and i did change it too its own channel and everything and it still has issues with weak connection after the duma beta updata. Plus in the GOS the devices seems to look like they are being disconnected and reconnected. Switching from online to offline to online ( only devices connected via Ethernet but the connection on these devices does not seem to be disconnecting the internet when you look at the decive is online. @Netduma-Fraser 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 508 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Anton774 it will do that if no traffic is detected, then they will flick back to online when there is traffic so that is normal. Are you doing WiFi calling? Have you toggled SIP ALG to help with that? Signal will drop quicker on 5GHz as it has less penetration.
Message 509 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser Both wifi signals are very unstable when it comes to any sort of calling and voice chat over the wifi. I have done a wifi dianose to get the best available channels and even dts channels i believe they are called but I keep getting cut off and my devices tells me I have a weak wifi signal.I have been using a different router for my wifi because the new duma os just makes the wifi unbearable and useless

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 510 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Try a guest WiFi network, is the stability any better connecting to that?
Message 511 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Guest wifi is actually very table in comparelsen. I does not disconnect or anything. Guest wifi does actually work as a temporary solution until other wifi is fixed @Netduma-Fraser 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 512 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I will test stability of guest network over next couple days and report back, in the mean time in logs i get this error, i dont know if its been spoken about.


[DumaOS] Error parsing line in ARP table: 'xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx dev brwan lladdr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx router STALE', Wednesday


I think it comes up around every 1 minute, i didn't time it exactly. I blanked out the numbers and letters.


I also got a error message changing QoS bandwidth slider that i didn't write down, when i did a factory rest when upgraded to beta firmware again. I rebooted the router and it stopped coming up.


I was getting 2.4ghz wifi drops on older firmware as well, i think i tried .56 .40 .32 and ofc .104 I have older devices and don't want more than 1 wifi signal in my house, so i have not tested 5g wifi stability and probably won't.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 513 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Let us know regarding guest. That entry is fine, we're on top of that. Likely fixed the QoS error you have mentioned as well.
Message 514 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

The other sort of issue or non issue i forgot to mention was i use a voip ata device that upnp doesn't pick up and had to portfoward, for security reasons i am not sure if i should say which device exactly. I have to portforward it through the router, my other routers upnp picks up its port that it uses.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 515 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Had UPnP already assigned the required port to another device at the time?
Message 516 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

When i looked at the upnp section nothing was active. I am not too bothered at the issue, but would be good to be fixed.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 517 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I don't know if this can be fixed, but when i was trying to fix the wifi issue, i tried putting my other router in AP mode to connect to the xr500, so i could bypass the xr500s wifi. I don't know much bout networking. I could not get Qos to work right, .56 was picking up the AP and setting bandwidth limits. I then tried .104 and i couldn't see the AP in device manager section or qos section and thought it may have worked, but it was still acting like it had been assigned a bandwidth limit. As i said i don't know much bout networking or if it should have worked right, or if it is something that can be taken into account in the future.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 518 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

As an update I reported earlier on this thread that the router stops communicating randomly on the beta. Only way to fix is to restart the router.

Not sure whats causing it but I spent the last couple days on non beta and no drops or disconnects so definitely some sort of issue on the beta. I also took logs of when it happens but it appears to be completely random.

Happy to do tests or take screenshots if there is anything you suggest trying?
Message 519 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I updated to the latest version not 3.0 but the latest stable version for some reason my 5 GHz band isn’t showing on my phone
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 520 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Snowaura the AP should appear transparent to the router so any devices connected to the AP should appear on the Device Manager as though they were directly connected to the router, is that not the case?

@Conanti if you could post any information about that here that would be great: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/Devices-disconnected-100-CPU-Used/t...

@Retired_Member please post in the normal section as it is non beta related: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-Routers/bd-p/en-home-nighthawk-pro-gaming-routers
Message 521 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser  So with the AP for .56 it would show up as a device, for .104 it was transparent, but Qos would not work properly, it was as if there was still a bandwidth limit set to the AP.


I tested guest network on 2.4ghz wifi and it became unstable and disconnected on .104 It takes a lot of retries to reconnect it, i would say around 5 reconnects usually. I think in general guest network is more stable once it connects, but still has trouble occasionally and trouble reconnecting. I believe some devices connect to it easier and are more stable, but 2 different PC usb wifi cards iv tried get disconnects and trouble reconnecting.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 522 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Could you explain more on the limit? Devices added to it received less than they should? @iceway_zhang could you help with WiFi please?
Message 523 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

When you go to Qos in the network it gives devices a certain amount of bandwidth limit, i allow devices to use excess. The AP was getting assigned a certain amount of bandwidth limit and when i was trying to game, my ping would spike when i would do a speed test on another device, when that doesn't happen without an AP on .56. I did the same thing on .104 and altho the AP was transparent on .104 my ping spiked the same.


I am not sure if i should report anymore on the issues i have had, my other router works good, it just doesn't have as refined qos.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 524 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

If you did a speed test from an AP device was it reaching more than the AP allocation? Was congestion control used at the same time?
Message 525 of 635
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