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Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz


XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Hi there, 


I just got xr 1000, newest firmware.XR1000


I used to have xr 500 with beta firmware, on 500 if i had UPNP enabled (geo active or not) i would get open NAT with COD or warzone but on 1000 if i have only upnp enabled  i would only get moderate nat ( no geo filter active).


If i enable DMZ on 1000 i do get open nat....

Message 1 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

i have the same with ps5- xr500

Message 2 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Could you instead try logging into the ISP router/modem's interface and put the XR1000s WAN IP into the ISP modem's DMZ? 

Message 3 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

My router is connected directly to fiber box with vlan tag group.


Excetly same setup was used on xr500 and I would get open nat in COD and warzone. 

btw, nat security is already set to open and was on xr500 too.


On side note, xr1000 UI is way slower then xr500 beta, very slow to load any screen, and yes, i reset the router, cleared cache etc....



Message 4 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

We're aware of the slow loading and are looking into it. When UPnP is enabled do you see any entries on the table? Are you testing specifically on the game or the console network settings? What is the NAT type with the Geo-Filter disabled?

Message 5 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

its all same with geo filter on or off. I keep it off for now.


When dmz is enabled i dont see any entries in upnp. When upnp is enabled and DMZ not then  i see entries as before .


Im testing in games, i always get type 2 in PS settings.

Message 6 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

I've sent you a PM please let us know whether that helps.
Message 7 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Nice, 53 fixed it, no need for DMZ anymore. New log entry - UPnP set event: Public_UPNP_C3


UI is more responsive too but Ping heatmap cant update from cloud no matter what i do. Not super important but it can help you with releases.


Cloud data has not been downloaded. Make sure you have an internet connection and click FORCE UPDATE.


Also, initially  adding a device to geo filter you get error messages but after enabling and disabling and rebobot its ok.


Connection benchmark now shows 1ms ping (was 10 ms before) , same thing happend with one of the xr500 updates.


Ping under load is still bad (B) no matter what QOS settings are applied....


after a few test perect now too...sry for false flag


Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 10.25.44.jpg






Message 8 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Thanks for the update, glad to hear that's resolved a few things.


Thank you also for the feedback, I'll pass these on to the team and see if someone can reproduce these,

Message 9 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

bad news though, geo ip filtering is not working, even though i have it on strict etc its allowing players outside of range


see attached...



Message 10 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Did you perform a factory reset after the update? In the screenshot above, did you activate the Geo-Filter or change any settings while you were already on the game?
Message 11 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

yes, factory reset multiple times. Just wont work, sometimes it gives me error that config is not applied if i add or delete.


and for example i cant activate ping assist at all, I would even restart console and router after changes, not only close the game etc....


RPC error 'ERROR_CMDFAIL': Exec 'iptables -w -t filter -D gf_rtt_drop -m iprange ! --dst-range -m pingass --statelt CLOSED -j MARK --and-mark 0xfffffffe --mark-idx 0x1 ' failed with 1





Message 12 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

When do you get this error appear? What happens when trying to enable ping assist?
Message 13 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

error happens when i try to enable ping assist coz i wanted to see if i can get that at least up and running... either via slider or typing in ping....


I can def confirm filtering doesnt work at all....

Message 14 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Can you provide a full screen screenshot of when you see this error please? Include the whole browser window please.
Message 15 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Now it shows different error and also same error when i try to activate fast search...


Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 19.52.35.png

Message 16 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

I can't see the image until it has been moderated, could you provide an imgur link instead for example?
Message 17 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz



RPC error 'ERROR_NOENT': Rule not found in chain

Thats what i get now, error message was different before, also same if i press on fast search...
anyhow, geo filter is not working at all, I am trying not to play with people in UK (fifa) as connection for some reason is always super shaky and also to limit warzone to US east coast only when playing with friends there...
Message 18 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Thanks for that, as mentioned that firmware may have bugs in as was only a trial to fix the NAT issue. I'd recommend going back to the previous version and using the DMZ to get an open NAT so you can also use the Geo-Filter
Message 19 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Thank you , thats what i did but its really unfortunate to have to have DMZ open and UPNP not working.... Those are basic router features and this is a high  end and high priced product, any ETA on when is this going to be fixed?


My router just restarted , i had hundreds of connections trying to connect to every minute....

Message 20 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

I think UPnP probably is working, just not as well in the next update. I don't have a date for a firmware at the moment. What do you mean regarding the connections?
Message 21 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

As soon as i have DMZ open, my router restarted twice, bear in mind, ps5 is local ...1.7 local ip and it wasnt even on.


I can send you logs but basicelly its like this. Not sure if this is cause for restart as cpu usage as you are aware skyrockets to 80 as soon as you visit dashboard and lingers arrround 50 ish, and nothing is going on that should casuse this, no traffic, no vpn ....


bottom line is , i bought this router coz of geo fencing feature and of course to be able  to use basic featrues as open nat gaming, traffic prio and stability but it seems its still in super beta state which it shouldnt be, I mean, 4-5 years olders routers are more responsive and offer more featrues except geo fencing.


I dont know if it is software or poor hardware issue but i never factory restarted or rebooted a router so many times in my life....


[LAN access from remote] from port 53298 to port 445 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:46
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:34
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:34
[LAN access from remote] from port 60786 to port 445 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:33
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:33
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:33
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:32
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:32
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:31
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49803 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:31
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:31

[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:30
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:30
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49803 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:30
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:29
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49803 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:29
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:29
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49803 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:28
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:28
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49841 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:27
[LAN access from remote] from port 443 to port 49829 Saturday, Feb 27,2021 13:04:27



Message 22 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

I checked a few of IPs and they're from Google, was the PS5 in rest/instant on mode? That can happen when using the DMZ but it doesn't have a negative affect, it's just showing connections you've come in contact with so probably the PS5 checking for updates in the background.
Message 23 of 35

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Thats the weird part, PS5 is completely off.


Again not sure why it restarted , i was in duma os dashboard page first time, it showed me CPU at 2 cpus at 100 and it just stopped moving and router restarted.


Anyhow, woould be nice when we can expect qol improvments, as responsive OS , UPNP fix , hybrid vpn etc...?





Message 24 of 35
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 open nat, upnp and dmz

Okay that's odd, keep an eye on that and let us know if it happens again. We will continue to improve and fix any bugs that are found
Message 25 of 35
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